[专家分:1670] 发布于 2006-06-21 22:43:00
//Encrypt system
//author: smallrain
//2006.3.22 in fzu
#include <string>
using std::string;
typedef char Byte;
回复列表 (共43个回复)
21 楼
zouyu1983 [专家分:1670] 发布于 2006-04-26 12:52:00
#include "MyCipherSystem.h"
#include "GlobalConstArraysForDes.h"
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include <deque>
#include <string>
using std::deque;
using std::string;
typedef deque<bool> binary_stream;
class DESCipherSystem : public EncryptSystem
void GetData(const string& input);
void GetKey(const string& key);
void Encrypt();
void Decrypt();
binary_stream subKeyStream48bit[16];
binary_stream keyWord;
//return 64 bit binary stream after IP; ok
binary_stream IP(const binary_stream& BinaryStream64bit);
//逆初始变换 ok
binary_stream AthwartIP(const binary_stream& BinaryStream64bit);
//return 64 bit binary stream
binary_stream ProductSwitch(const binary_stream& BinaryStream64bit,
const binary_stream& keyStream64bit, int mark = 1);
//SUB 乘积变换, f函数
// input 32 bit binary stream, and the subKeyStream48bit[16] which is the member of the class
// and the subKeyStream48bit displace which named i;
// return 32 bit binary stream
binary_stream Ffunction(const binary_stream& BinaryStream32bit, int i);
//SUB of Ffunction, 扩展置换
//input 32 bit binary stream
//return 48 bit binary stream
binary_stream Expand(const binary_stream& BinaryStream32bit);
//SUB of Ffunction, S盒变换
//input 48 bit binary stream, and a global S table;
//return 32 bit binary stream
binary_stream SboxPermutation(const binary_stream& BinaryStream48bit);
//SUB of Ffunction, P盒变换
//input 32 bit binary stream, and a global p table;
//return 32 bit binary stream
binary_stream PboxPermutation(const binary_stream& BinaryStream32bit);
//SUB 乘积变换, 子密钥的生成
//input: 64 bit binary stream, attention:the 64 bit binary stream should be change into 56 bit in the function
//output: no ouput, but set the value of subKeyStream48bit[16]
void SubKeyCreation(const binary_stream& keyStream64bit);
//SUB 子密钥的生成, 置换选择1
//input: 56 bit binary stream(key), 28 bit binary stream C, 28 bit binary stream D, C and D should be empty
// and a PC-1 table;
//output: return void, but change the value of C and D above
void PC_1(const binary_stream& keyStream56bit, binary_stream& keyStreamC28bit, binary_stream& keyStreamD28bit);
//SUB 子密钥的生成, 循环左移计算
//input: 28 bit key binary stream C and D,
//output: return void, the C and D's value will be changed
void CycleLeftShift(binary_stream& keyStreamC28bit, binary_stream& keyStreamD28bit, int round);
//SUB 子密钥的生成, 置换选择2
//input: 28 bit key binary stream C and D, and a PC-2 table
//output:return void , but set the value of the subKeyStream48bit[16];
void PC_2(const binary_stream& keyStreamC28bit, const binary_stream& keyStreamD28bit, int displace);
22 楼
zouyu1983 [专家分:1670] 发布于 2006-04-26 12:54:00
#include "DESCipherSystem.h"
void DESCipherSystem::PC_2(const binary_stream& keyStreamC28bit, const binary_stream& keyStreamD28bit, int displace)
int i;
binary_stream temp56bit = keyStreamC28bit;
for (i=0; i<(int)keyStreamD28bit.size(); i++) temp56bit.push_back(keyStreamD28bit[i]);
for (i=0; i<48; i++)
subKeyStream48bit[displace].push_back((temp56bit[PC_2_BOX[i] - 1]));
void DESCipherSystem::CycleLeftShift(binary_stream& keyStreamC28bit, binary_stream& keyStreamD28bit, int round)
int cycleNum;
switch (round)
case 1:
case 2:
case 9:
case 16: cycleNum = 1; break;
default: cycleNum = 2;
int i;
for (i=0; i<cycleNum; i++)
bool temp = keyStreamC28bit.front();
temp = keyStreamD28bit.front();
void DESCipherSystem::PC_1(const binary_stream& keyStream56bit, binary_stream& keyStreamC28bit, binary_stream& keyStreamD28bit)
int i;
for (i=0; i<28; i++) keyStreamC28bit.push_back(keyStream56bit[i]);
for (; i<56; i++) keyStreamD28bit.push_back(keyStream56bit[i]);
void DESCipherSystem::SubKeyCreation(const binary_stream& keyStream64bit)
binary_stream temp56bit;
int i;
for (i=0; i<56; i++) temp56bit.push_back(keyStream64bit[PC_1_BOX[i] - 1]);
binary_stream keyStreamC28bit, keyStreamD28bit;
PC_1(temp56bit, keyStreamC28bit, keyStreamD28bit);
for (i=1; i<=16; i++)
CycleLeftShift(keyStreamC28bit, keyStreamD28bit, i);
PC_2(keyStreamC28bit, keyStreamD28bit, i - 1);
binary_stream DESCipherSystem::PboxPermutation(const binary_stream& BinaryStream32bit)
binary_stream temp32bit;
int i;
for (i=0; i<32; i++) temp32bit.push_back(BinaryStream32bit[P_BOX[i] - 1]);
return temp32bit;
binary_stream DESCipherSystem::SboxPermutation(const binary_stream& BinaryStream48bit)
binary_stream result;
int sValue;
int sBoxID = 0;
int i = 0;
for (; sBoxID<8; sBoxID++)
binary_stream temp6bit;
int j;
for (j=0; j<6; j++) temp6bit.push_back(BinaryStream48bit[i++]);
int sBoxRow = int(temp6bit[0]) * 2 + int(temp6bit[5]);
int sBoxCol = int(temp6bit[1] * 8) + int(temp6bit[2]) * 4
+ int(temp6bit[3]) * 2 + int(temp6bit[4]);
sValue = char(S_BOX[sBoxID][sBoxRow][sBoxCol]);
for (j=0; j<4; j++)
if (sValue & (0x8 >> j)) result.push_back(true);
else result.push_back(false);
return result;
binary_stream DESCipherSystem::Expand(const binary_stream& BinaryStream32bit)
binary_stream temp48bit;
int i;
for (i=0; i<32; i++)
if ((i % 4 == 0) && i != 0)
temp48bit.push_back(BinaryStream32bit[i - 1]);
return temp48bit;
binary_stream DESCipherSystem::Ffunction(const binary_stream& BinaryStream32bit , int displace)
binary_stream temp48bit = Expand(BinaryStream32bit);
int i;
for (i=0; i<48; i++) temp48bit[i] ^= this->subKeyStream48bit[displace][i];
return PboxPermutation(SboxPermutation(temp48bit));
23 楼
zouyu1983 [专家分:1670] 发布于 2006-04-26 12:55:00
//DESCipherSystem.cpp 续
binary_stream DESCipherSystem::ProductSwitch(const binary_stream& BinaryStream64bit,
const binary_stream& keyStream64bit, int mark)
binary_stream leftStream32bit,
int i;
for (i=0; i<32; i++) leftStream32bit.push_back(BinaryStream64bit[i]);
for (; i<64; i++) rightStream32bit.push_back(BinaryStream64bit[i]);
for (i=0; i<16; i++)
leftStream32bitLater = rightStream32bit;
if (mark == 1) rightStream32bitLater = Ffunction(rightStream32bit, i); // Encrypt
else rightStream32bitLater = Ffunction(rightStream32bit, 15 - i); // Decrypt
int j;
for (j=0; j<32; j++) rightStream32bitLater[j] ^= leftStream32bit[j];
leftStream32bit = leftStream32bitLater;
rightStream32bit = rightStream32bitLater;
for (i=0; i<32; i++) rightStream32bit.push_back(leftStream32bit[i]);
return rightStream32bit;
void DESCipherSystem::GetData(const string& input)
text = input;
int left = (int)text.length() % 8; //确保输入是8的倍数
int i;
if (left != 0) left = 8 - left;
for (i=0; i<left; i++) text += ' ';
binary_stream DESCipherSystem::IP(const binary_stream& BinaryStream64bit)
binary_stream temp;
int i;
for (i=0; i<64; i++) temp.push_back(BinaryStream64bit[IP_ARRAY[i] - 1]);
return temp;
binary_stream DESCipherSystem::AthwartIP(const binary_stream& BinaryStream64bit)
binary_stream temp;
int i;
for (i=0; i<64; i++) temp.push_back(BinaryStream64bit[ATHWART_IP_ARRAY[i] - 1]);
return temp;
void DESCipherSystem::GetKey(const string& key)
CharToBinary(key, keyWord);
24 楼
zouyu1983 [专家分:1670] 发布于 2006-04-26 12:55:00
//DESCipherSystem.cpp 续
void DESCipherSystem::Encrypt()
binary_stream reserveText;
binary_stream cipherBinaryStream;
CharToBinary(text, reserveText);
binary_stream plainText64bit;
binary_stream keyWord64bit;
int textDisplace = 0;
int keyWordDisplace = 0;
while (textDisplace < (int)reserveText.size())
int i;
for (i=0; i<64; i++) plainText64bit.push_back(reserveText[textDisplace++]);
for (i=0; i<64; i++) keyWord64bit.push_back(keyWord[keyWordDisplace++ % (int)keyWord.size()]);
plainText64bit = (AthwartIP(ProductSwitch(IP(plainText64bit), keyWord64bit, 1)));
for (i=0; i<(int)plainText64bit.size(); i++) cipherBinaryStream.push_back(plainText64bit[i]);
int i;
for (i=0; i<(int)cipherBinaryStream.size(); i++) text += char(int(cipherBinaryStream[i]) + 48);
void DESCipherSystem::Decrypt()
binary_stream reserveText;
binary_stream cipherBinaryStream;
int i;
for (i=0; i<(int)text.length(); i++)
if (text[i] == '0') cipherBinaryStream.push_back(false);
else cipherBinaryStream.push_back(true);
binary_stream cipherText64bit;
binary_stream keyWord64bit;
int textDisplace = 0;
int keyWordDisplace = 0;
while (textDisplace < (int)cipherBinaryStream.size())
for (i=0; i<64; i++) cipherText64bit.push_back(cipherBinaryStream[textDisplace++]);
for (i=0; i<64; i++) keyWord64bit.push_back(keyWord[keyWordDisplace++ % (int)keyWord.size()]);
cipherText64bit = AthwartIP(ProductSwitch(IP(cipherText64bit), keyWord64bit, 0));
for (i=0; i<(int)cipherText64bit.size(); i++) reserveText.push_back(cipherText64bit[i]);
BinaryToChar(reserveText, text);
25 楼
zouyu1983 [专家分:1670] 发布于 2006-04-26 12:57:00
#include "MyCipherSystem.h"
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include <deque>
#include <string>
using std::deque;
using std::string;
typedef deque<bool> binary_stream;
class IDEACipherSystem : public EncryptSystem
//ensure the input stream is the multiple of eight
void GetData(const string& input);
void GetKey(const string& key);
void Encrypt();
void Decrypt();
//influence the subKeyStored
void SubKeyCreation(const binary_stream& keyBinaryStream128bit);
//influence the subKeyStored which has been influenced by the SubKeyCreation
void SubKeyModifyForDecrypt();
//influence the subDataBlock
void SetSubDataBlock(const binary_stream& textBinaryStream64bit);
//input: subKeyStored & subDataBlock
//output: no return but change the value of the subDataBlock16bit array;
void Iterative();
int BinaryStreamToInt(const binary_stream& binaryStream16bit);
void IntToBinaryStream(int result, binary_stream& binaryStream16bit);
//mod 65537 mul
int MulMod65537(int muled, int mul);
int AddMod65536(int added, int add);
int AddMod2(int added, int add);
int AthwartMul(int x);
int AthwartAdd(int x);
static const int MOD_ADD_2_16 = 65536;
static const int MOD_MUL_2_16_1 = 65537;
static const int MOD_ADD_2 = 2;
int subKeyStored16bit[52];
int subDataBlock16bit[4];
binary_stream keyBinaryStream;
26 楼
zouyu1983 [专家分:1670] 发布于 2006-04-26 13:00:00
#include "IDEACipherSystem.h"
//////////////// Implement class of IDEAEncryptSystem //////////////////
int IDEACipherSystem::AthwartMul(int x)
if (x == 0 || x == 65536) return 65536;
unsigned int i;
for (i=1; ; i += 65537)
if (i % x == 0) return i / x;
int IDEACipherSystem::AthwartAdd(int x)
int i;
for (i=0; ; i += MOD_ADD_2_16)
int temp = i - x;
if (temp >= 0) return temp;
return 0;
void IDEACipherSystem::SubKeyModifyForDecrypt()
int tempArray[52];
int displace = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i<4; i++) tempArray[displace++] = subKeyStored16bit[48 + i];
for (i=42; i>=0; i-=6)
tempArray[displace++] = subKeyStored16bit[i + 4];
tempArray[displace++] = subKeyStored16bit[i + 5];
int j;
for (j=0; j<4; j++) tempArray[displace++] = subKeyStored16bit[i + j];
for (i=0; i<52; i++)
int select = i % 6;
switch (select)
case 0: ;
case 3: subKeyStored16bit[i] = AthwartMul(tempArray[i]);
case 1: ;
case 2: subKeyStored16bit[i] = AthwartAdd(tempArray[i]);
default: subKeyStored16bit[i] = tempArray[i];
for (i=6; i<=42; i+=6)
int temp = subKeyStored16bit[i + 1];
subKeyStored16bit[i + 1] = subKeyStored16bit[i + 2];
subKeyStored16bit[i + 2] = temp;
void IDEACipherSystem::Decrypt()
binary_stream plainBinaryStream;
binary_stream cipherBinaryStream;
int i;
for (i=0; i<(int)text.length(); i++)
if (text[i] == '0') cipherBinaryStream.push_back(false);
else cipherBinaryStream.push_back(true);
binary_stream cipherText64bit;
binary_stream keyStream128bit;
int textDisplace = 0;
int keyWordDisplace = 0;
while (textDisplace < (int)cipherBinaryStream.size())
for (i=0; i<64; i++) cipherText64bit.push_back(cipherBinaryStream[textDisplace++]);
for (i=0; i<128; i++)
keyStream128bit.push_back(keyBinaryStream[keyWordDisplace++ % (int)keyBinaryStream.size()]);
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
IntToBinaryStream(subDataBlock16bit[i], cipherText64bit);
int j;
for (j=0; j<(int)cipherText64bit.size(); j++) plainBinaryStream.push_back(cipherText64bit[j]);
BinaryToChar(plainBinaryStream, text);
void IDEACipherSystem::Encrypt()
binary_stream textReserve;
CharToBinary(text, textReserve);
binary_stream plainText64bit;
binary_stream cipherBinaryStream;
binary_stream keyStream128bit;
int textDisplace = 0;
int keyDisplace = 0;
while (textDisplace < (int)textReserve.size())
int i;
for (i=0; i<64; i++) plainText64bit.push_back(textReserve[textDisplace++]);
for (i=0; i<128; i++)
keyStream128bit.push_back(keyBinaryStream[keyDisplace++ % (int)keyBinaryStream.size()]);
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
IntToBinaryStream(subDataBlock16bit[i], plainText64bit);
int j;
for (j=0; j<(int)plainText64bit.size(); j++)
int i;
for (i=0; i<(int)cipherBinaryStream.size(); i++) text += char(int(cipherBinaryStream[i]) + 48);
void IDEACipherSystem::GetKey(const string& str)
CharToBinary(str, keyBinaryStream);
void IDEACipherSystem::GetData(const string& input)
text = input;
int left = (int)text.length() % 8; //确保输入是8的倍数
int i;
if (left != 0) left = 8 - left;
for (i=0; i<left; i++) text += ' ';
27 楼
zouyu1983 [专家分:1670] 发布于 2006-04-26 13:01:00
//IDEACipherSystem.cpp 续
void IDEACipherSystem::Iterative()
int displace = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
int step1 = MulMod65537(subDataBlock16bit[0], subKeyStored16bit[displace++]);
int step2 = AddMod65536(subDataBlock16bit[1], subKeyStored16bit[displace++]);
int step3 = AddMod65536(subDataBlock16bit[2], subKeyStored16bit[displace++]);
int step4 = MulMod65537(subDataBlock16bit[3], subKeyStored16bit[displace++]);
int step5 = AddMod2(step1, step3);
int step6 = AddMod2(step2, step4);
int step7 = MulMod65537(step5, subKeyStored16bit[displace++]);
int step8 = AddMod65536(step6, step7);
int step9 = MulMod65537(step8, subKeyStored16bit[displace++]);
int step10 = AddMod65536(step7, step9);
int step11 = AddMod2(step1, step9);
int step12 = AddMod2(step3, step9);
int step13 = AddMod2(step2, step10);
int step14 = AddMod2(step4, step10);
subDataBlock16bit[0] = step11;
subDataBlock16bit[1] = step12;
subDataBlock16bit[2] = step13;
subDataBlock16bit[3] = step14;
int temp = subDataBlock16bit[1];
subDataBlock16bit[1] = subDataBlock16bit[2];
subDataBlock16bit[2] = temp;
subDataBlock16bit[0] = MulMod65537(subDataBlock16bit[0], subKeyStored16bit[displace++]);
subDataBlock16bit[1] = AddMod65536(subDataBlock16bit[1], subKeyStored16bit[displace++]);
subDataBlock16bit[2] = AddMod65536(subDataBlock16bit[2], subKeyStored16bit[displace++]);
subDataBlock16bit[3] = MulMod65537(subDataBlock16bit[3], subKeyStored16bit[displace]);
int IDEACipherSystem::AddMod65536(int added, int add)
return (added + add) % MOD_ADD_2_16;
int IDEACipherSystem::AddMod2(int added, int add)
return added ^ add;
int IDEACipherSystem::MulMod65537(int muled, int mul)
if (muled == 65536 && mul == 65536) return 1;
unsigned int temp = (unsigned int(muled) * unsigned int(mul));
return temp % MOD_MUL_2_16_1;
void IDEACipherSystem::SetSubDataBlock(const binary_stream& textBinaryStream64bit)
binary_stream tempBinaryStream16bit;
int displace = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
int j;
for (j=0; j<16; j++) tempBinaryStream16bit.push_back(textBinaryStream64bit[displace++]);
subDataBlock16bit[i] = BinaryStreamToInt(tempBinaryStream16bit);
void IDEACipherSystem::SubKeyCreation(const binary_stream& keyBinaryStream128bit)
binary_stream tempBinaryStream128bit = keyBinaryStream128bit;
binary_stream tempKeyStream16bit;
int i;
int displace = 0;
for (i=0; i<52; i++)
if (i % 8 == 0 && i != 0)
int j;
for (j=0; j<25; j++)
displace = 0;
int j;
for (j=0; j<16; j++) tempKeyStream16bit.push_back(tempBinaryStream128bit[displace++]);
subKeyStored16bit[i] = BinaryStreamToInt(tempKeyStream16bit);
void IDEACipherSystem::IntToBinaryStream(int result, binary_stream& binaryStream16bit)
int i;
for (i=0; i<16; i++)
if (result & (0x8000 >> i)) binaryStream16bit.push_back(true);
else binaryStream16bit.push_back(false);
int IDEACipherSystem::BinaryStreamToInt(const binary_stream& binaryStream16bit)
int result = 0;
int power = 1;
int i;
for (i=15; i>=0; i--)
result += (int)binaryStream16bit[i] * power;
power *= 2;
return result;
28 楼
zouyu1983 [专家分:1670] 发布于 2006-04-26 13:03:00
剩下的是RSA 了
29 楼
sarrow [专家分:35660] 发布于 2006-04-26 13:08:00
30 楼
zouyu1983 [专家分:1670] 发布于 2006-04-26 13:22:00