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typedef char ElemType;
typedef struct
   ElemType elem;
   unsigned int m_weight;
   unsigned int parent,lchild,rchild;

typedef char** HuffmanCode;
typedef int Status;
typedef struct weight
  char elem;
  unsigned int m_weight;
}Weight; // save the information of the symbolizes;

void HuffmanCoding(HuffmanTree *,HuffmanCode *,Weight *,int);
void Select(HuffmanTree,int,int *,int *);
void OutputHuffmanCode(HuffmanTree,HuffmanCode,int);

Status main(void)
  HuffmanTree HT;
  HuffmanCode HC;
  Weight *w;
  char c;     // the symbolizes;
  int i,n;      // the number of elements;
  int wei;    // the weight of a element;

  printf("input the tatol number of the Huffman Tree:" );
  w=(Weight *)malloc(n*sizeof(Weight));
    printf("input the element & its weight:");

  return 1;


void HuffmanCoding(HuffmanTree *HT,HuffmanCode *HC,Weight *w,int n)
  int i,m,s1,s2,start,c,f;
  char *cd;
  HuffmanTree p;




  cd=(char *)malloc(n*sizeof(char));
       if((*HT)[f].lchild==c) cd[--start]='0';
       else cd[--start]='1';

     (*HC)[i]=(char *)malloc((n-start)*sizeof(char));

void Select(HuffmanTree HT,int n,int *s1,int *s2)
  int i;
      else (*s2)=i;


      if((*s1)==0) (*s1)=i;
      else if((*s2)==0)
  else (*s2)=i;
      } // end of else if
    } // end of if
  } // end of for


void OutputHuffmanCode(HuffmanTree HT,HuffmanCode HC,int n)
  int i;
  printf("\nnumber---element---weight---huffman code\n");
    printf("  %d        %c         %d        %s\n",i,HT[i].elem,HT[i].m_weight,HC[i]);

回复列表 (共24个回复)


/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*                                                                  *
*HUFF.C Huffman encode for multimedia application 8*8 pixel Ver 3  *
*                                                                  *
*Ver 1:  Complied in Borland Turbo C++ 3.0                         *
*Ver 2:  Complied in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0                      *
*Ver 3:  Complied in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0                      *
*          add code to print code table of the compression         *
*          print output message in Chinese                         *
*                                                                  *
*by Lee Meitz, Solid Mechanics, Huazhong Univ of Sci and Tech      *
*2001.11.15 - 2001.12.27                                           *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define  DNUM 64    //define data number 8*8
#define  LOOP 10000 //times of compression

typedef struct
    unsigned short weight, data;
    unsigned short parent, lchild, rchild;
} HuffNode;

typedef struct
    unsigned char code;
    unsigned short codelength;
} HuffCode;

unsigned int fCount[256] = {0};
unsigned int data_num;
unsigned int code_size;
unsigned int last_bit;
void FrequencyCount(unsigned char*);         //频率统计
void HuffSelect(HuffNode*, int, int*, int*); //从结点中选出权最小的两个节点
void HuffmanCodeTable(HuffNode*, HuffCode*); //构造huffman树,生成huffman编码表
void HuffmanCompress(unsigned char*, unsigned char *, HuffCode*); //压缩数据
void BitPrint(unsigned char*);               //按位打印结果,用于调试

void main()
    int i, j, loop;                               //variable for loop
    HuffNode hfdata[2*DNUM] = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};  //Huffman node
    HuffCode code_table[256] = {{0, 0}};          //code table will be searched by subscript
    unsigned char hfcode[2*DNUM];                 //output code
    time_t time1, time2;
/*  unsigned char pixel[DNUM] = {
    1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4, 1,1,1,1};
/*  unsigned char pixel[DNUM] = {
    unsigned char pixel[DNUM] = { //random data
        141, 101, 126, 111, 163, 112, 133, 156,
        103, 144, 111, 176, 117, 120, 188, 187,
        175, 164, 190, 156, 112, 179, 142, 119,
        140, 111, 127, 186, 196, 190, 189, 127,
        185, 103, 185, 110, 192, 139, 159, 104,
        151, 193, 178, 198, 114, 170, 179, 149,
        124, 149, 165, 108, 141, 176, 113, 164,
        101, 140, 120, 126, 173, 189, 158, 184};
/*  unsigned char pixel[DNUM] = {
        202, 221, 159, 183, 41, 136, 247, 66,
        146, 29, 101, 108, 45, 61, 210, 236,
        90, 130, 54, 66, 132, 206, 119, 232,
        184, 135, 96, 78, 120, 41, 231, 203,
        150, 94, 172, 142, 122, 180, 150, 204,
        232, 121, 180, 221, 3, 207, 115, 147,
        72, 149, 169, 121, 76, 208, 235, 43,
        107, 58, 0, 237, 197, 7, 210, 89};
    time1 = time(NULL);
    for (loop=0; loop<LOOP; loop++) {
        //set huffman nodes data and weight, i=0:255, j=1:64
        for (i=0, j=1, data_num=0; i<256; i++) {
            if (fCount[i]) {
                hfdata[j].weight = fCount[i];
                hfdata[j++].data = i;
                data_num ++;
        //build huffman tree and generate huffman code table
        HuffmanCodeTable(hfdata, code_table);
        //compress source data to huffman code using code table
        HuffmanCompress(pixel, hfcode, code_table);
        //initial hfdata and code_table
        for (j=0; j<2*DNUM; j++) {
    time2 = time(NULL);
    printf("\n◎源数据(%d字节):\n ", DNUM);
    for (i=0; i<DNUM; i++) {
        printf(i%8==7 ? "%02X\n " : "%02X ", pixel[i]);
    printf("\n◎压缩数据(%d字节):\n ", code_size);
    for (i=0; i<code_size; i++) {
        printf(i%8==7 ? "%02X\n " : "%02X ", hfcode[i]);
    printf("\n\n◎码表-编码字典(%d项)\n", data_num);
    for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
        if (code_table[i].codelength) {
            printf("%3d|%02X: ", i, i);
            for (j=0; j<code_table[i].codelength; j++) {
                printf("%d", ((code_table[i].code << j)&0x80)>>7);
    printf("\n\n◎压缩率:%2.0f%% \t压缩时间:%.3f毫秒\n",(float)code_size/DNUM * 100, 1E3*(time2-time1)/LOOP);

void BitPrint(unsigned char *hfcode)
    int i, j;
    int endbit = last_bit;
    unsigned char thebyte;
    for (i=0; i < code_size-1; i++) {
        thebyte = hfcode[i];
        for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
            printf("%d", ((thebyte<<j)&0x80)>>7);
    if (last_bit == 7) {
        endbit = -1;
    thebyte = hfcode[i];
    for (j=7; j>endbit; j--) {
        printf("%d", ((thebyte<<(7-j))&0x80)>>7);

void HuffmanCompress(unsigned char *pixel, unsigned char *hfcode, HuffCode * code_table)
    int i, j;
    int curbit=7; //current bit in _thebyte_
    unsigned int bytenum=0; //number of destination code can also be position of byte processed in destination
    unsigned int ptbyte=0; //position of byte processed in destination
    unsigned int curlength; //code's length of _curcode_
    unsigned char curcode; //current byte's huffman code
    unsigned char thebyte=0; //destination byte write
    unsigned char value; //current byte's value (pixel[])
    //process every byte
    for (i=0; i<DNUM; i++) {
        value = pixel[i];
        curcode = (code_table[value]).code;
        curlength = (code_table[value]).codelength;
        //move out every bit from curcode to destination
        for (j=0;j<=curlength;j++) {
            if ((curcode<<j)&0x80) {
                thebyte |= (unsigned char)(0x01<<curbit);
            curbit --;
            if (curbit < 0) {
                hfcode[ptbyte++] = thebyte;
                thebyte = 0;
                curbit  = 7;
                bytenum ++;
    //think about which bit is the end
    if (curbit != 7) {
        hfcode[ptbyte] = thebyte;
        bytenum ++;
    code_size = bytenum;
    last_bit  = curbit;

void HuffmanCodeTable(HuffNode *hfdata, HuffCode *code_table)
    int i, j; //variable for loop
    int tree_num = 2*data_num - 1; //node of huffman tree
    int min1, min2; //two minimum weight
    int p; //the id of parent node
    unsigned char curcode; //current code being processing
    int curlength; //current code's length
    //build huffman tree
    for (i=data_num; i<tree_num; i++) {
        HuffSelect(hfdata, i, &min1, &min2);
        hfdata[min1].parent = i+1;
        hfdata[min2].parent = i+1;
        hfdata[i+1].lchild = min1;
        hfdata[i+1].rchild = min2;
        hfdata[i+1].weight = hfdata[min1].weight + hfdata[min2].weight;
    //generate huffman code
    //i present the i th code, j present from leaf to root in huffman tree
    //hfdata[i].data (0:255) is a byte number
    for (i=1; i<=data_num; i++) {
        curcode = 0;
        curlength = 0;
        for (j=i, p=hfdata[j].parent; p!=0; j=p, p=hfdata[j].parent) {
            curlength ++;
            if (j==hfdata[p].lchild) curcode >>= 1;
            else curcode = (curcode >> 1) | 0x80; //0x80 = 128 = B1000 0000
        code_table[hfdata[i].data].code = curcode;
        code_table[hfdata[i].data].codelength = curlength;

void HuffSelect(HuffNode *hfdata, int end, int *min1, int *min2)
    int i; //variable for loop
    int s1, s2;
    HuffNode wath[30];
    for (i=0; i<30; i++) {
        wath[i] = hfdata[i];
    s1 = s2 = 1;
    while (hfdata[s1].parent) {
    for (i=2; i<=end; i++) {
        if (hfdata[i].parent == 0 && hfdata[i].weight < hfdata[s1].weight) {
            s1 = i;
    while (hfdata[s2].parent || s1 == s2) {
    for (i=1; i<=end; i++) {
        if (hfdata[i].parent ==0 && hfdata[i].weight < hfdata[s2].weight && (i - s1)) {
            s2 = i;
    *min1 = s1;
    *min2 = s2;

void FrequencyCount(unsigned char *chs)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<DNUM; i++) {
        fCount[*(chs+i)] ++;



3 楼


4 楼

这个好象运行不了 哦?

5 楼


6 楼


7 楼

(5)T:印哈夫曼树(Tree printing)。将已在内存中的哈夫曼树以直观的方式(树或凹入表形式)显示在终端上,同时将此字符形式的哈夫曼树写入文件TreePrint中。
(2)用下表给出的字符集和频度的实际统计数据建立哈夫曼树,并实现以下报文的编码和译码:“THIS PROGRAM IS MY FAVORITE”。
字符 空格  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M
频度 186   64  13  22  32 103  21  15  47  57  1   5   32  20
字符  N    O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
频度  57   63  15  1   48  51  80  23  8   18  1   16  1

(1) 编码结果以文本方式存储在文件CodeFile中。
(2) 用户界面可以设计为“菜单”方式:显示上述功能符号,再加上“Q”,表示退出运行Quit。请用户键入一个选择功能符。此功能执行完毕后再显示此菜单,直至某次用户选择了“Q”为止。
(3) 在程序的一次执行过程中,第一次执行I,D或C命令之后,哈夫曼树已经在内存了,不必再读入。每次执行中不一定执行I命令,因为文件hfmTree可能早已建好。


8 楼


9 楼

m=(n<<1) -1 会不会快些?[em2]

10 楼

我上个学期用四个小时编完 Huffman 被老师说是 不错。
到是  表达式的  那个程序花了一个星期才弄好。

