主题:仿Facebook.com PHP+MYSQL程序
As Kootali Face Book Clone is not officialy released the installation instructi**** are not availeble
Same for an automated installation.
Keep it mind that It still needs a lot of development.
Installation Kootali Face Book Clone:
1. Create a MySQL Database and remember Datbase- name, user, password
2. Import the facebook.sql to your database (e.g. use phpmyadmin)
3. Edit database settings in application/config/database.php
$db['default']['database'] = "facebook"; // Databasename
$db['default']['username'] = "root"; // Database Username
$db['default']['password'] = "password"; // Database Password
$db['default']['hostname'] = "localhost"; // database Hostname
4. Edit $config['base_url'] in application/config/config.php
If installed to the root of your server
$config['base_url'] = "http://www.domain.ltd/"; // Url to Facebookclone. Including / at the end
If installed to a sub directory
$config['base_url'] = "http://www.domain.ltd/somesubdirname/"; // Url to Facebookclone. Including / at the end
5. That's it. You're done. Use account info below to login to your Admin section or User section
First User Account
User Login :itzallgood@emailaddress.tld
User Pass :member
Admin Account
Admin Login :admin
Admin Pass :admin
ps The first thing you have to do is setting configurati**** in you admin for mencoder, flvtool etc etc
Enjoy, Greetz [iAG] Null Team]
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