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主题:Apply for master of this forum!!!

[img]http://www.xysb.com/bbs/images/upface/149.gif[/img]           I think there is no problem.          [img]http://www.xysb.com/bbs/images/upface/149.gif[/img]
Enen if Having little skill about english,but you must know that is my advantage.

回复列表 (共17个回复)



Prove it, or I won't accept you.

Can you post some H-Qs?


Sustain  you forever!!
To first floor:
    一剑封喉 is good at java programing. He is best.

3 楼

ye~,I  also like to study java,our school get a india teacher

4 楼

India ?Great,Nepal is nice place.LOL

5 楼

Pakistan also is a good place where many terrorists are get together.

6 楼

are get together? it should be are together

but ,it's exciting,isn't it?

7 楼

Nepal is a good country.But India is rubbish.

8 楼

"版主" in english should be "moderator"

9 楼

I doubt your qualification!

10 楼

A moderator should not be set at one's will.

