我在使用drop index pos.mon.mon_001;删除索引

时提示错误:drop index does not allow specifying the database name as a prefix to the o b j e c t name.

不允许加POS.数据库所有者为前缀,去掉后drop index mon.mon_001; 删除索引

时提示错误:can't drop index ,because it does not  exist in the system catalogs.


建立SQL :create nonclustered index idx_mon_001
              on pos.mon(mon_id) ;

if  rb_1.checked then
alter table pos.mon
drop constraint mon_ck  ;
alter table pos.mon
       add constraint mon_ck primary key  nonclustered (mon_id) ;

end if

可是PB提示错误,不识别 alter 命令!
