
我的系统是windows xp 汇编工具是 MASM 5.0

datarea segment
  mess0   db   '"H" means the data is sorted from big to small,while "L" means small to big.','$'
  mess1   db   'please input the key "H" or "L":','$'
  data    dw   58,100,79,81,63,44,92,30,78,29
datarea ends

stackarea segment
stackarea ends

program segment                             ;10
main proc far
  assume cs:program,ss:stackarea,ds:datarea
  start:                                    ;start开始到get_key之间的程序是想输出一些提示的语句。
          ;mov dx,offset data
          ;call ten_to_sixteen
          mov dx,offset mess0    
          mov ah,09h
          int 21h                 
          mov dx,offset mess1                       
          mov ah,09h
          int 21h
          mov dx,offset data
  get_key:                                  ;“H”是从大到小排列,“L”是从小到大排列。
          mov ah,1
          int 21h
          cmp al,'H'
          je h
  h:      call big_to_small
          cmp al,'L'
          je l
  l:      call small_to_big              
          jne get_key
main endp

ten_to_sixteen proc near                    ;十进制到十六进制的转化。输出data数组中的元素到显示器中必须是ASCII码。
          mov bx,0
          mov ah,1
          int 21h
          sub al,30h
          jl exit
          cmp al,9d
          jg exit
          xchg ax,bx
          mov cx,10d
          mul cx
          xchg ax,bx
          add bx,ax
          jmp newchar
ten_to_sixteen endp

big_to_small proc near
          push ds
          sub ax,ax
          push ax
          mov ax,datarea
          mov ds,ax
          mov cx,10                        
          dec cx
  loop1:  mov di,cx
          mov bx,0
  loop2:  mov ax,data[bx]
          cmp ax,data[bx+2]
          jge continue1
          xchg ax,data[bx+2]
          mov data[bx],ax
          add bx,2                        
          loop loop2
          mov cx,di
          loop loop1
big_to_small endp

small_to_big proc near
          push ds
          sub ax,ax
          push ax                        
          mov ax,datarea
          mov ds,ax
          mov cx,10
          dec cx
  loop3:  mov di,cx
          mov bx,0
  loop4:  mov ax,data[bx]
          cmp ax,data[bx+2]
          jbe continue2
          xchg ax,data[bx+2]                 
          mov data[bx],ax
          add bx,2
          loop loop4
          mov cx,di
          loop loop3
small_to_big endp
end main                                     