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1. 获取“我的文档”等一些系统文件夹路径
2. 确定当前运行的系统
    OperatingSystem os  = Environment.OSVersion;
3. 模拟触发buttonclick事件
4. 创建一个可改变大小没有标题栏的窗体
    form1.Test = string.Empty;
    form1.ControlBox = false;
5. 如何在.NET的Windows窗体上启用XP主题集?(How to use XP Themes with Windows Forms using the .NET?)
    static void Main()
    Application.Run(new Form1());
6. 为一个窗体设置一个默认按钮
     form1.AcceptButton = button1;
7. 为一个窗体设置一个取消按钮
     form1.CancelButton = button1;
8. 用现有可用字体绑定到ComboBox控件
9. 清理语句
    private bool Disposed;
    private void Disposed()
    Disposed = true;
10. 声明索引属性
      public String this[String name]
        retrun (String) lookuptable[name];
11. 访问索引属性
       String s = Request.QueryString["Name"];
       String value = Request.Cookies["Key"];
12. 声明简单属性
       public string name
13.  声明和使用枚举
// Declare the Enumeration
       public enum MessageSize
      Small = 0,
      Medium =1,
      Large = 2
// Creat a Field or Property
      public MessageSize msgsize;

// Assign to the property using the Enumeration values
      msgsize = Small;
14. 枚举集合
      foreach (String s in coll) {
15. 声明和使用方法
      // Declare a void return function
      void voidfunction() {

// Declare a function tha retruns a value
       String stirngfunction() {
             return (String) val;

// Declare a function that takes and returns values
      String parmfunction(String a , String b) {
              return (String) (a + b);

// Use the Functions
String s1 = stringfunction();
String s2 = parmfunction("Hello","World!");
16. 自定义特性
// Stand-alone attribute

// Attribute with parameters

// Attribute with named parameters
[DllImport("KERNEL32.DLL",CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
17. 数组
     String[] a = new String[3];
     a[0] ="1";
     a[1] ="2";
     a[2] = "3";

    String[][] a = new String[3][3];
     a[0][0] = "1";
     a[1][0] = "2";
     a[2][0] = "3";
18. 初始化
     String s= "Hello , World!";
     int i = 2;
     double[] a = {3.00,4.00,5.00};
19. If 语句
     if(Request .QueryString != null) {
20. Case语句
     switch (FirstName) {
       case "John" :
       case"Paul" :
       case"Ringo" :
       dafault :

回复列表 (共3个回复)


1~9  还不错,算是初学者应该了解的小常识



3 楼


