主题:[原创]一组英语UNIX/LINUX题目~~高手做做 英语回答~!
1. UNIX/LINUX commands
1.1 Give the command to list all files in the current directory:
Give the command to list all the files whose name starts with a digit in the current directory:
Give the command to count all the files whose name starts with a digit in the current directory:
1.2 Give the command to find if there is a username “john” in file /etc/passwd:
Give the command to print any line containing number 3.14 in datafile:
1.3 Give the command to replace all occurrences of “john” with “John” in datafile:
1.4 Give the command to find if there is any file named “foo.sp” in the current directory and its
2. Point out any possible errors in the following C code:
int Tcl_SplitList(char *list, int *argcPtr, char ***argvPtr);
/* The given string “list” is parsed into tokens, the number
* of tokens and the token list are returned in argcPtr, argvPtr
void func1(const char *string)
int *argc, i, j;
int **data, Nx = 200, Ny = 200;
char ***argv;
Tcl_SplitList(string, argc, argv);
data = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int)*Nx*Ny);
for (i = 0; i < Nx, i++) {
for (j = Ny, j >= 0, j--)
data[i][j] = 0; /* initialization */
data[0][0] = atoi(argv[0]);
3. Following is a list of code of a C function, assuming element values in array xx[] are monotonic:
double *xx,
double x,
unsigned l,
unsigned u)
unsigned ascnd, jl, ju, jm;
jl = l;
ju = u;
ascnd = xx[u] > xx[l];
while (1 < ju - jl ) {
jm = (ju + jl) >> 1;
if (x > xx[jm] == ascnd)
jl = jm;
ju = jm;
return (jl);
Describe what this function does, what the return value “jl” would be? Describe the runtime of
this function with respect to the array size:
4. Write a C or C++ program that reads a string from standard input or a file, then reverse the
string and print the result out to the standard output:
1.1 Give the command to list all files in the current directory:
Give the command to list all the files whose name starts with a digit in the current directory:
Give the command to count all the files whose name starts with a digit in the current directory:
1.2 Give the command to find if there is a username “john” in file /etc/passwd:
Give the command to print any line containing number 3.14 in datafile:
1.3 Give the command to replace all occurrences of “john” with “John” in datafile:
1.4 Give the command to find if there is any file named “foo.sp” in the current directory and its
2. Point out any possible errors in the following C code:
int Tcl_SplitList(char *list, int *argcPtr, char ***argvPtr);
/* The given string “list” is parsed into tokens, the number
* of tokens and the token list are returned in argcPtr, argvPtr
void func1(const char *string)
int *argc, i, j;
int **data, Nx = 200, Ny = 200;
char ***argv;
Tcl_SplitList(string, argc, argv);
data = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int)*Nx*Ny);
for (i = 0; i < Nx, i++) {
for (j = Ny, j >= 0, j--)
data[i][j] = 0; /* initialization */
data[0][0] = atoi(argv[0]);
3. Following is a list of code of a C function, assuming element values in array xx[] are monotonic:
double *xx,
double x,
unsigned l,
unsigned u)
unsigned ascnd, jl, ju, jm;
jl = l;
ju = u;
ascnd = xx[u] > xx[l];
while (1 < ju - jl ) {
jm = (ju + jl) >> 1;
if (x > xx[jm] == ascnd)
jl = jm;
ju = jm;
return (jl);
Describe what this function does, what the return value “jl” would be? Describe the runtime of
this function with respect to the array size:
4. Write a C or C++ program that reads a string from standard input or a file, then reverse the
string and print the result out to the standard output: