Priority Queue Comparison
An Operating System Company wishes to review its current implementation of its
priority queue adt whose operations are :-
proc insert ( int priority) ;
int find_max ( ) ;
proc delete_max( );
Current Implementation
The company’s current algorithms are based on simply storing priorities in order in an array.The insert (and delete) algorithms simply shuffle elements to the right (and left) as necessary.
Improved Implementation
You are asked to evaluate a concept known as a “heap” and to argue its advantages and disadvantages, in a technical way using the big-Oh notation.
NB This component is worth 50% overall.
Introduction [7]
Set the scene.
Insert Pseudo-Code [15]
For both current and new implementation,illustrative diagrams, and a big-Oh comparison.
Delete_Max Pseudo-Code [20]
For both current and new implementation,illustrative diagrams and a big-Oh comparison.
Find_MaxPseudo-Code [3]
Big-Oh comparison.
Conclusion [5]
A summary of the above more detailed discussions.
谁能帮我把主要的意思翻译下` 有些关键的地方看不清楚`不明不白的 不知道要求是什么`
[em10]谢谢哈` 邮箱kiray_lei@qq.com[em4]
Priority Queue Comparison
An Operating System Company wishes to review its current implementation of its
priority queue adt whose operations are :-
proc insert ( int priority) ;
int find_max ( ) ;
proc delete_max( );
Current Implementation
The company’s current algorithms are based on simply storing priorities in order in an array.The insert (and delete) algorithms simply shuffle elements to the right (and left) as necessary.
Improved Implementation
You are asked to evaluate a concept known as a “heap” and to argue its advantages and disadvantages, in a technical way using the big-Oh notation.
NB This component is worth 50% overall.
Introduction [7]
Set the scene.
Insert Pseudo-Code [15]
For both current and new implementation,illustrative diagrams, and a big-Oh comparison.
Delete_Max Pseudo-Code [20]
For both current and new implementation,illustrative diagrams and a big-Oh comparison.
Find_MaxPseudo-Code [3]
Big-Oh comparison.
Conclusion [5]
A summary of the above more detailed discussions.
谁能帮我把主要的意思翻译下` 有些关键的地方看不清楚`不明不白的 不知道要求是什么`
[em10]谢谢哈` 邮箱kiray_lei@qq.com[em4]