Demandforce(www.demandforce.com) 项目一直在为美国的客户作生产系统运维支持以及开发,他们的工作受到客户赞赏。目前Demandforce客户因为业务需要,要招聘一个数据库管理员,就这职位而言,直接开发与维护客户的核心系统,并可以学习客户的经营理念与方式,具体的项目情况也可以在跟Director的沟通中多多了解。
1. DMF的核心理念Deliver the right message to the right person at the right time ,这是许多互联网公司包括Google在内梦寐以求的目标,因为这是网络营销的最高境界。而目前的DMF只能说是初具雏形,并且在不断的壮大中。
2. DMF的营销理念相当先进,这在美国可能很常见,但中国似乎看到的很少,这一点保证了只要我们服务好了客户,那么他们的成长性是十分有保障的,因为他们的收费模式是按客户数量和服务时间收费的。这点也非常值得我们国内的软件业学习,营销理念第一,技术理念第二,因为一流的营销理念能创造出一流的技术,而一流的技术不一定能带来一流的营销理念,see Yahoo/Google/Salesforce etc。
Position:Integration engineers
Job description:
A) Develop web client software (Delphi, data abstract and upload tool) and client configuration software (Delphi) on Windows platform.
B) Develop data upload monitor tool: to monitor the status of data uploading into MySQL, MSSQL and generate daily report.
C) Develop and generate client software (including A and B) distribution package by Install Shield.
D) Fix bugs of client web software API by Delphi.
E) Unit Test of web service APIs.
Core Competencies:
A) Development Environments: Delphi (Master) and understand WebService.
B) Operating Systems: Windows(Master) and Linux(Understand).
C) Product Installation tools - Install Shield (Understand) and etc.
D) Database Management Systems - MySQL server (Understand, SQL query), MS Access (Understand) and etc.
E) Strong problem solving, verbal and written communication, coordination and teamwork skills are required.
F) Good English skill.