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        DEFINT A, I-J, T', X-Y
        DIM dy AS INTEGER, colo AS INTEGER, size AS LONG, tmp AS INTEGER
                SCREEN 0: CLS
                        GOSUB First
                INPUT "All file name(*.bmp):", filename$
                IF filename$ = "" THEN EXIT DO
                        GOSUB OpenFile
                IF of = 0 THEN CLOSE : rerr = 1: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
                        GOSUB CheckBmp
                IF check = 0 THEN CLOSE : rerr = 2: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
                        GOSUB ReadBit
                        GOSUB ReadColor
                IF colo = 0 THEN CLOSE : rerr = 3: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
                        GOSUB ReadWH
                IF w = 0 THEN CLOSE : rerr = 4: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
                IF h = 0 THEN CLOSE : rerr = 5: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
                        GOSUB zip
                IF zip = 1 THEN CLOSE : rerr = 6: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
                        GOSUB ReadPalette
                IF bit = 8 THEN SCREEN 13 ELSE SCREEN 12
                        GOSUB SetPalette
                        GOSUB ViewPicture
                        GOSUB AscKey
                GOSUB Last

        DIM pixel(8) AS INTEGER: x = 0: y = 1
        filename$ = ""
        of = 0: check = 0: colo = 0: wite = 0: high = 0: done = 0: change = 0
        xb = 1: yb = 1: full = 0
        OUT &H3C6, 255
        'FILES "*.bmp"

        ERASE pixel
        CLOSE #1
        SCREEN 12
        typ = 0

OpenFile: '(filename$|of)
        IF filename$ = "h" OR filename$ = "H" THEN GOTO Help
        a$ = RIGHT$(filename$, 1)
        n = LEN(filename$)
        ture = 1: pot = 0: pat = 0
        FOR i = 1 TO n
                a$ = RIGHT$(LEFT$(filename$, i), 1)
                IF a$ = "*" OR a$ = "+" OR a$ = "=" OR a$ = "<" OR a$ = ">" OR a$ = "[" OR a$ = "]" OR a$ = ";" OR a$ = CHR$(34) OR a$ = "?" OR a$ = "|" THEN ture = 0: EXIT FOR
                IF a$ = "/" AND i <> n THEN ture = 0
                IF a$ = "." AND i = 1 THEN ture = 0
                IF a$ = "." THEN pot = pot + 1
        IF pot > 1 THEN ture = 0
        IF ture = 0 THEN rerr = 7: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
        IF a$ = "/" THEN filename$ = LEFT$(filename$, LEN(filename$) - 1): full = 1
        OPEN filename$ FOR RANDOM AS #1
        OPEN filename$ FOR INPUT AS #1
                IF EOF(1) THEN of = 0: CLOSE : KILL filename$:  ELSE of = 1

CheckBmp: '(|check)
        SEEK #1, 1
        IF INPUT$(2, 1) = "BM" THEN check = 1 ELSE check = 0

ReadColor: '(|colo,typ)
        SEEK #1, &H2F
        colo = ASC(INPUT$(1, 1))
        IF colo = 0 THEN IF bit = 8 THEN colo = 256 ELSE colo = 16
        IF colo <= 16 THEN typ = 1 ELSE IF colo > 256 THEN colo = 0

ReadWH: '(|wite,high)
        DIM temp(8)
        i = &H13
        FOR j = 1 TO 8
                SEEK #1, i
                temp(j) = ASC(INPUT$(1, 1))
                i = i + 1
        SEEK #1, &H23
        a$ = INPUT$(3, 1)
        size = ASC(LEFT$(a$, 1)) / 16 + ASC(RIGHT$(LEFT$(a$, 2), 1)) * 16 + ASC(RIGHT$(a$, 1)) * 4096
        wite1 = temp(2) * 256 + temp(1)
        high = (temp(6) * 256 + temp(5))
        wite = CINT((size / high) * (8 / bit) * 16)
        IF wite = 0 THEN wite = wite1
        IF full = 1 THEN
                IF bit < 8 THEN xb = 640 / wite1: yb = 480 / high ELSE xb = 320 / wite1: yb = 200 / high
        END IF
        high = high * yb
        IF full = 0 THEN
                IF typ = 1 THEN
                        IF wite1 * wb > 640 AND wite1 > 640 THEN w = 0 ELSE w = 1
                        IF high > 480 THEN h = 0 ELSE h = 1
                        IF wite1 * wb > 320 AND wite1 > 320 THEN w = 0 ELSE w = 1
                        IF high > 200 THEN h = 0 ELSE h = 1
                END IF
                w = 1: h = 1
        END IF
        dy = high - 1
        ERASE temp

zip: '(|zip)
        DIM a(4): zip = 0
        i = &H1F
        FOR j = 1 TO 4
                SEEK #1, i
                a(j) = ASC(INPUT$(1, 1))
                IF a(j) <> 0 THEN zip = 1: EXIT FOR
                i = i + 1
        ERASE a

ReadPalette: '(colo|pal(dat))
        dat = colo * 4
        DIM pal(dat) AS INTEGER
        i = &H37
        SEEK #1, i
        FOR j = 1 TO dat
                IF EOF(1) THEN
                        i = i + 1
                        SEEK #1, i
                        pal(j) = INT(26 / 4)
                        pal(j) = INT(ASC(INPUT$(1, 1)) / 4)
                        i = i + 1
                END IF

SetPalette: '(pal(dat))
        IF done = 0 THEN
                IF typ = 1 THEN
                        IF colo < 15 THEN PALETTE 15, 0: LINE (0, 0)-(639, 479), 15, BF
                        IF colo < 255 THEN PALETTE 255, 0: LINE (0, 0)-(319, 199), 255, BF
                END IF
                cotmp = POINT(0, 0): LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Setting..."
        END IF
        OUT &H3C8, 0
        IF change = 0 THEN
                FOR i = 1 TO dat STEP 4
                        OUT &H3C9, pal(i + 2)
                        OUT &H3C9, pal(i + 1)
                        OUT &H3C9, pal(i)
                        IF INP(&H60) = 1 THEN ERASE pal: GOTO lop
                FOR i = 1 TO dat STEP 4
                        OUT &H3C9, 63 - pal(i + 2)
                        OUT &H3C9, 63 - pal(i + 1)
                        OUT &H3C9, 63 - pal(i)
                        IF INP(&H60) = 1 THEN ERASE pal: GOTO lop
        END IF
        IF done = 0 THEN LINE (0, 0)-(79, 15), cotmp, BF

ReadBit: '(|bit)
        SEEK #1, &H1D
        bit = ASC(INPUT$(1, 1))

ViewPicture: '(colo,bit)
        SEEK #1, &HB
        a$ = INPUT$(2, 1)
        record = ASC(RIGHT$(a$, 1)) * 256 + ASC(LEFT$(a$, 1)) + 1
        SEEK #1, record
        FOR time = 1 TO 5000
                        IF EOF(1) THEN EXIT DO
                        temp = ASC(INPUT$(1, 1))
                        GOSUB Dec2Bin
                        record = record + 1
                        IF INP(&H60) = 1 THEN GOTO lop
                IF dy < 0 THEN EXIT FOR
                record = record + 1
                SEEK #1, record
                temp = 26
                GOSUB Dec2Bin
        xd = 1: yd = 1: a$ = "OK!": GOSUB PutCh

Dec2Bin: '(colo,temp)
        IF x >= wite THEN y = y + yb: x = 0: dy = CINT(high - y)
        IF bit < 8 THEN
                FOR i = 1 TO 8
                        pixel(i) = INT(temp / (2 ^ (8 - i))): temp = temp MOD (2 ^ (8 - i))
                IF bit = 1 THEN
                        IF xb <= 1 THEN
                                IF yb > 1 THEN FOR tmp = 0 TO 7: LINE (x * xb + tmp, dy - yb)-(x * xb + tmp, dy), pixel(tmp + 1), BF: NEXT ELSE FOR tmp = 0 TO 7: PSET (x * xb + tmp, dy), pixel(tmp + 1): NEXT
                                a = 0: t = 1
                                FOR temp1 = 1 TO 8
                                        FOR temp = a TO t * CINT(xb) - 1
                                                LINE (x * xb + temp, dy - yb)-(x * xb + temp + 1, dy), pixel(temp1), BF
                                        a = t * CINT(xb): t = t + 1
                        END IF
                        x = x + 8
                        co0 = pixel(1) * 8 + pixel(2) * 4 + pixel(3) * 2 + pixel(4)
                        co1 = pixel(5) * 8 + pixel(6) * 4 + pixel(7) * 2 + pixel(8)
                        IF xb <= 1 THEN
                                IF yb > 1 THEN
                                        LINE (x * xb, dy - yb)-(x * xb, dy), co0, BF: LINE (x * xb + 1, dy - yb)-(x * xb + 1, dy), co1, BF
                                        PSET (x * xb, dy), co0: PSET (x * xb + 1, dy), co1
                                END IF
                                FOR temp = 0 TO CINT(xb) - 1
                                        LINE (x * xb + temp, dy - yb)-(x * xb + temp + 1, dy), co0, BF
                                FOR temp = CINT(xb) TO 2 * (CINT(xb)) - 1
                                        LINE (x * xb + temp, dy - yb)-(x * xb + temp + 1, dy), co1, BF
                        END IF
                        x = x + 2
                END IF
                IF x < wite1 THEN
                        IF xb <= 1 THEN
                                IF yb > 1 THEN
                                        LINE (x * xb, dy - yb)-(x * xb, dy), temp, BF
                                        PSET (x * xb, dy), temp
                                END IF
                                FOR tmp = 0 TO CINT(xb) - 1
                                        LINE (x * xb + tmp, dy - yb)-(x * xb + tmp + 1, dy), temp, BF
                        END IF
                END IF
                x = x + 1
        END IF

        DO: i$ = INKEY$
                IF i$ <> "" THEN
                        SELECT CASE i$
                                CASE "c"
                                        OUT &H3C8, 0
                                        FOR i = 1 TO colo
                                                OUT &H3C9, INT(RND * 64)
                                                OUT &H3C9, INT(RND * 64)
                                                OUT &H3C9, INT(RND * 64)
                                        'xd = 1: yd = 1: a$ = "OK!": GOSUB PutCh
                                CASE "r"
                                        done = 1: change = 0
                                        GOSUB SetPalette
                                        'xd = 1: yd = 1: a$ = "OK!": GOSUB PutCh
                                CASE "n"
                                        done = 1: change = 1
                                        GOSUB SetPalette
                                        'xd = 1: yd = 1: a$ = "OK!": GOSUB PutCh
                                CASE "q": ERASE pal: EXIT DO
                                CASE CHR$(27): ERASE pal: EXIT DO
                        END SELECT
                END IF
        LOOP 'UNTIL INP(&H60) = 1

ErrorInfo: '(rerr)
        SOUND 1200, .5
        COLOR 12, 0
        PRINT "ERROR: ";
        SELECT CASE rerr
                CASE 1: PRINT "File not found!"
                CASE 2: PRINT "It's not a BMP file!"
                CASE 3: PRINT "This program can't support this FORMAT!"
                CASE 4: PRINT "Width is too Large, MAX: 640(Color16);320(Color256)!  Width="; wite
                        COLOR 11, 0: PRINT CHR$(13) + "You may try input:'"; : COLOR 10, 0: PRINT filename$; "/"; : COLOR 11, 0: PRINT "' to carry out it."
                CASE 5: PRINT "Height is too Large, MAX: 480(Color16);200(Color256)!  Hight="; high
                        COLOR 11, 0: PRINT CHR$(13) + "You may try input:'"; : COLOR 10, 0: PRINT filename$; "/"; : COLOR 11, 0: PRINT "' to carry out it."
                CASE 6: PRINT "This file had been Compressed, I can't view it!"
                CASE 7: PRINT "Error Filename!"
        END SELECT
        COLOR 14, 0: PRINT CHR$(13) + "You can input 'H' or 'h' to Read the Help"
        COLOR 7, 0: PRINT CHR$(13) + "press any key to Return..."
        a$ = INPUT$(1)

PutCh: '(xd,yd,a$)
        a = LEN(a$)
        DIM pc%(a * 8 * 16)
        GET (0, 0)-(a * 8 - 1, 15), pc%
        LOCATE yd, xd: PRINT a$
        PUT (0, 0), pc%, AND
        DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""
        PUT (0, 0), pc%, PSET
        ERASE pc%

        COLOR 14, 0: LOCATE 1, 38: PRINT "HELP"
        COLOR 15, 0: PRINT CHR$(13) + "This program can show a BMP File which has not been Compressed."
        COLOR 13, 0: PRINT CHR$(13) + "You can use it like this:"
        PRINT "  When the SYSTEM says:'All file name(*.bmp):', you should input the file name  which you want to watch, Include '.BMP' or input 'H' to look this instruction,  then SYSTEM will carry out your Command. If you input nothing,you will QUIT thisSYSTEM."
        COLOR 11, 0: PRINT CHR$(13) + "About ERROR:"
        PRINT "  1.File not found! (means can't find this file in the Directory) !! you can    input Other File Name or COPY the File to this Directory to Solve it."
        PRINT "  2.It's not a BMP file! (means the Inputed File is not a BMP File) !! you must input Other File Name again."
        PRINT "  3.This program can't support this FORMAT! (means the file maybe use TureColor, this program only can view the File of which the Color Less then 256.)":
        PRINT "  4.Width is too Large...! (means the width of the file is too Large) !! you may view it like this:" + CHR$(34) + "All file name(*.bmp):'"; : COLOR 12, 0: PRINT "filename/"; : COLOR 11, 0: PRINT "'" + CHR$(34) + "."
        PRINT "  5.Height is too Large...! (means the height of the file is too Large) !! Way: As the Same as 4."
        PRINT CHR$(13) + "press any key to contine..."
        DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""
        PRINT "  6.This file had been Compressed...! (means it is a Compressed File) !! I'm    sorry, I can do nothing with it."
        PRINT "  7.Error Filename!(means  it is not a legal filename) !! you must input legal  filename."
        COLOR 10, 0: PRINT CHR$(13) + "About CORTROL:"
        PRINT "  Parameter:'/' (input it Behind File Name when SYSTEM tell you to input file   name.) >> show the file ALL SCREEN."
        PRINT "  xb: >> it's in the program, but you can use it to Change Width to Width*xb."
        PRINT "  yb: >> it's in the program, but you can use it to Change Height to Height*yb."
        PRINT "  Key Cortrol: use it when the file show Complete."
        PRINT "    'c': >> Set the Color of the file Randomize."
        PRINT "    'n': >> Carry out Negative Color."
        PRINT "    'r': >> Return the Right Color."
        PRINT "    'q' or 'ESC': >> Quit View."
        PRINT CHR$(13) + "press any key to return..."
        DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""
        COLOR 7, 0
        GOTO main

回复列表 (共15个回复)





3 楼


4 楼


5 楼


6 楼


7 楼

[em18] 我弄了一张 1086×869 的 ACDSee BMP Image ,是用 Photoshop 7.0 做的,他怎么显示 ERROR!?

8 楼


9 楼


10 楼

把最长的一条分开了,QB4.5不支持" _"注意是字符,不是笑脸,7.0/7.1可以支持

        DEFINT A, I-J, T', X-Y
        DIM dy AS INTEGER, colo AS INTEGER, size AS LONG, tmp AS INTEGER
                SCREEN 0: CLS
                        GOSUB First
                INPUT "All file name(*.bmp):", filename$
                IF filename$ = "" THEN EXIT DO
                        GOSUB OpenFile
                IF of = 0 THEN CLOSE : rerr = 1: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
                        GOSUB CheckBmp
                IF check = 0 THEN CLOSE : rerr = 2: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
                        GOSUB ReadBit
                        GOSUB ReadColor
                IF colo = 0 THEN CLOSE : rerr = 3: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
                        GOSUB ReadWH
                IF w = 0 THEN CLOSE : rerr = 4: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
                IF h = 0 THEN CLOSE : rerr = 5: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
                        GOSUB zip
                IF zip = 1 THEN CLOSE : rerr = 6: GOSUB ErrorInfo: GOTO main
                        GOSUB ReadPalette
                IF bit = 8 THEN SCREEN 13 ELSE SCREEN 12
                        GOSUB SetPalette
                        GOSUB ViewPicture
                        GOSUB AscKey
                GOSUB Last

        DIM pixel(8) AS INTEGER: x = 0: y = 1
        filename$ = ""
        of = 0: check = 0: colo = 0: wite = 0: high = 0: done = 0: change = 0
        xb = 1: yb = 1: full = 0
        OUT &H3C6, 255
        'FILES "*.bmp"

        ERASE pixel
        CLOSE #1
        SCREEN 12
        typ = 0

OpenFile: '(filename$|of)
        IF filename$ = "h" OR filename$ = "H" THEN GOTO Help
        a$ = RIGHT$(filename$, 1)
        n = LEN(filename$)
        ture = 1: pot = 0: pat = 0
        FOR i = 1 TO n
                a$ = RIGHT$(LEFT$(filename$, i), 1)
                IF a$ = "*" OR a$ = "+" OR a$ = "=" OR a$ = "<" OR a$ = ">" OR a$ = "[" OR a$ = "]" OR a$ = ";" OR a$ = CHR$(34) OR a$ = "?" OR a$ = "|" THEN ture = 0: EXIT FOR
                IF a$ = "/" AND i <> n THEN ture = 0
                IF a$ = "." AND i = 1 THEN ture = 0
                IF a$ = "." THEN pot = pot + 1

