主题:ivf11+vs2005 如何静态使用imsl库
[专家分:0] 发布于 2010-10-15 15:51:00
回复列表 (共4个回复)
xaxaxaxaxdxd [专家分:0] 发布于 2010-10-15 16:04:00
C:\Program Files\VNI\imsl\fnl600\IA32\include\dll
C:\Program Files\VNI\imsl\fnl600\IA32\include\static
C:\Program Files\VNI\imsl\fnl600\IA32\lib
若 include'link_fnl_static.h'
1>msvcrt.lib(MSVCR80.dll) : error LNK2005: __time32 已经在 LIBCMT.lib(time.obj) 中定义
1>LIBCMT.lib(crt0init.obj) : warning LNK4098: 默认库“msvcrt.lib”与其他库的使用冲突;请使用 /NODEFAULTLIB:library
1>Release\OpenMP.exe : fatal error LNK1169: 找到一个或多个多重定义的符号
jstzhurj [专家分:4680] 发布于 2010-10-15 16:23:00
IMSL* Fortran Libraries 6.0 (Professional Edition with IMSL* Only)
If you have licensed Intel® Visual Fortran Professional Edition with IMSL*, the IMSL* Fortran Libraries 6.0 from Visual Numerics* are provided (separate install required.)
For information on how to configure your environment for using the IMSL libraries from either Microsoft Visual Studio or the command line, please read Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler Documentation > Building Applications > Using Libraries > Using the IMSL* Mathematical and Statistical Libraries. This information has changed from previous releases. For information on the IMSL Fortran Libraries 6.0, including new features and changes, please refer to the IMSL documentation viewable using Start > All Programs > Visual Numerics.
The IMSL Fortran Libraries 6.0 are thread-safe. This requires changes in the build process for Fortran applications using IMSL.
The INCLUDE files for specifying the libraries to link against have changed their names, which will require that you change any INCLUDE lines that name the old files:
link_f90_static.h and link_f90_static_smp.h are now link_fnl_static.h, or link_fnl_static_hpc.h if you want to use both IMSL and the Intel® Math Kernel Library in static library form
link_f90_dll.h and link_f90_dll_smp.h are now link_fnl_shared.h, or link_fnl_shared_hpc.h if you want to use both IMSL and the Intel Math Kernel Library in DLL form
The folder path to the IMSL libraries has changed to %ProgramFiles%\VNI\imsl\fnl600 You will need to change this in your build scripts or in Visual Studio under Tools > Options > Intel(R) Fortran > Include Files (and Library Files).
When linking statically, the Intel OpenMP library must also be linked in. This can be done by specifying the /Qopenmp option (in Visual Studio, this is Fortran > Language > Process OpenMP Directives > Generate Parallel Code). Note that enabling this option has other effects, including making all variables automatic (stack-allocated). An alternative is to add libguide.lib to the list of libraries linked into the application; in Visual Studio, specify this in Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies. No change is required if you are linking to the DLL libraries.
3 楼
xaxaxaxaxdxd [专家分:0] 发布于 2010-10-16 00:18:00
能否给一个最简单例子 fftcf
4 楼
xaxaxaxaxdxd [专家分:0] 发布于 2010-10-16 00:20:00
能否给一个具体的简单的例子 实现fftcf。