主题:PB asa数据库表怎么实现复制呀
[专家分:0] 发布于 2010-12-10 09:07:00
我想把table1中的数据复制到table2中 他们的字段一样,只是table2中一个字段的长度比table1对应字段的长度大1 求解!
这个在sql server中我以前做过
select * into table2 from table1 where ...
回复列表 (共1个回复)
vrgdfdsg [专家分:0] 发布于 2010-12-10 11:12:00
Three waves [url=http://www.ccqdiy.com]重庆团购[/url] of enemies will spawn and attack the Skyguard NPC's, each wave stronger then the previous. It is your
job to ensure that the Skyguard NPC's survive for as long as possible. If all of the Skyguard NPC's
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appear to sell special items. Three different vendors are available, but only one will spawn for each wave defeated.
The first sells special flasks that cannot [url=http://www.ccqdiy.com]重庆二手电脑[/url] be attained at any other time. The second vendor to spawn will sell
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vendors. The waves and subsequent bosses that spawn during this event get increasingly difficult. In order [url=http://www.mogxe.com/PowerLevel.php?gid=1]
world of warcraft power leveling[/url] to complete the event, a well organized raid of at least 25 people is needed.