1.forcing log switches
sql> alter system switch logfile;
2.forcing checkpoints
sql> alter system checkpoint;
3.adding online redo log groups
sql> alter database add logfile [group 4]
sql> ('/disk3/log4a.rdo','/disk4/log4b.rdo') size 1m;
4.adding online redo log members
sql> alter database add logfile member
sql> '/disk3/log1b.rdo' to group 1,
sql> '/disk4/log2b.rdo' to group 2;
5.changes the name of the online redo logfile
sql> alter database rename file 'c:/oracle/oradata/oradb/redo01.log'
sql> to 'c:/oracle/oradata/redo01.log';
1.create tablespaces
sql> create tablespace tablespace_name datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\file1.dbf' size 100m,
sql> 'c:\oracle\oradata\file2.dbf' size 100m minimum extent 550k [logging/nologging]
sql> default storage (initial 500k next 500k maxextents 500 pctinccease 0)
sql> [online/offline] [permanent/temporary] [extent_management_clause]
2.locally managed tablespace
sql> create tablespace user_data datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\user_data01.dbf'
sql> size 500m extent management local uniform size 10m;
3.temporary tablespace
sql> create temporary tablespace temp tempfile 'c:\oracle\oradata\temp01.dbf'
sql> size 500m extent management local uniform size 10m;
4.change the storage setting
sql> alter tablespace app_data minimum extent 2m;
sql> alter tablespace app_data default storage(initial 2m next 2m maxextents 999);
5.taking tablespace offline or online
sql> alter tablespace app_data offline;
sql> alter tablespace app_data online;
1.create a table
sql> create table table_name (column datatype,column datatype]....)
sql> tablespace tablespace_name [pctfree integer] [pctused integer]
sql> [initrans integer] [maxtrans integer]
sql> storage(initial 200k next 200k pctincrease 0 maxextents 50)
sql> [logging|nologging] [cache|nocache]
2.copy an existing table
sql> create table table_name [logging|nologging] as subquery
3.create temporary table
sql> create global temporary table xay_temp as select * from xay;
on commit preserve rows/on commit delete rows
4.pctfree = (average row size - initial row size) *100 /average row size
pctused = 100-pctfree- (average row size*100/available data space)
5.change storage and block utilization parameter
sql> alter table table_name pctfree=30 pctused=50 storage(next 500k
sql> minextents 2 maxextents 100);
1.forcing log switches
sql> alter system switch logfile;
2.forcing checkpoints
sql> alter system checkpoint;
3.adding online redo log groups
sql> alter database add logfile [group 4]
sql> ('/disk3/log4a.rdo','/disk4/log4b.rdo') size 1m;
4.adding online redo log members
sql> alter database add logfile member
sql> '/disk3/log1b.rdo' to group 1,
sql> '/disk4/log2b.rdo' to group 2;
5.changes the name of the online redo logfile
sql> alter database rename file 'c:/oracle/oradata/oradb/redo01.log'
sql> to 'c:/oracle/oradata/redo01.log';
1.create tablespaces
sql> create tablespace tablespace_name datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\file1.dbf' size 100m,
sql> 'c:\oracle\oradata\file2.dbf' size 100m minimum extent 550k [logging/nologging]
sql> default storage (initial 500k next 500k maxextents 500 pctinccease 0)
sql> [online/offline] [permanent/temporary] [extent_management_clause]
2.locally managed tablespace
sql> create tablespace user_data datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\user_data01.dbf'
sql> size 500m extent management local uniform size 10m;
3.temporary tablespace
sql> create temporary tablespace temp tempfile 'c:\oracle\oradata\temp01.dbf'
sql> size 500m extent management local uniform size 10m;
4.change the storage setting
sql> alter tablespace app_data minimum extent 2m;
sql> alter tablespace app_data default storage(initial 2m next 2m maxextents 999);
5.taking tablespace offline or online
sql> alter tablespace app_data offline;
sql> alter tablespace app_data online;
1.create a table
sql> create table table_name (column datatype,column datatype]....)
sql> tablespace tablespace_name [pctfree integer] [pctused integer]
sql> [initrans integer] [maxtrans integer]
sql> storage(initial 200k next 200k pctincrease 0 maxextents 50)
sql> [logging|nologging] [cache|nocache]
2.copy an existing table
sql> create table table_name [logging|nologging] as subquery
3.create temporary table
sql> create global temporary table xay_temp as select * from xay;
on commit preserve rows/on commit delete rows
4.pctfree = (average row size - initial row size) *100 /average row size
pctused = 100-pctfree- (average row size*100/available data space)
5.change storage and block utilization parameter
sql> alter table table_name pctfree=30 pctused=50 storage(next 500k
sql> minextents 2 maxextents 100);