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[color=FF00FF][/color][em2][em2]#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#define M 50

int n,m;
struct node   /*tree struct*/
   int weight;
   int parent;
   int lchild,rchild;
   char c;
   int num;

  struct node *ht;
  typedef char * *hfmcode;
  hfmcode HC;
  char wd[M];

FILE *fp1,*fp2,*fp3,*h,*fp4,*fp5;

void Initialization()
     int i=0,j=0,k=0,x=0,y=0,b=0,tm=0;
     int p=0,r=0,l=0,w=0;
     int tmp;
     char ch;
     ht=(struct node *)malloc((m+1)*sizeof(struct node));
         puts("input a char:");
     puts("input the weight of this char:");


     for(i=n+1;i<=m;i++) /*adding  branch */

     for(i=1;i<n;i++)  /*sort */
     if(ht[j].weight<ht[k].weight) k=j;



     x=1; b=2;
        ht[x].parent=i; ht[b].parent=i;
        ht[i].lchild=ht[x].num; ht[i].rchild=ht[b].num;

       for(tm=1;tm<y;tm++)  /*sort */
     if(ht[j].weight<ht[k].weight) k=j;

          p=ht[k].parent; w=ht[k].weight; r=ht[k].rchild; l=ht[k].lchild;
      tmp=ht[k].num;  ch=ht[k].c;
          ht[k].parent=ht[tm].parent; ht[k].weight=ht[tm].weight; ht[k].rchild=ht[tm].rchild;
      ht[k].lchild=ht[tm].lchild; ht[k].num=ht[tm].num;
          ht[tm].parent=p; ht[tm].weight=w; ht[tm].rchild=r; ht[tm].lchild=l;
      ht[tm].num=tmp;  ht[tm].c=ch;


       for(i=1;i<m;i++)  /* the last time repair */
     if(ht[j].num<ht[k].num)   k=j;


      printf("the  lasted hffmantree is :\n");
      printf("   number        zifu       weight        parent         lchild         rchild\n");

   printf("%4d %13c %13d %13d %13d %13d\n",ht[i].num,ht[i].c,ht[i].weight,ht[i].parent,ht[i].lchild,ht[i].rchild);

    { printf("cannot open file\n");
    fprintf(h,"%4d %13c %13d %13d %13d %13d\r\n",ht[i].num,ht[i].c,ht[i].weight,ht[i].parent,ht[i].lchild,ht[i].rchild);
void Encode()
{ int i,mm,c,f,start;
  char wr,*cd,*str,ch;
    { printf("cannot open file\n");
    fscanf(h,"%4d %13c %13d %13d %13d %13d\n",ht[i].num,ht[i].c,ht[i].weight,ht[i].parent,ht[i].lchild,ht[i].rchild);
  HC=(hfmcode)malloc((n+1)*sizeof(char *));
  cd=(char *)malloc(n*sizeof(char));
    { start=n-1;
    if(ht[f].lchild==c) cd[--start]='0';
    else cd[--start]='1';
      HC[i]=(char *)malloc((n-start)*sizeof(char));
  puts("IF input the file tobetran select A or a,  ELSE read from disk! ARE YOU SURE?");
  printf("PLEASE INPUT:");
    {  if((fp1=fopen("ToBeTran","w"))==NULL)
       { printf("cannot open file\n");
      printf("Please input the tobetran:\n");
       { fputc(ch,fp1);
    { printf("cannot open file\n");
    { printf("cannot open file\n");
    { ch=fgetc(fp1);
      for(i=1;i<=n;i++) if(wd[i]==ch) for(mm=0;HC[i][mm]!='\0';mm++) fputc(HC[i][mm],fp2);
void Decode()
{ int i,c,f=m;
  char ch;
    { printf("cannot open file\n");
    fscanf(h,"%4d %13c %13d %13d %13d %13d\n",ht[i].num,ht[i].c,ht[i].weight,ht[i].parent,ht[i].lchild,ht[i].rchild);
    { printf("cannot open file\n");
    { printf("cannot open file\n");
    { ch=fgetc(fp2);    printf("%c",ch);
      if(ch=='0')  f=ht[f].lchild;
      if(ch=='1')  f=ht[f].rchild;
      if(!ht[f].lchild&&!ht[f].rchild) { fputc(wd[f],fp3); f=m; }

void Printcode()
{ int i=0;
  char ch;
    { printf("cannot open file\n");
    { printf("cannot open file\n");
  while(!feof(fp2)) { if(i==50) { printf("\n");  i=0; }  ch=fgetc(fp2); fputc(ch,fp4); printf("%c",ch); i++; }
void Printtree()
{ int i,k,top,b,p;

  int *level,*stack;
  printf("THE HUFFMANTREE IS :\n");
  level=(int *)malloc(n*sizeof(int));
  stack=(int *)malloc(n*sizeof(int));
    { printf("cannot open file\n");
      exit(0); }
    fscanf(h,"%4d %13c %13d %13d %13d %13d\n",ht[i].num,ht[i].c,ht[i].weight,ht[i].parent,ht[i].lchild,ht[i].rchild);
  { top=1; stack[top]=b;  level[top]=3;
    { p=stack[top];   k=level[top];    for(i=1;i<=k;i++) printf(" ");
      { top++;    stack[top]=ht[p].rchild;  level[top]=k+3; }
      { top++;    stack[top]=ht[p].lchild;  level[top]=k+3; }
    { printf("cannot open file\n");
      exit(0); }
    fprintf(fp5,"%4d %13c %13d %13d %13d %13d\r\n",ht[i].num,ht[i].c,ht[i].weight,ht[i].parent,ht[i].lchild,ht[i].rchild);
void main()
{ char en;
  printf("********************huffmantree encode/decode display ststem*******************\n");
  puts("i/I---Initialization   d/D---decode    q/Q---end");
  puts("t/T---print hfmtree    e/E---encode    p/P---print file's code");
  puts("********************huffmantree encode/decode display ststem********************");
  puts("please select a menu number:");
   if(en=='i'){puts("input the number of the total char n:");scanf("%d",&n);m=2*n-1;
               while(getchar()!='\n')  continue; Initialization();}
   if((en=='e')||(en=='E'))  Encode();
   if((en=='d')||(en=='D'))  Decode();
   if((en=='p')||(en=='P'))  Printcode();
   if((en=='t')||(en=='T'))  Printtree();
   puts("*******************huffmantree encode/decode display ststem*******************");
   puts("i/I---Initialization   d/D---decode    q/Q---end");
   puts("t/T---print hfmtree    e/E---encode    p/P---print file's code");
   puts("*******************huffmantree encode/decode display ststem*******************");
   puts("please select a menu number:");
   while(getchar()!='\n')  continue;

回复列表 (共15个回复)




好 谢谢

3 楼


4 楼

could some one explain what is hoffman encoding???

I am just too lazy to google :P

5 楼


6 楼


7 楼

struct node
    int weight;
    int parent;
    int lchild,rchild;
    char c;
    int num;/*结点编号*/
} * ht;

const char *TableFileName = "HfmTbl.txt";
const char *SourceFileName = "SrcText.txt";
const char *CodeFileName = "HfmCode.txt";
const char *DecodeFileName ="DecodeText.txt";

const char *PrintFormatStr = "%4d %13c %13d %13d %13d %13d\n";
const char *ReadFormatStr = "%d %c %d %d %d %d";
#define PRINT_PARAM(i) ht[(i)].num,ht[(i)].c,ht[(i)].weight,ht[(i)].parent,ht[(i)].lchild,ht[(i)].rchild
#define READ_PARAM(i) &ht[(i)].num,&ht[(i)].c,&ht[(i)].weight,&ht[(i)].parent,&ht[(i)].lchild,&ht[(i)].rchild
#define READ_FORMAT_PARAM(i) ReadFormatStr,READ_PARAM(i)
#define PRINT_FORMAT_PARAM(i) PrintFormatStr,PRINT_PARAM(i)

void MemSwap(void *buf1, void *buf2, size_t buflen)
    void *p = malloc(buflen);

void PrintHT(int from, int to)
    int i;

void SelectSort(int from, int to)
    int i,j,k;
    for(i=from;i<to;i++)  /*sort */
            MemSwap(&ht[k],&ht[i],sizeof(struct node));

int ReadFromFile()
    int i;
    int m;
    FILE *h;
        printf("cannot open file\n");
    ht=(struct node *)malloc((m+1)*sizeof(struct node));
    memset(ht,0,(m+1)*sizeof(struct node));
    return m;

void EatCharsUtilNewLine()

void Initialization(int n)
    int i=0,j=0,x=0,y=0;
    FILE *h;

    int m=2*n-1;

    ht=(struct node *)malloc((m+1)*sizeof(struct node));
    memset(ht,0,(m+1)*sizeof(struct node));

        puts("input a char:");
        puts("input the weight of this char:");


    for(i=n+1;i<=m;i++) /*adding  branch */


        SelectSort(1, i);


        printf("cannot open file\n");
    printf("the  lasted hffmantree is :\n");
    printf("   number        zifu       weight        parent         lchild         rchild\n");



8 楼


9 楼

麻烦 matorl50 把自己的程序 贡献出来,让大家一起分享。你真得写得很好啊[em8][em15]

10 楼

To tmdcool:

PS.   My name is meteor135, not mator150!

