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English is just a tool to catch up the latest information with advanced techknowledge.

回复列表 (共21个回复)


wo kao
How high your score is.
How do you get it!


I've got nothing to say.
The score is high but...

techknowledge? What's that?

3 楼

I agree with you......
I think English is only a tool,not a road to get money!

4 楼

It should be make money,or just earn some money.Geting money  is not a good way

5 楼

I gree with you ,but my english is poor ,so i should work hard for english ,I need help from all of you!

6 楼

wo kao!!I think this is useful english!~

7 楼

ok, work hard on E,not for E,it should be for u mother

8 楼

送大家个祝福吧!     (好好学习,天天向上!)

      No business too small, no problem too big.

9 楼


good good study,day day up

10 楼

Who know the process of ejb development?I want to be an expert in the field of j2ee.
If you also have this hobby,Don't be hesitate to call me.
My cell phone number is 110.

