回 帖 发 新 帖 刷新版面


#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX 10
#define N 20
#define M 10

void by_name(struct CLASS *headp);
void by_number(struct CLASS *headp);
void by_age(struct CLASS *headp);
void by_tel(struct CLASS *headp);
void write_file(struct CLASS *headp,FILE *myfile);
float SUBAVE(struct CLASS *headp,int,int,int);
void CLAAVE(struct CLASS *headp);
void incredit(struct CLASS *headp);
void sort(struct CLASS *headp);
void method(void);
void WarnCLA();
void WarnSTU();
void WarnSUB();
void SUCESSES();
void out(struct CLASS *headp,int,int);
void introduce(void);
void screen(int,int,int,char *p[]);
struct CLASS * read_file(struct CLASS *headp,FILE *myfile);
struct CLASS * create(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * mod_stu(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * mod_sbj(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * mod_score(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * mod_STUkey(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * del_sbj(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * del_stu(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * del_cla(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * ins_cla(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * ins_stu(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * ins_sbj(struct CLASS *headp);

struct STUD{                 /*学生结构体*/
   long number;               
   unsigned subjects;
   unsigned age;
   float average;
   char STUkey[12];
   char name[N];
   char kind[M];
   char sex[M];
   char bir_p[N];
   char add[N];
   long tel;
   char  mobilephone[15];
   struct STUD* next;
   struct SUB* first;

struct CLASS{                /*班级结构体*/  
   unsigned no;
   unsigned students;
   unsigned classes;
   char ADMkey[12];
   float score[MAX];
   float average;
   struct STUD* first;
   struct CLASS* next;

struct SUB{                   /*课程结构体*/
   unsigned number;
   char name[N];
   unsigned credit;
   unsigned ps_score;
   unsigned tx_score;
   unsigned un_score;
   struct SUB* next;

FILE *fp;

int key0,key1,key,test,dx,dy,y,x,i;               /*外部变量说明*/
char   buf[30*10*2],buf1[30*2];

char   *chp[ ]= {"file",                         /* 菜单项目*/

char * file[]={
           "open ",
           "save ",
           "exit ",
char * search[]={
           "by name",
           "by number",
           "by tel",
           "by age",
char * insert[]={
char * modify[]={
           "score  ",
char * delete[]={
char * tongji[]={
char * help[]={
       "sort  ",
char *  outby[]={
           "Bad  ",

回复列表 (共57个回复)

11 楼

struct CLASS * mod_sbj(struct CLASS *headp)/*修改科目信息*/
    struct CLASS *p1;
    struct STUD *p2;
    struct SUB *p3;
    int order;
    char key[12];
    int ch, n=0;
    int sbj_num,no,flag=1;
    long stu_num;                          
in1:if(n>3)                              /*连续四次输入错误密码,返回*/
     { cprintf("Too many errors!");
      goto inEND;
    cprintf("\nInput the your keywords:");/*输入学生密码*/

    cprintf("\nInput the class number:");
in2:cprintf("\n Input the student number:");
            {   cprintf("Wrong numbers!");
                goto in2;
    cprintf("\n Input the subject number:");
      if(p1->no==no) break;              /*找到班级入口*/
      else continue;
    if(p1==NULL){WarnCLA();goto inEND;} /*班级不存在*/
       else break;
    }                                   /*找到学生*/
    if(p2==NULL){WarnSTU();goto inEND;}
    if(strcmp(p2->STUkey,key))          /*验证密码*/
             {   cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;

      else break;
    }                                   /*找到课程入口*/
    if(p3==NULL){WarnSUB();goto inEND;}  /*课程尚未创建*/
          cprintf("\n\t student name:%-16s \t subject name:%-13s \t credit:%-10d",p2->name,p3->name,p3->credit);
    inx:  cprintf("\nInput the item you want to modify ( 1:name    ,2:credit  ,3:number  ):");
            { flag=0;
                p3->name[i]=' ';
          cprintf("\t Input the new name :");

            { flag=0;
          cprintf("\t Input the new cridit:");

            { flag=0;
          cprintf("\t Input the new number:");

                     cprintf("\t Input item error!                                                            ");
                     goto inx;
inEND:  return(headp);

struct CLASS * mod_score(struct CLASS *headp)/*修改科目的成绩*/
  struct CLASS *p1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  struct SUB *p3;
  int order;
  char key[12];
  int no,subnum=0;
  long stu_num;
  int n=0,flag=1,sum=0,credit=0;
in1:if(n>3)                   /*连续四次输入错误密码*/
     { cprintf("Too many errors!");
       goto inEND;
    cprintf("\nInput the your keywords:");

    cprintf("\n Input the class number:");
in2:cprintf("\n Input the student number:");
            {   cprintf("Wrong numbers!");
                goto in2;
    cprintf("\n Input the subject number:");
    for(p1=headp->next; p1!=NULL; p1=p1->next)
      if(p1->no==no) break;/*找到班级入口*/
      else continue;
    if(p1==NULL){WarnCLA();goto inEND;}
   for(p2=p1->first; p2!=NULL; p2=p2->next)
       else break;
   }                      /*找到学生*/
   if(p2==NULL){WarnSTU();goto inEND;}  
             {   cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;

12 楼

struct CLASS * mod_sbj(struct CLASS *headp)/*修改科目信息*/
    struct CLASS *p1;
    struct STUD *p2;
    struct SUB *p3;
    int order;
    char key[12];
    int ch, n=0;
    int sbj_num,no,flag=1;
    long stu_num;                          
in1:if(n>3)                              /*连续四次输入错误密码,返回*/
     { cprintf("Too many errors!");
      goto inEND;
    cprintf("\nInput the your keywords:");/*输入学生密码*/

    cprintf("\nInput the class number:");
in2:cprintf("\n Input the student number:");
            {   cprintf("Wrong numbers!");
                goto in2;
    cprintf("\n Input the subject number:");
      if(p1->no==no) break;              /*找到班级入口*/
      else continue;
    if(p1==NULL){WarnCLA();goto inEND;} /*班级不存在*/
       else break;
    }                                   /*找到学生*/
    if(p2==NULL){WarnSTU();goto inEND;}
    if(strcmp(p2->STUkey,key))          /*验证密码*/
             {   cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;

      else break;
    }                                   /*找到课程入口*/
    if(p3==NULL){WarnSUB();goto inEND;}  /*课程尚未创建*/
          cprintf("\n\t student name:%-16s \t subject name:%-13s \t credit:%-10d",p2->name,p3->name,p3->credit);
    inx:  cprintf("\nInput the item you want to modify ( 1:name    ,2:credit  ,3:number  ):");
            { flag=0;
                p3->name[i]=' ';
          cprintf("\t Input the new name :");

            { flag=0;
          cprintf("\t Input the new cridit:");

            { flag=0;
          cprintf("\t Input the new number:");

                     cprintf("\t Input item error!                                                            ");
                     goto inx;
inEND:  return(headp);

struct CLASS * mod_score(struct CLASS *headp)/*修改科目的成绩*/
  struct CLASS *p1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  struct SUB *p3;
  int order;
  char key[12];
  int no,subnum=0;
  long stu_num;
  int n=0,flag=1,sum=0,credit=0;
in1:if(n>3)                   /*连续四次输入错误密码*/
     { cprintf("Too many errors!");
       goto inEND;
    cprintf("\nInput the your keywords:");

    cprintf("\n Input the class number:");
in2:cprintf("\n Input the student number:");
            {   cprintf("Wrong numbers!");
                goto in2;
    cprintf("\n Input the subject number:");
    for(p1=headp->next; p1!=NULL; p1=p1->next)
      if(p1->no==no) break;/*找到班级入口*/
      else continue;
    if(p1==NULL){WarnCLA();goto inEND;}
   for(p2=p1->first; p2!=NULL; p2=p2->next)
       else break;
   }                      /*找到学生*/
   if(p2==NULL){WarnSTU();goto inEND;}  
             {   cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;
      else continue;
   if(p3==NULL){WarnSUB();goto inEND;}
            cprintf("\n ps_score:%-17u \t tx_score:%-16u \t un_score:%-14u", p3->ps_score,p3->tx_score,p3->un_score );
    iny:    cprintf("\t input the item you want to modify ( 1:ps_score   ,2:tx_score   ,3:un_score  ):     ");

13 楼

struct CLASS * mod_sbj(struct CLASS *headp)/*修改科目信息*/
    struct CLASS *p1;
    struct STUD *p2;
    struct SUB *p3;
    int order;
    char key[12];
    int ch, n=0;
    int sbj_num,no,flag=1;
    long stu_num;                          
in1:if(n>3)                              /*连续四次输入错误密码,返回*/
     { cprintf("Too many errors!");
      goto inEND;
    cprintf("\nInput the your keywords:");/*输入学生密码*/

    cprintf("\nInput the class number:");
in2:cprintf("\n Input the student number:");
            {   cprintf("Wrong numbers!");
                goto in2;
    cprintf("\n Input the subject number:");
      if(p1->no==no) break;              /*找到班级入口*/
      else continue;
    if(p1==NULL){WarnCLA();goto inEND;} /*班级不存在*/
       else break;
    }                                   /*找到学生*/
    if(p2==NULL){WarnSTU();goto inEND;}
    if(strcmp(p2->STUkey,key))          /*验证密码*/
             {   cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;

      else break;
    }                                   /*找到课程入口*/
    if(p3==NULL){WarnSUB();goto inEND;}  /*课程尚未创建*/
          cprintf("\n\t student name:%-16s \t subject name:%-13s \t credit:%-10d",p2->name,p3->name,p3->credit);
    inx:  cprintf("\nInput the item you want to modify ( 1:name    ,2:credit  ,3:number  ):");
            { flag=0;
                p3->name[i]=' ';
          cprintf("\t Input the new name :");

            { flag=0;
          cprintf("\t Input the new cridit:");

            { flag=0;
          cprintf("\t Input the new number:");

                     cprintf("\t Input item error!                                                            ");
                     goto inx;
inEND:  return(headp);

14 楼

struct CLASS * mod_score(struct CLASS *headp)/*修改科目的成绩*/
  struct CLASS *p1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  struct SUB *p3;
  int order;
  char key[12];
  int no,subnum=0;
  long stu_num;
  int n=0,flag=1,sum=0,credit=0;
in1:if(n>3)                   /*连续四次输入错误密码*/
     { cprintf("Too many errors!");
       goto inEND;
    cprintf("\nInput the your keywords:");

    cprintf("\n Input the class number:");
in2:cprintf("\n Input the student number:");
            {   cprintf("Wrong numbers!");
                goto in2;
    cprintf("\n Input the subject number:");
    for(p1=headp->next; p1!=NULL; p1=p1->next)
      if(p1->no==no) break;/*找到班级入口*/
      else continue;
    if(p1==NULL){WarnCLA();goto inEND;}
   for(p2=p1->first; p2!=NULL; p2=p2->next)
       else break;
   }                      /*找到学生*/
   if(p2==NULL){WarnSTU();goto inEND;}  
             {   cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;
      else continue;
   if(p3==NULL){WarnSUB();goto inEND;}
            cprintf("\n ps_score:%-17u \t tx_score:%-16u \t un_score:%-14u", p3->ps_score,p3->tx_score,p3->un_score );
    iny:    cprintf("\t input the item you want to modify ( 1:ps_score   ,2:tx_score   ,3:un_score  ):     ");
    in3:  cprintf("\t Input %s's new ps_score:",p3->name);
              {   cprintf("Wrong numbers!");
                goto in3;
            { flag=0;
    in4:  cprintf("\t Input %s's new tx_score:",p3->name);
              {   cprintf("Wrong numbers!");
                goto in4;
            { flag=0;
    in5:  cprintf("\t Input %s's new un_score:",p3->name);
              {   cprintf("Wrong numbers!");
                goto in5;
       if(flag) {
                    cprintf("\n Input error!-------------------------------------------------------------------");
                    goto iny;
inEND:  return(headp);

struct CLASS *mod_STUkey(struct CLASS *headp)/*修改学生的密码*/
  struct CLASS  *p1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  long stunum;
  int i=0;
  char key[12];
  cprintf("Input your number:");
   else continue;
  if(p1==NULL){WarnSTU();goto inEND;}
   else continue;
  if(p2==NULL){WarnSTU();goto inEND;}
  if(i>3){cprintf("Too many errors!");goto inEND;}
  cprintf("Input your keyword:");
  if(strcmp(key,p2->STUkey)){cprintf("Wrong keyword!");i++;goto inx;}
  cprintf("Input your new keyword:");
  p2->STUkey[i]=' ';
  clrscr( );

struct CLASS * del_cla(struct CLASS *headp)/*删除班级*/
  long num;
  int ch,n=0;
  char key[12];
  int no;
  struct SUB * p3;
  struct STUD * p2;
  struct CLASS *p1,*last;
     { cprintf("Too many errors!");
      goto   inEND;
    cprintf("\nInput the administer's keywords:");

     cprintf("\n input the class number:");

      if(p1->no==no) break;
      else continue;
    if(p1==NULL){WarnCLA();goto inEND;}        /*找到班级入口*/
             {   cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;
          if(p1->next!=NULL)  headp->next=p1->next;
          else headp->next=NULL;
        else last->next=p1->next;
     for(p2=p1->first;p2!=NULL;p2=p2->next)    /*释放内存单元*/
inEND:  return(headp);

struct CLASS * del_stu(struct CLASS *headp)    /*删除学生*/
  long num;
  int ch,n=0;
  char key[12];
  int no,stu_num=0;
  struct STUD *last,*p2;
  struct CLASS *p1;
  struct SUB * p3;
     { cprintf("Too many errors!");
       goto   inEND;
    cprintf("\nInput the administer's keywords:");

    cprintf("\n input the class number:");
in2:cprintf("\nInput the student's number :");
    { cprintf("Wrong number!");
      goto in2;
      if(p1->no==no) break;/*找到班级入口*/
      else continue;
      if(p1==NULL){WarnCLA();goto inEND;}   
             {   cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;
           else break;
        if(p2==NULL){WarnSTU();goto inEND;}      
        cprintf("\t class:%-10u \t name:%-16s \t birth place:%-23s",p1->no,p2->name,p2->bir_p);                                                             /*c2 is to delete*/
inEND:  return(headp);

15 楼

struct CLASS * del_sbj(struct CLASS *headp)/*删除课程*/
  struct CLASS *p1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  struct SUB *p3,*last;
  int ch,n=0;
  char key[12];
  int no,sum=0,credit=0;
  int subnum;
  long stu_num;
  in1:if(n>3)                             /*多次输入错误密码自动退出*/
     { cprintf("Too many errors!");
       goto inEND;
    cprintf("\nInput the your keywords:");

    cprintf("\n Input the class number:");
in2:cprintf("\n Input the student number:");
    { cprintf("Wrong number!");
      goto in2;
    cprintf("\n Input the subject number:");
      if(p1->no==no) break;                 /*找到班级入口*/
      else continue;
    if(p1==NULL){WarnCLA();goto inEND;}    
       else break;
    if(p2==NULL){WarnSTU();goto inEND;}        /*找到学生*/     
             {   cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;
      else break;
    if(p3==NULL){WarnSUB();goto inEND;}    /*找到课程入口*/     
          cprintf("\n\t number:%-16u \t name:%-11s\t score:%4u \t credit:%-14u",p3->number,p3->name,p3->un_score,p3->credit);
          if(p3!=p2->first)           /*p3 is not the head node*/
    cprintf("\t Continue?(y/n)");
   clrscr( );
inEND:  return(headp);

struct CLASS * ins_cla(struct CLASS *headp)/*插入班级*/
     char ch;
     int n=0;
     char Licence[12];
     struct CLASS *p1,*l1,*t1;
in1: if(n>3)
     { cprintf("Too many errors!");

      goto inEND;
     cprintf("\nInput the administer's keywords:");/*输入管理员密码*/

             {   cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;
     p1=(struct CLASS*)malloc(sizeof(struct CLASS));
     cprintf("\n input the class number :");
        cprintf("\t The class is exist! continue?(y/n)");
        goto inx;
        else goto inEND;
    {      p1->next=NULL;/*班级不存在*/
           goto iny;
    {      p1->next=headp->next;/*作为链头*/
        {  if(t1->next==NULL)
           {  p1->next=NULL;
              goto iny;
           else   continue;
        l1->next=p1;      /*插在中间*/

iny:  cprintf("\n input the administer's keywords:");
      clrscr( );
inEND:     return(headp);

16 楼

struct CLASS * ins_stu(struct CLASS *headp)/*插入学生*/
{  char ch,Ch,c;
   char CH[12];
   char Licence[12];
   int n=0,flag=1;
   int no;
   struct CLASS *p11,*p12,*last1;
   struct STUD *p21,*p22,*p2,*last;  
   p2=(struct STUD*)malloc(sizeof(struct STUD));
   cprintf("\n input the class number:");
in2:cprintf("\t input the student's number :");
    {  cprintf("Wrong number!");
       goto in2;
   in1:if(n>3)           /*多次输入错误密码*/
       cprintf("Too many errors!");
       goto inEND;
    cprintf("\nInput the administer's keywords:");

   for(p11=headp->next; p11!=NULL;last1=p11, p11=p11->next) /*p11为遍历指针*/
     if (p11->no == no)
    p12 = p11;
     else continue;                            /*p12为班级入口*/
   if(last1==NULL){WarnCLA();goto inEND;}
                 cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;

   for(p21=p12->first; p21!=NULL; p21=p21->next)/*p21为遍历指针*/
      if(p21->number == p2->number)
        cprintf("\t the student is exist!  continue?(y/n)");
        goto in2;
        else goto inEND;
   {                 /*作为链头*/
     goto iny;
   { p2->next=p12->first;

     {    if(p21->next==NULL)
          { p2->next=NULL; /*插入作为链尾*/     
            goto iny;
          else   continue;
     last->next=p2; /*插在中间*/                                          

iny:     cprintf("\t SUCCESS!");

     cprintf(" \tInput student's name :");     /*录入学生基本信息*/
inz:     cprintf(" \tInput student's sex :");
      else {cprintf("Input wrong information!");goto inz;}

in3: cprintf(" \tInput student's kind :");
     if(!strcmp(CH,"Party")||!strcmp(CH,"League")||!strcmp(CH,"Pioneer")||!strcmp(CH, ' '))
        else {cprintf("Wrong kind!");goto in3;}
     cprintf(" \tInput student's birth place :");
     cprintf(" \tInput student's address :");
     cprintf(" \tInput student's age :");
     cprintf(" \tInput student's keywords :");
     cprintf(" \tInput student's telephone number :");
     cprintf(" \tInput student's mobilephone number :");
inEND:if(flag){ clrscr( );WarnSTU(); }  return(headp);

17 楼

struct CLASS * ins_sbj(struct CLASS *headp)/*插入课程信息*/
   int no;
   long num;
   int n=0,sum=0,credit=0;
   char ch;
   char key[12];
   struct CLASS *p1;
   struct STUD *p2;
   struct SUB *p3,*p31,*p32;
inx:  p3=(struct SUB*)malloc(sizeof(struct SUB));
   cprintf("\n input the class number :");
   cprintf("\n input the student's number :");
  in1:if(n>3)                    /*多次输入错误密码*/
     { cprintf("Too many errors!");
      goto inEND;
    cprintf("\nInput  your keywords:");

   cprintf("\n input the subject's number :");
   for(p1=headp->next;p1!=NULL;p1=p1->next)                  /* find the class */               
   {   if(p1->no==no) break;
       else continue;
   if(p1==NULL){WarnCLA();goto inEND;}
   for(p2=p1->first;p2!=NULL;p2=p2->next)            /* find the student */
   {  if(p2->number==num) break;
      else continue;
   if(p2==NULL){WarnSTU();goto inEND;}         /*验证密码*/
             {   cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;
        cprintf("\n The subject is exist!Continue?(y/n)");
        goto inx;
        else goto inEND;
   {                                            /* 插入作为链头 */
       p31 = p2->first;
       if(p31->number<p3->number)                /*插入作为第一科*/
       p32 = p31;
       while (p31->next != NULL)              
       p31 = p31->next;
       if (p31->number < p3->number)          /*插在中间*/
        p32 = p32->next;

18 楼

cprintf("\n Input subject name and credit:");
    cprintf(" \tInput ps_score,tx_score,un_score:");
    clrscr( );
  inEND: return(headp);
void sort(struct CLASS *headp)
{ int clanum,m,n,i,j;
  struct CLASS *p1;
  struct STUD *p2,*last,*next,*tmp;
  cprintf("Input the CLASS number:");
      if(p1->no==clanum) break;/*找到班级入口*/
      else continue;
inz: p2=p1->first,i=1;
inx:  for(j=0;p2!=NULL&&j<10;i++,p2=p2->next)/*格式控制*/
iny: while(bioskey(1)==0);
               key=key&0xff?0:key>>8;         /*翻页显示*/
     if(key==81){                             /*下翻*/
                 if(i<p1->students){ goto inz;}
                 else {
                       cprintf("\t That's all!Reread,pageup!                                                     ");
                       goto iny;
     if(key==73)                              /*上翻*/
                { if(i>10){goto inx;}
                       cprintf("\t For more information,pagedown!                                                ");
                       goto iny;

void introduce(void)                          /*函数功能介绍*/

      cprintf("\n\t Save :Write data into files!                                                  ");

      cprintf("\n\t Open :Open files !                                                            ");

      cprintf("\n\t Create : Create files!                                                        ");
      cprintf("\n\t Output :Put out information according to your command!                        ");
      cprintf("\n\t Sort : Arrang the students by average score!                                  ");

      cprintf("\n\t Impass : Show the students who didn't pass the exam!                          ");
      cprintf("\n\t Incredit : See about the credits you have got!                                ");

      cprintf("\n\t Average :See about the average score of class!                                ");

void method()                /*快捷介绍*/
   cprintf("\t file:alt+f      \t search:alt+s      \t insert:alt+i      \t modify:alt+m      \t delete:alt+d      \t tongji:alt+t      \t help:alt+h");
   cprintf("   //* WELCOME INTO HERE *// ");


19 楼

void screen(int x,int dx,int m,char *p[])/*画菜单的函数*/
       gettext(4+dx,2,15+dx,7,buf);                                       /* save the content */
       clrscr( );
       for(i=2;i<12;i++) putch(0xc4);                                      /*print '-'*/
           gotoxy(1,i);putch(0xb3);                                     /*print '|'*/
       for(i=2;i<12;i++) putch(0xc4);    /*画菜单边框*/                                  /*print '-'*/
          if(key1==72) y=y==2?5:y-1;           /*上下控制*/
          if(key1==80) y=y==5?2:y+1;
       }                                            /*菜单之间的转换*/
           if(key1==75){                                /*左移*/
              if(x==4) key=24;
              if(x==11) key=33;
              if(x==20) key=31;
              if(x==29) key=23;
              if(x==38) key=50;
              if(x==47) key=32;
              if(x==56) key=20;
              if(x==63) key=35;
           if(key1==77){                                 /*右移*/
              if(x==4) key=31;
              if(x==11) key=23;
              if(x==20) key=50;
              if(x==29) key=32;
              if(x==38) key=20;
              if(x==47) key=35;
              if(x==56) key=24;
              if(x==63) key=33;
           if(key0==45) exit(0);                   /* alt + x */
           if(key0==13)                            /* enter key */

void WarnCLA()                 /*出错提示的各弹出式对话框*/
{  clrscr( );
    clrscr( );
    cprintf("\nThe Class is not exist!");
void WarnSTU()
{  clrscr( );
    clrscr( );
    cprintf("\nThe student is not exist!");
void WarnSUB()
{  clrscr( );
    clrscr( );
    cprintf("\nThe Subject is not exist!");
{  clrscr( );
    clrscr( );

20 楼


