回 帖 发 新 帖 刷新版面


#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX 10
#define N 20
#define M 10

void by_name(struct CLASS *headp);
void by_number(struct CLASS *headp);
void by_age(struct CLASS *headp);
void by_tel(struct CLASS *headp);
void write_file(struct CLASS *headp,FILE *myfile);
float SUBAVE(struct CLASS *headp,int,int,int);
void CLAAVE(struct CLASS *headp);
void incredit(struct CLASS *headp);
void sort(struct CLASS *headp);
void method(void);
void WarnCLA();
void WarnSTU();
void WarnSUB();
void SUCESSES();
void out(struct CLASS *headp,int,int);
void introduce(void);
void screen(int,int,int,char *p[]);
struct CLASS * read_file(struct CLASS *headp,FILE *myfile);
struct CLASS * create(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * mod_stu(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * mod_sbj(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * mod_score(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * mod_STUkey(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * del_sbj(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * del_stu(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * del_cla(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * ins_cla(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * ins_stu(struct CLASS *headp);
struct CLASS * ins_sbj(struct CLASS *headp);

struct STUD{                 /*学生结构体*/
   long number;               
   unsigned subjects;
   unsigned age;
   float average;
   char STUkey[12];
   char name[N];
   char kind[M];
   char sex[M];
   char bir_p[N];
   char add[N];
   long tel;
   char  mobilephone[15];
   struct STUD* next;
   struct SUB* first;

struct CLASS{                /*班级结构体*/  
   unsigned no;
   unsigned students;
   unsigned classes;
   char ADMkey[12];
   float score[MAX];
   float average;
   struct STUD* first;
   struct CLASS* next;

struct SUB{                   /*课程结构体*/
   unsigned number;
   char name[N];
   unsigned credit;
   unsigned ps_score;
   unsigned tx_score;
   unsigned un_score;
   struct SUB* next;

FILE *fp;

int key0,key1,key,test,dx,dy,y,x,i;               /*外部变量说明*/
char   buf[30*10*2],buf1[30*2];

char   *chp[ ]= {"file",                         /* 菜单项目*/

char * file[]={
           "open ",
           "save ",
           "exit ",
char * search[]={
           "by name",
           "by number",
           "by tel",
           "by age",
char * insert[]={
char * modify[]={
           "score  ",
char * delete[]={
char * tongji[]={
char * help[]={
       "sort  ",
char *  outby[]={
           "Bad  ",

回复列表 (共57个回复)


void main()
    char c;
    int Above, Below,no,subnum,A;
    struct CLASS cla;
    struct CLASS * head;
    struct CLASS * p1;
    struct STUD * p2;
    struct SUB * p3;
    clrscr( );
    textbackground(WHITE);    /*制作欢迎界面*/
    clrscr( );
    cprintf("Teaching management system");
    cprintf("Copyright ZhuTao & Star Dragon Li");
    cprintf("Computer Science & Technology");
    cprintf("Informtion Security Class four.");
    clrscr( );
       cprintf("   %s",chp[i]);

  inx: if(key==45) exit(0);                                 /* press alt+x*/
       if(key==33)                                          /* press alt+f*/
           if(key!=33) goto inx;
           if(key1==45) exit(0);                   /* alt + x */
              case 1:
                      case 2:
            fread(&cla,sizeof(struct CLASS),1,fp);  /*打开文件*/
                      case 3:
                           fprintf(stderr,"error:cantcreate file!\n");
                   fwrite(head->next,sizeof(struct CLASS),1,fp);
              case 4:
                         cprintf("Save your change?(y/n)");

                              fprintf(stderr,"error:can't create file!\n");
                fwrite(head->next,sizeof(struct CLASS),1,fp);
                            for(p1=head->next;p1!=NULL;p1=p1->next){  /*退出时释放内存*/
           if(key0==27)                 /* esc key */

       if(key==31)                                               /*press alt+s*/
           if(key1==45) exit(0);
           if(key!=31) goto inx;
         case 1:
         case 2:

         case 3:

                 case 4:

                        cprintf("\nInput error!");


if(key==27)                      /* esc key */
       if(key==23)                                             /* alt+i */                                                     /*print alt+i*/
       {   dx=2*8;
           if(key1==45) exit(0);
           if(key!=23) goto inx;
         case 1:
         case 2:
         case 3:
         case 4:
       if(key0==27)                        /* esc key */
    if(key==50)                                         /*alt+m*/                                                                                      /*print alt+m*/
       {   dx=25;
           if(key1==45) exit(0);
           if(key!=50) goto inx;
         case 1:
         case 2:
         case 3:

                 case 4:head=mod_STUkey(head);
      if(key0==27)                            /* esc key */
    if(key==32)                                      /* alt+d */
       {   dx=34;
           if(key1==45) exit(0);
           if(key!=32) goto inx;
         case 1:
         case 2:
         case 3:
                 case 4:
      if(key0==27)                    /* esc key */

3 楼

if(key==20)                                              /*print alt+t*/
       {   dx=43;
           if(key1==45) exit(0);
           if(key!=20) goto inx;
         case 1:A=1;
                        cprintf("\n Input the class number:");
                        cprintf("\n Input the subject number:");
         case 2:Above=59;Below=0;
         case 3:
                 case 4:
      if(key0==27)                    /* esc key */
    if(key==24)                                              /*print alt+o*/
           screen(x,dx,i,outby); /*画采单窗口*/
           if(key1==45) exit(0);
           if(key!=24) goto inx;
         case 1:
                        out(head, Above, Below);
         case 2:
         case 3:
                 case 4:
      if(key0==27)                           /* esc key */
  if(key==35)                                              /*print alt+h*/
  {        dx=52;
           if(key1==45) exit(0);
           if(key!=35) goto inx;
         case 1:
         case 2:
         case 3:
                 case 4:
      if(key0==27)                            /* esc key */

4 楼

struct CLASS * create(struct CLASS *headp)    /*创建文件*/
   struct CLASS *p1;
   unsigned sum;
   char ch;
   unsigned CREDIT;
   char CH[8];
   int total=0;
     p1=(struct CLASS *)malloc(sizeof(struct CLASS));
     cprintf("\n Input class number :");
     cprintf("\n Input administer key words :");/*创建班级管理员密码*/
     p1->first=NULL; /*创建班级链*/

        struct STUD *p2;
        p2=(struct STUD*)malloc(sizeof(struct STUD));
   inx: cprintf("\n Input student's number:");
        if(((p2->number/100)%100)!=p1->no)   /*学号要与班号统一*/
           cprintf("Wrong number!");
           goto inx;

        cprintf(" \tInput student's name :"); /*录入学生基本信息*/

   iny: cprintf(" \tInput student's kind ('Party''League''pioneer''None'):");
        if(!strcmp(CH,"Party")||!strcmp(CH,"League")||!strcmp(CH,"Pioneer")||!strcmp(CH, "None "))
        else {cprintf("Wrong kind!");goto iny;}
        cprintf(" \tInput student's keywords :");

    inz:cprintf(" \tInput student's sex :");          
        else {cprintf("Input wrong information!");goto inz;}

        cprintf(" \tInput student's birth place :");
        cprintf(" \tInput student's address :");
        cprintf(" \tInput student's age :");
        cprintf(" \tInput student's telephone number :");
        cprintf(" \tInput student's  mobilephone number or input 'xxxx':");
        p1->first=p2;          /*创建学生链*/

       struct SUB *p3;
       p3=(struct SUB*)malloc(sizeof(struct SUB));/*录入课程基本信息*/
           cprintf("\n Input subject number:");
           cprintf("\n Input subject name:");
           cprintf("\n Input subject credit:");
       cprintf(" \tInput ps_score,tx_score,un_score:");
    inA:   scanf("%u%u%u",&p3->ps_score,&p3->tx_score,&p3->un_score);
           { cprintf("\ninput scores small than 100");goto inA;}
           p3->next=p2->first; /*创建课程链*/

           cprintf("\n continue input subject?(y\\n)");
        p2->average=(float)sum/ CREDIT;
        cprintf("\n continue input student?(y\\n)");
      cprintf("\n continue input class?(y\\n)");
   clrscr( );

5 楼

void by_name(struct CLASS *headp)/*用名字查询*/
  char  CH;
  char name[20];
  int found=1,i=0,NUM=0,k;
  struct CLASS *p1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  struct student
   long number;               
   int age;
   char name[N];
   char kind[M];
   char sex[M];
   char bir_p[N];
   char mobilephone[15];
   char add[N];
   long tel;
   struct student* next;  
  struct student *pstud=NULL,*s2,*c2;
  cprintf("Input student's name:");
  for(p1=headp->next;p1!=NULL;p1=p1->next)   /*循环查找各个班级*/
   {   if(!strcmp(p2->name,name))
       { s2=(struct student*)malloc(sizeof(struct student));
         strcpy(s2->bir_p,p2->bir_p);              /*创建临时链表存储匹配的信息以便控制输出*/
     inf:     c2=pstud;NUM=0;                     /*输出所有同名的学生基本信息*/
          for(k=NUM;k<4+NUM&&c2!=NULL;k++,c2=c2->next)                  /*格式控制*/
           cprintf("|\t number:%-22ld|\t name:%-22s|\t sex:%-10s|",c2->number,c2->name,c2->sex,c2->kind);
           cprintf("|\t bir_p:%-23s|\t add:%-23s|\t age:%-10u|",c2->bir_p,c2->add,c2->age);
           cprintf("|\t mobilephone:%-17s|\t tel:%-23ld|\t kind:%-9s|",c2->mobilephone,c2->tel,c2->sex);
inz: while(bioskey(1)==0);            
     if(key==81){                     /*按PAGEDOWN*/
                 if(k<i) goto inx;
                 else {
                       cprintf("\t That's all!Reread,pageup!                                                    ");
                       goto inz;
     if(key==73)                      /*按PAGEGEUP*/
                  if(k-5>0)goto inf;
                       cprintf("\t For more information,pagedown!                                                 ");
                       goto inz;
        if(found) WarnSTU();   /*没有找到学生*/

void by_number(struct CLASS *headp)      /*用学号查询*/
  int found=1;
  long number;
  struct STUD *p2;
  struct CLASS *p1;
  cprintf("Input student's number:");
    for(p2=p1->first;p2->number!=number&&p2!=NULL;p2=p2->next)                    /*格式控制*/
    if(p2){cprintf("|\t number:%-22ld|\t name:%-22s|\t sex:%-10s|",p2->number,p2->name,p2->sex,p2->kind);
           cprintf("|\t bir_p:%-23s|\t add:%-23s|\t age:%-10u|",p2->bir_p,p2->add,p2->age);
           cprintf("|\t mobilephone:%-17s|\t tel:%-23ld|\t kind:%-9s|",p2->mobilephone,p2->tel,p2->sex);
  if(found) WarnSTU();

6 楼

void by_tel(struct CLASS *headp)                       /*用电话号码查询*/
  int found=1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  struct CLASS *p1;
  long tel;
  cprintf("\nInput the student's tel:");
    { if(p2->tel==tel){                               /*格式控制*/
           cprintf("|\t number:%-22ld|\t name:%-22s|\t sex:%-10s|",p2->number,p2->name,p2->sex,p2->kind);
           cprintf("|\t bir_p:%-23s|\t add:%-23s|\t age:%-10u|",p2->bir_p,p2->add,p2->age);
           cprintf("|\t mobilephone:%-17s|\t tel:%-23ld|\t kind:%-9s|",p2->mobilephone,p2->tel,p2->sex);
   WarnSTU();    /*没有找到学生*/

void by_age(struct CLASS *headp)     /*按年龄查询,输出所有同年龄的学生基本信息*/
  char  CH;
  unsigned age1;
  int found=1,i=0,NUM=0,k;
  struct CLASS *p1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  char student[30][6][30];
  long num[30][2];
  unsigned age[30][1];
  cprintf("Input student's age:");

   {   if(p2->age==age1)
         strcpy(student[i][0],p2->name);             /*将所有匹配信息存入数组以便控制输出*/
          for(k=NUM;k<3+NUM&&k<i;k++)                 /*输出格式控制*/
           cprintf("|\t number:%-22ld|\t name:%-22s|\t sex:%-10s|",num[k][1],student[k][0],student[k][1]);
           cprintf("|\t bir_p:%-23s|\t add:%-23s|\t age:%-10u|",student[k][2],student[k][4],age[k][0]);
           cprintf("|\t mobilephone:%-17s|\t tel:%-23ld|\t kind:%-9s|",student[k][5],num[k][0],student[k][3]);
iny: while(bioskey(1)==0);
                 if(NUM<i){ goto inx;}
                 else {
                       cprintf("\t That's all!Reread,pageup!    /*翻页显示*/                                                 ");
                       goto iny;
                { if(NUM-3>0){NUM-=6;goto inx;}
                       cprintf("\t For more information,pagedown!                                                ");
                       goto iny;
  WarnSTU();     /*没有找到学生*/

void write_file(struct CLASS *headp,FILE *myfile)/*将数据写入磁盘文件*/
  struct CLASS *p1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  struct SUB *p3;
    fwrite(p1,sizeof(struct CLASS),1,myfile);   /*循环读取各节点信息*/       

      fwrite(p2,sizeof(struct STUD),1,myfile);

          fwrite(p3,sizeof(struct SUB),1,myfile);

7 楼

struct CLASS * read_file(struct CLASS *headp,FILE *myfile)/*从磁盘文件读信息创建链表*/
  struct CLASS buf1,*p1,*tail1;
  struct STUD buf2,*p2,*tail2;
  struct SUB buf3,*p3,*tail3;
  int n,m,k;
  int flag=0;
  for(tail1=headp->next,n=0;n<headp->next->classes;tail1=p1,++n){        /*create the class linetable*/
    if(fread(&buf1,sizeof(struct CLASS),1,myfile)!=1)        
    { headp->next->classes=n;
    p1=(struct CLASS *)malloc(sizeof(struct CLASS));
                                     /*construct students line*/
      if(fread(&buf2,sizeof(struct STUD),1,myfile)!=1)
      {  p1->students=m;
      p2=(struct STUD*)malloc(sizeof(struct STUD));

        if(fread(&buf3,sizeof(struct SUB),1,myfile)!=1)
    {  p2->subjects=k;
        p3=(struct SUB *)malloc(sizeof(struct SUB));

      }          /*end of subjects' line*/
    }            /*end of students*/
  }              /*end of class'*/
  if(flag) SUCESSES();
  else cprintf("\n FALE IN OPEN!");
void out(struct CLASS *headp,int Above,int Below)/*按分数段输出学生成绩*/
  char OUTPUT[100][2][20];
  long OUT1[100][1];
  int OUT2[100][1];
  int i=0,k,NUM=0,no,subnum,flag=1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  struct CLASS *p1;
  struct SUB *p3;
  cprintf("\t Input the class number:");
  cprintf("\t Input the subject number:");
     for(p1=headp->next; p1!=NULL; p1=p1->next)
      if(p1->no==no) break;
      else continue;
       else continue;
   if(flag){cprintf("There is no student!");return;}
        cprintf("|\t number:%-10ld|\t name:%-14s|\t SUBname:%-10s |\t un_score:%-3d|",
        OUT1[k][0],OUTPUT[k][0],OUTPUT[k][1] ,OUT2[k][0]);
     NUM+=5;                 /*翻页功能设置*/
iny: while(bioskey(1)==0);
     if(key==81){                                                   /* pagedown */
                   if(NUM<i) {goto inx;}
                   else {
                         cprintf("\t IT IS THE END!                                                                ");                         
                          goto iny;
     if(key==73){                                                   /* pageup */
                     cprintf("\t For more information,page down!                                               ");     
                     goto iny;
                 else {
                   goto inx;

8 楼

void CLAAVE(struct CLASS *headp)/*求班级的总平均成绩*/
{ struct CLASS *p1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  struct SUB *p3;
  int i,no,A=0;
  unsigned sum=0,credit=0;
  float CLAave=0;
  cprintf("Input the Class Number:");
      else continue;
    sum+=SUBAVE(headp,no, p3->number,A)*p3->credit;      /*调用求各科平均成绩的函数*/
  cprintf("The Cla_average of  Class%u is %3.2f.",no,CLAave);
float SUBAVE(struct CLASS *headp,int no,int subnum,int A)/*计算各科的平均成绩*/
  struct CLASS *p1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  struct SUB *p3;
  int sum;
  float average;
  char ch;
  float total;
  int n,i;
      else continue;
      if(p1==NULL){ WarnCLA();goto inEND;}
        cprintf(" \t CLASS %-2u : The %s's average is %-44.2f",p1->no,p3->name,average);/*格式控制*/
inEND:  return(average);

void incredit(struct CLASS *headp)/*统计学生的学分*/                            
  struct CLASS *p1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  struct SUB *p3;
  int total=0,no;
  long stu_num;
  int flag=0;

    cprintf("\n Input the class number:");
    cprintf("\t Input the student's number:");
      if(p1->no!=no) continue;
      if(p1->no==no) break;
      else continue;
       else break;    
    for(p3=p2->first;p3!=NULL;p3=p3->next) /*找到学生*/  
          else continue;
    if(flag)cprintf("|\t class:%-16u|\t student:%-19s|\t total credit:%-8d|",p1->no,p2->name,total);
    else WarnSUB();

9 楼

struct CLASS * mod_stu(struct CLASS *headp)/*修改学生基本信息*/
  struct CLASS  *p1;
  struct STUD *p2;
  int order;
  char KIND[20];
  char SEX[10];
  char Licence[12];
  char ch;
  int i,flag=1;
  long stu_num;
  int n=0;
  int no;
in1:if(n>3)                           /*连续四次输入错误密码,返回*/
     { cprintf("Too many errors!");
       goto inEND;
  cprintf("\nInput your keywords:");
do{ cprintf("\nInput the class number:");
in2: cprintf("\nInput the student's number:");
     if(((stu_num/100)%100)!=no)         /*输入的学号与班级号不匹配*/
     {cprintf("Wrong numbers!");
      goto in2;
      if(p1->no==no) break;              /*找到班级入口*/
      else continue;
     if(p1==NULL){WarnCLA();goto inEND;} /*没有找到班级,或班级尚未创建*/
           else break;
        }                                /*找到学生*/
        if(p2==NULL){WarnSTU();goto inEND;}
             {   cprintf( "Wrong keywords! ");
                 goto in1;
       inx: cprintf("\nInput the item you want to modify(|1:ADMkey  |2:STUkey  |3:Mobilephone|4:Number|");
            cprintf("\n|5:Name     |6:Kind    |7:Bir_p    |8:Age      |9:Sex     |10:Tel    |11:Add   |");                                
          cprintf("\t Input the  Administer's new keywords : ");
                p1->ADMkey[i]=' ';
          cprintf("\t Input the %s's new keywords : ",p2->name);
                p2->STUkey[i]=' ';
          cprintf("\t Input %s's new mobilephone number:",p2->name);
     in3:   cprintf("\t Input %s's new number:",p2->name);
            {   cprintf("Wrong numbers!");
                goto in3;

10 楼

          cprintf("\t Input the student %s's new name : ",p2->name);
                p2->name[i]=' ';
                p2->kind[i]=' ';
        in4:  cprintf("\t Input %s's new kind:",p2->name);/*输入信息要与要求的匹配*/
              if(strcmp(KIND,"Party")==0||strcmp(KIND,"League")==0||strcmp(KIND,"Pioneer")==0||strcmp(KIND," ")==0)

              else {    cprintf("Wrong information!Insert again!");
                       goto in4;
                p2->bir_p[i]=' ';
          cprintf("\t Input %s's new birth place:",p2->name);
          cprintf("\t Input %s's new age:",p2->name);
                p2->kind[i]=' ';
    in5:  cprintf("\t Input %s's new sex:",p2->name);
              else {cprintf("Wrong information!Insert again!");
                    goto in5;
          cprintf("\t Input %s's new tel:",p2->name);
                p2->add[i]=' ';
          cprintf("\t Input %s's new address:",p2->name);
              cprintf("\t Input item error!                                                             ");
              goto inx;
inEND:  return(headp);

