[专家分:0] 发布于 2005-05-07 14:09:00
这个程序是一本参考书的源程序,不过是用fortran77编写的,现在用visual fortran编译,就出错,可是我一直就发觉不了错误的原因,请大师出来指点一二,谢谢!我已把源程序上传到http://upload.programfan.com/upfile/200505071357513.rar了
3 楼
youngstar [专家分:0] 发布于 2005-05-08 21:40:00
Compiling Fortran...
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(314) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [ASA]
COMMON /EM/LM(6),ND,ASA(6,6),RF(6),SA(6,6)
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(314) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [RF]
COMMON /EM/LM(6),ND,ASA(6,6),RF(6),SA(6,6)
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(314) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [SA]
COMMON /EM/LM(6),ND,ASA(6,6),RF(6),SA(6,6)
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(315) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [SF]
1 ,SF(6),T(3,3)
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(315) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [T]
1 ,SF(6),T(3,3)
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(472) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [ASA]
COMMON /EM/ LM(6),ND,ASA(6,6),RF(6),SA(6,6),
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(472) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [RF]
COMMON /EM/ LM(6),ND,ASA(6,6),RF(6),SA(6,6),
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(472) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [SA]
COMMON /EM/ LM(6),ND,ASA(6,6),RF(6),SA(6,6),
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(473) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [SF]
1 SF(6),T(3,3)
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(473) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [T]
1 SF(6),T(3,3)
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(682) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [ASA]
COMMON /EM/LM(6),ND,ASA(6,6),RF(6),SA(6,6)
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(682) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [RF]
COMMON /EM/LM(6),ND,ASA(6,6),RF(6),SA(6,6)
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(682) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [SA]
COMMON /EM/LM(6),ND,ASA(6,6),RF(6),SA(6,6)
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(683) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [SF]
1 ,SF(6),T(3,3)
D:\FRAME2D.FOR(683) : Warning: Because of COMMON, the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type [T]
1 ,SF(6),T(3,3)
FRAME2D.OBJ - 0 error(s), 15 warning(s)
4 楼
mltx [专家分:20880] 发布于 2005-05-08 22:21:00
COMMON /EM/LM(6),ND,ASA(6,6),RF(6),SA(6,6),SF(6),T(3,3)
根据程序的隐含规则,LM(6),ND一共是7个整型数,每个整型数4个字节,共28个字节,不是8字节的整倍数。紧跟着是双精度的ASA(6,6),每个数是8个字节,可是ASA(1,1)不能从8字节整倍数位置开始存储,这就是the alignment of object is inconsistent with its type 的意思。