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    另,QB71,可否讲讲QB71中若干文件的功能及使用方法.LIB 太多,多的来是不知所措....



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                           Basic Programmer's Toolbox
                               (BPTB Version 1.0)
                               Copyright (c) 1992

         The Basic Programmer's Toolbox is a collection of over 70 routines
     and functions to help the Basic programmer bring their projects to
     completion quickly and easily.  The files included on this disk should

     BPTB.DOC      Operations manual   (This file)

     QBXTLS.QLB    Quick Library for use with PDS 7.1
     QBXTLS.LIB    LIB version for use with PDS 7.1
     QBXTLS.INC    Include file for PDS 7.1

     QBTLS.QLB     Quick Library for QB 4.5
     QBTLS.LIB     LIB version for use with QB 4.5
     QBTLS.INC     Include file for QB 4.5

         None of these files or this documentation may be copied or
     distributed without the written permission from the author.  You are
     free to use and distribute any program written using these routines
     without any fee due only after completing the registration form, found
     on the last page of this manual, and mailing it and the $25.00
     registration fee to the author.  You will get a copy of the source
     code for my program EZDOS with your registration.

         BPTB is written in both Basic and assembly.  I have elected to
     write all of the routines in the Quick Library in Basic due to the
     methods MS uses with certain internal functions and variables.  The
     assembly version is only included in the linkable LIB library.  You
     will note vast differences in performance using these routines within
     the environment compared to use in the compiled version of your

         The .LIB and .QLB files selected must be copied into the directory
     listed under libraries in the "PATH" selection from the Quick Basic or
     PDS menus.  The .INC file should be copied into the directory listed
     for include files under the same menu selection.  Starting Quick Basic
     or PDS with the "/L" switch will load the Basic Programmer's Toolbox
     into your programming environment. ("QBX /L QBXTLS" or "QB /L QBTLS")

         The first line of your program should use the DEFINT command to
     set the default variable type to INTEGER and then use the $INCLUDE
     metacommand to properly declare all of the routines in the library.
     See your QB 4.5 or PDS 7.1 documentation for more on these commands.
     ( DEFINT A-Z )

     Note:   All variables that are not explicitly declared are assumed to
             be of the type INTEGER (%).

     Basic Programmer's Toolbox 1.0                     Page 1 of 14

                               Table Of Contents

     Date / Time Routines
                CLOCK............ 3           DAYOFWEEK........ 5
                DATE2NUMBER...... 5           NUMBER2DATE...... 10

     Display Routines
                CENTER........... 3           LEFTSCROLL....... 8
                CLEARSAVEDSCREENS 3           PAGEUP........... 10
                COMMAS........... 4           PAGEDOWN......... 10
                CURRENTCHAR...... 5           RESTORESCREEN.... 11
                CURRENTCOLOR..... 5           RIGHTSCROLL...... 12
                FADED............ 6           SAVEDSCREENS..... 12
                FADEIN........... 6           SAVESCREEN....... 12
                FADEOUT.......... 6           SETSAVED......... 12
                FIRSTCAP......... 7           SHADOW........... 12
                GETCOLOR......... 8

     Disk Drive Routines
                CHECKDRIVE....... 3           FILEEXISTS....... 6
                COPYFILE......... 4           FILEINFO......... 7
                CURDIR........... 4           FILESEARCH....... 7
                CURDRIVE......... 5           FINDFIRSTFILE.... 7
                DISKCAPACITY..... 5           FINDNEXTFILE..... 7
                DISKSPACE........ 5           TREE............. 13
                DRIVEOKAY........ 6

     Keyboard Routines
                ALTPRESSED....... 3           FLUSHKEYBOARDBUFF 7
                CAPLOCKON ....... 3           KEYPRESSED....... 8
                CARLOCKOFF....... 3           NUMLOCKOFF....... 10
                CTRLPRESSED...... 4           NUMLOCKON........ 10

     Mouse Routines
                MOUSEBUTTON...... 9           MOUSEON.......... 9
                MOUSEHORZ........ 9           MOUSESHOW........ 10
                MOUSEINSTALLED... 9           MOUSEVERT........ 10
                MOUSEOFF......... 9

     System Routines
                CHECKREBOOT...... 3           RUNPROGRAM....... 12
                COPYMEM.......... 4           VIDEOMODE........ 13
                DOSVERSION....... 6           VIDEOPAGE........ 13
                NOREBOOT......... 10          VIDEOSEGMENT..... 14
                REBOOT........... 11

     User Interface Routines
                CLOSEWINDOW...... 4           PASSWORD......... 11
                GETINPUT......... 8           PICKWINDOW....... 11
                INPUTBOX......... 8           PULLDOWN......... 11
                MENUBAR.......... 9           USERCHOICE....... 13
                MSGWINDOW........ 10          WINDOWCOLOR...... 14



     Basic Programmer's Toolbox 1.0                     Page 2 of 14

     ALTPRESSED             DECLARE FUNCTION altpressed% ()

          Parameters:  None.
          Returns:     -1 if alt key is pressed.
                        0 if alt key is not pressed.
          Description: Returns the status of the keyboard's alt key at the
                       time the function is called.

     CAPLOCKOFF             DECLARE SUB caplockoff ()
     CAPLOCKON              DECLARE SUB caplockon ()

          Parameters:  None.
          Returns:     None.
          Description: These routines force the Caps Lock on or off.

     CENTER                 DECLARE SUB center (word$)

          Parameters:  word$ = string to be printed.
          Returns:     None.
          Description: This routine will print the string passed in word$
                       centered equally right and left of the current
                       cursor location.

     CHECKDRIVE             DECLARE FUNCTION checkdrive% (drive$)

          Parameters:  drive$ = letter of drive to check. ("" for default)
          Returns:     0 if drive is ready for I/O.
                       DOS error code if drive is not ready for I/O.
          Description: Allows the programmer to check if a drive is ready
                       for I/O to avoid an unwanted DOS error.

     CHECKREBOOT            DECLARE FUNCTION checkreboot% ()

          Parameters:  None.
          Returns:     -1 if ALT-CTRL-DEL is disabled using noreboot.
                        0 if ALT-CTRL-DEL is not disabled.
          Description: Will allow the programmer to know if the noreboot
                       routine has been called to disable the reboot
                       interrupt. (See noreboot routine)

     CLEARSAVEDSCREENS      DECLARE SUB clearsavedscreens ()

          Parameters:  None.
          Returns:     None.
          Description: Resets the internal counter on the number of screens
                       saved using the savescreen routine.

     CLOCK                  DECLARE FUNCTION clock$ ()

          Parameters:  None.
          Returns:     The current system time
          Description: Will return the current system time in standard time
                       display format (11:37 AM).

