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               请用高级语言编写要用LR 分析方法输出四元式
       题目:      WHILE循环语句的程序设计(LR方法,输出四元式)


回复列表 (共11个回复)


void CPL0Dlg::OnMenuitemYuyi()
    // TODO: Add your command handler code here
    int i=0;CString str;
    while (m_Compiler.GetTable()->LexicalDuad[i]->type>=0)
        if (m_Compiler.GetTable()->LexicalDuad[i]->type==0)
            str.Format("错误号:%d %s\r\n",
            int se=m_Compiler.GetTable()->LexicalDuad[i]->address;
            int sl=::strlen(m_Compiler.GetTable()->LexicalDuad[i]->text);
    if (m_Compiler.GetTable()->ErrorNumber!=0)
        str.Format("错误号:%d %s\r\n\r\n",
        int se=m_Compiler.GetTable()->LexicalDuad[m_Compiler.GetTable()->ErrorAddress]->address;
        int sl=::strlen(m_Compiler.GetTable()->LexicalDuad[m_Compiler.GetTable()->ErrorAddress]->text);
        if (AfxMessageBox("源程序有错误,要列出四元式吗?"
    if (!m_bSysEnable)
        while (m_Compiler.GetTable()->SemanticQuad[i].op!=0)
        while (m_Compiler.GetTable()->SemanticQuad[i].op!=0)
            switch (m_Compiler.GetTable()->SemanticQuad[i].arg1.fl)
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
            switch (m_Compiler.GetTable()->SemanticQuad[i].arg2.fl)
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
            switch (m_Compiler.GetTable()->SemanticQuad[i].result.fl)
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
//have a try



3 楼


C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(1) : error C2653: 'CPL0Dlg' : is not a class or namespace name
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(4) : error C2065: 'm_cIn' : undeclared identifier
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(4) : error C2228: left of '.GetWindowText' must have class/struct/union type
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(4) : error C2065: 'm_Compiler' : undeclared identifier
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(4) : error C2228: left of '.GetTable' must have class/struct/union type
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(4) : error C2227: left of '->SourseBuffer' must point to class/struct/union
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(5) : error C2228: left of '.CiFaFengXi' must have class/struct/union type
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(6) : error C2228: left of '.YuYiFengXi' must have class/struct/union type
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(7) : error C2065: 'm_cOut' : undeclared identifier
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(7) : error C2228: left of '.SetWindowText' must have class/struct/union type
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(8) : error C2065: 'CString' : undeclared identifier
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(8) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'str'
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(8) : error C2065: 'str' : undeclared identifier
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(9) : error C2228: left of '.GetTable' must have class/struct/union type
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(9) : error C2227: left of '->LexicalDuad' must point to class/struct/union
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(9) : error C2227: left of '->type' must point to class/struct/union
C:\Documents and Settings\wangtao\123.cpp(9) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
执行 cl.exe 时出错.

123.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

4 楼

快改啊 我同学跟你题目一样 !靠你了![em8]

5 楼

你是王涛 ?

6 楼


7 楼

哪位大虾能帮我用C语言解决这个词法分析器问题1.  给出一简单语言单词符号的种别编码单词符号    种别编码
begin         1
if            2
then          3
while         4
do           5
end          6
l ( l | d ) *     10
dd *          11
+            13
–           14
*            15
/             16
:             17
:=            18
<             20
<>            21
<=           22
>             23
>=            24
=             25
;              26
(              27
)              28
#               0
要求:输入是源程序字符串,以‘#’ 结束。输出是单词符号的二元组
( 单词种别码, 单词自身字符串 )
即      ( syn , token 或 sum )
# include  <stdio.h> 定义 I / O库所用的某些宏和变量
# include  <string.h> 定义 字符串库函数
char   prog[80], token[8] ;
char   ch ;
int  syn, p, m, n ,sum ;
char   *rwtab[6]={ “begin”, “if ”, “then”, “while”,  “do” ,“end” };
main( )
    { p=0 ;
       printf( “\n please input  string : \n” ) ;
       do  { ch=getchar( );
                prog[p++]=ch ;
              } while ( ch!=‘#’);
  {  scaner();
          { case 11:  printf (“(%2d,%8d)\n”,syn,sum); break;
             case –1:  printf(“input error\n”);  break;     
             default:   printf (“(%2d,%8s)\n”,syn,token);
   } while (syn!=0);
scaner( )
    {  for ( n=0; n<8; n++ ) token[n]=NULL;
        ch=prog[p++] ;
        while (ch==‘ ‘)  ch=prog[p++] ;
if  (  ch 是字母字符 )
      { while ch 为字母字符或数字字符
             { ch => token ;
                读下一个字符 ;   
         token[m++]=‘\0’ ;   p-- ;   syn=10 ;
         for (n=0 ;   n<6 ;  n++ )
            if  ( strcmp( token, rwtab[n])= =0)
               {  给出 syn 值;
                   break ;
if  (  ch 是数字字符 )
{  while ch 为数字字符
      { sum=sum*10+ch-’0’;
         读下一个字符 ;   
      p-- ;   syn=11;
case '<':
    m=0; token[m++]=ch;
    if (ch=='>')
    {  syn=21;
    else if (ch=='=')
           {  syn=22;
    else { syn=20;
case ‘>':
    ch => token ;
    读下一个字符 ;
    if (ch=='=')
            ch => token ;
    { 将>的种别码=>syn ;
case ':':
    ch => token ;
    读下一个字符 ;
    if (ch=='=')
    { 将:=的种别码=>syn;
              ch => token ;
    { 将:的种别码=>syn ;
case ‘+':    syn=13; token[0]=ch; break;
case ‘-':    syn=14; token[0]=ch; break;
case ‘*':    syn=15; token[0]=ch; break;
case ‘/':    syn=16; token[0]=ch; break;
case '#':    syn=0;  token[0]=ch; break;
    syn= -1;  

8 楼

最近,我们要做“。txt文档的生成”这个课程设计,因为我对编程不懂,所以求教各位大哥 。为了不耽误大哥们的时间只希望大哥们帮我划个什么模块图,数据流图之类的啊 。急用啊,希望大哥们帮帮忙啊  

9 楼

#include "stdio.h"
#include "ctype.h"
#include "math.h"
#include  "iostream.h"
#define LETTER  0
#define DIGIT   1
#define POINT   2
#define OTHER    3
#define POWER   4
#define PLUS    5
#define MINUS    6
#define ClassNo   100
#define ClassOther   200
#define EndState   -1
char num[100];
int w,n,p,e,d;
int Class,i=0;
int ICON;
float FCON;
static int CurrentState;

int GetChar(void);
int EXCUTE(int,int);
int LEX(void);

int HandleOtherWord(void)
    return ClassOther;

int HandleError(void)
    return 0;

int GetChar(void)
    int c;


        d=c-'0';return DIGIT;
    if(c=='.')return POINT;
    if(c=='E'||c=='e')return POWER;
    if(c=='+') return PLUS;
    if(c=='-')return MINUS;
    return OTHER;

int EXCUTE(int state,int symbol)
    switch (state)
    case 0:switch(symbol)
            case DIGIT:n=0;p=0;e=1;w=d;CurrentState=1;Class=ClassNo;break;
            case POINT:w=0;n=0;p=0;e=1;CurrentState=3;Class=ClassNo;break;
    case 1:switch(symbol)
        case DIGIT:w=w*10+d;break;
        case POINT:CurrentState=2;break;
        case POWER:CurrentState=4;break;
    case 2:switch(symbol)
            case DIGIT:n++;w=w*10+d;break;
            case POWER:CurrentState=4;break;
    case 3:switch(symbol)
            case DIGIT:n++;w=w*10+d;CurrentState=2;break;
    case 4:switch(symbol)
            case DIGIT:p=p*10+d;CurrentState=6;break;
            case MINUS:e=-1;CurrentState=5;break;
            case PLUS:CurrentState=5;break;
    case 5:switch(symbol)
               case DIGIT:p=p*10+d;CurrentState=6;break;

    case 6:switch(symbol)
            case DIGIT:p=p*10+d;break;


return CurrentState;

int LEX(void)
    int ch;
        return Class;
void main()
{ printf("please input\n");

// cout<<ICON<<endl;


10 楼

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\c.cpp(5) : error C2447: missing function header (old-style formal list?)
Error executing cl.exe.

c.obj - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

