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#define LEFT 0x4b00
#define RIGHT 0x4d00
#define DOWN 0x5000
#define UP 0x4800
#define ESC 0x011b
#define ENTER 0x1c0d
#define SPACE 0x3920
class ONGAME
   ONGAME(int gdriver=DETECT);
   void draw_map();  // Draw the map of Chess
   void question();//to ask you to input your names, and judge whether they are legal
     void init_map(); // init the map according the external file data
     void judge(int p_i,int p_j); // judge whthere the winner has come out
     void move(int player); // move according to the player's action
     void save_history(int s_winner); // save the result to the file "history.dat"
     void clear_map(); // clear the map(reset the map).
     void controller(); //to control the action of the players

     //name1[] is player1, name2[] is player2
     char name1[255],name2[255];
     //map_i[] and map_j[] store the posistion on the map;
     int map_i[8],map_j[8];
     // status[][] record the status 0(none), 1 (player1),2 (player2),
     int status[8][8];
     //WINNER =1 means player1 wins,WINNER=2 means player2 wins
     //WINNER =3 means to escape
     //WINNER =(others) means except the 3 cases above
     int WINNER;
     // first_go has two values 1 or 2, get from the last line of file "map.dat"
     int first_go;
   GRAPHIC(int gdriver=DETECT);
   void draw_interface();  // Draw the interface(menus)
   int moveup(); // when returns 1 means menu1,2 means menu2,....
   int movedown(); // when returns 1 means menu1,2 means menu2,....
   int enter(); // when returns 1 means entering menu1,2 means menu2,....
   ~GRAPHIC(); //Close the graphic system

    int menu; // the current menu item
    int start_x,start_y;
    char *show_choice;
    ONGAME og; // an object of the class ONGAME
    void view_history(); //view the history from the file "history.dat"
    void show_about(); // show the content of menu of "about the game"

#include "def.hpp"
#define LEFT 0x4b00
#define RIGHT 0x4d00
#define DOWN 0x5000
#define UP 0x4800
#define ESC 0x011b
#define ENTER 0x1c0d
#define SPACE 0x3920

GRAPHIC::GRAPHIC (int gdriver)
      int gmode;
void GRAPHIC::draw_interface()  // Draw the interface,(menus)
      bar(0,0,getmaxx(),getmaxy());  // clear the previous pictures
      outtextxy(start_x+35,start_y+10,"FIVE-STARS CHESS version 1.0");
      bar(start_x+30,start_y+40,start_x+270,start_y+65);// menu 1
      outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+50,"      Start The Game");
      bar(start_x+30,start_y+85,start_x+270,start_y+110);// menu 2
      outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95,"    Review The History");
      bar(start_x+30,start_y+85+45,start_x+270,start_y+110+45);// menu 3
      outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95+45,"      About The Game");
      bar(start_x+30,start_y+85+45+45,start_x+270,start_y+110+45+45);// menu 4
      outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95+45+45,"      Exit the Game");
      outtextxy(start_x+45,start_y+95+45+45+30,"You are choosing: Start...");
int GRAPHIC:: moveup()// when returns 1 means menu1,2 means menu2,....
      int current_menu;
      switch (menu)
    case 1:
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+85+45+45,start_x+270,start_y+110+45+45);// menu 4
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95+45+45,"      Exit the Game");
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+40,start_x+270,start_y+65);// menu 1
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+50,"      Start The Game");
    case 2:
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+40,start_x+270,start_y+65);// menu 1
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+50,"      Start The Game");
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+85,start_x+270,start_y+110);// menu 2
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95,"    Review The History");
    case 3:
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+85,start_x+270,start_y+110);// menu 2
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95,"    Review The History");
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+85+45,start_x+270,start_y+110+45);// menu 3
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95+45,"      About The Game");
    case 4:
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+85+45,start_x+270,start_y+110+45);// menu 3
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95+45,"      About The Game");
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+85+45+45,start_x+270,start_y+110+45+45);// menu 4
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95+45+45,"      Exit the Game");
      return current_menu;
int GRAPHIC::movedown() // when returns 1 means menu1,2 means menu2,....
     int current_menu;
    case 1:
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+85,start_x+270,start_y+110);// menu 2
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95,"    Review The History");
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+40,start_x+270,start_y+65);// menu 1
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+50,"      Start The Game");
    case 2:
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+85+45,start_x+270,start_y+110+45);// menu 3
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95+45,"      About The Game");
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+85,start_x+270,start_y+110);// menu 2
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95,"    Review The History");
       case 3:
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+85+45+45,start_x+270,start_y+110+45+45);// menu 4
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95+45+45,"      Exit the Game");
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+85+45,start_x+270,start_y+110+45);// menu 3
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95+45,"      About The Game");
       case 4:
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+40,start_x+270,start_y+65);// menu 1
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+50,"      Start The Game");
     bar(start_x+30,start_y+85+45+45,start_x+270,start_y+110+45+45);// menu 4
     outtextxy(start_x+50,start_y+95+45+45,"      Exit the Game");
     return current_menu;
int GRAPHIC::enter() // when returns 1 means entering menu1,2 means menu2,....
     int current_menu;
      if (menu==1)  //call "start the game"
      if (menu==2)  //call "Review the history"
      if (menu==3) //call "About the game"
      if (menu==4) //call "exit the game"
     return current_menu;
GRAPHIC:: ~GRAPHIC() //Close the graphic system
void GRAPHIC::view_history() // view the history from the file "history.dat"
   ifstream read_from_history_file;
   char *name;
   int item_num=0;
   name=new char[255];
   char player1[255],player2[255];
   int year,month,day;
   if (!read_from_history_file)
     cout<<"file \"history.dat\" not exist!";
   while (!read_from_history_file.eof())
    if (player1[0]!='\0')
     cout<<player1<<" VS "<<player2<<", and the Winner is : "<<name<<endl<<endl;
    if (item_num%8==0)
     outtextxy(280-30,20,"Review The History");
     cout<<"Press any to continue..."<<endl;
   cout<<endl<<"Press any key to exit.";
   outtextxy(280-30,20,"Review The History");
void GRAPHIC::show_about()
   outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-150+100,getmaxy()/2-70+5,"About the Game");
   outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-150+50,getmaxy()/2-70+40-5,"   Five-Star Chess 1.0");
   outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-150+50,getmaxy()/2-70+60-5,"  Coded by Alex Ye 2005.6 ");
   outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-150+40,getmaxy()/2-70+80-5,"CAS of Sun Yat Sen University");
   outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-150+20,getmaxy()/2-70+100-5,"QQ:125165304 Email:yxz149@163.com");
   outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-150+40,getmaxy()/2-70+120-5,"    http://tqsoft.178L.com");

回复列表 (共18个回复)


#include "def.hpp"

#define LEFT 0x4b00
#define RIGHT 0x4d00
#define DOWN 0x5000
#define UP 0x4800
#define ESC 0x011b
#define ENTER 0x1c0d
#define SPACE 0x3920
#define F1 0x3b00
ONGAME::ONGAME(int gdriver)
     int gmode;
     int i;
     for (i=0;i<8;i++)  // create the map_x[] and map_y[] position(the graphic position)
void ONGAME::question() //to ask you to input your names, and judge whether they are legal
     int key;
     bar(0,0,getmaxx(),getmaxy());  // clear the previous pictures
     outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-100,getmaxy()/2-53+90,"  EXIT=ESC  START=SPACE");
     outtext("INPUT YOUR NAMES");
     outtext("Player1: ");
     outtext("Player2: ");
      if (strcmp(name1,name2)==0)
    outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-60-30,getmaxy()-160,"Names must be different!");
     }while (strcmp(name1,name2)==0);
     while (!((key==SPACE)||(key==ESC)))
       if (key==SPACE)  //start the game
       else if (key==ESC)  return;
void ONGAME::draw_map()  // Draw the map of Chess
     int i;
     bar(0,0,getmaxx(),getmaxy());  // clear the previous pictures
     line(0,20,getmaxx(),20);  //top line
     line(0,getmaxy()-40,getmaxx(),getmaxy()-40);  //bottom line
     outtextxy(230,10,"FIVE-STARS CHESS 1.0");
     outtextxy(getmaxx()-200+20,60,"PLAYER1: ");
     outtextxy(getmaxx()-200+20,getmaxy()-140,"NEW=SPACE | F1=Reset");
     outtextxy(getmaxx()-200+20,getmaxy()-100,"EXIT=ESC | Alex Ye");
     for (i=70;i<=getmaxy()-50;i=i+40) //draw lines
     for (i=30;i<=getmaxx()-250-20;i=i+40) //draw lines

     WINNER=4; //here WINNER can not be 1,2 or 3, others are ok
     init_map(); // call init_map() to initialize the map accroding to external file "map.dat"

void ONGAME::init_map() // init the map according the external file data
    ifstream read_from_file;
    int i,j;
    int key;
     if (!read_from_file)
     for (i=0;i<8;i++)
     for (j=0;j<8;j++)
    for (i=0;i<8;i++)
    for (j=0;j<8;j++)
       if (status[i][j]==1)
       else if (status[i][j]==2)
   controller(); //call controller()
void ONGAME::controller() // to control the action of the players
    ofstream write_to_file;
    int i,j;
    int is_save; //is_save='y' to save,is_save='n' not to save, other useless
    while ((WINNER!=1)&&(WINNER!=2))
      move(first_go);  //fisrt player to move
      if (WINNER==3) //WINNER==3 means escape(Pressing the "ESC")
    outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-100,getmaxy()/2,"Do you want to save?(y/n)");
    if (is_save==0x1579)  //0x1579 means 'y'
     if (!write_to_file)
       cout<<"File not exist!";
      for (i=0;i<8;i++)
       for (j=0;j<8;j++)
        write_to_file<<status[i][j]<<" ";
    else if (is_save==0x316e)  //0x316e means 'n'
       }while ((is_save!=0x316e)&&(is_save!=0x1579));
      else if (WINNER!=0) // indicates that there is a winner,(winner a is player1)
      move(3-first_go); // 3-first_go means the second one to go;
      if (WINNER==3) //WINNER==3 means escape
    outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-100,getmaxy()/2,"Do you want to save?(y/n)");
    if (is_save==0x1579)  //0x1579 means 'y'
     if (!write_to_file)
       cout<<"File not exist!";
      for (i=0;i<8;i++)
       for (j=0;j<8;j++)
        write_to_file<<status[i][j]<<" ";
    else if (is_save==0x316e)  //0x316e means 'n'
       }while ((is_save!=0x316e)&&(is_save!=0x1579));


void ONGAME::move(int player)  // move according to the player's action
   int key;
   int color;
   //next to judge whether a step is finished, next is 0 means unfishihed
   int next=0;
   static int p_i=0,p_j=0;
     case 1: color=BROWN; break;
     case 2: color=WHITE; break;
      case UP:
       if (p_i-1>=0)
      case DOWN:
       if (p_i+1<=7)
      case LEFT:
       if (p_j-1>=0)
      case RIGHT:
       if (p_j+1<=7)
      case SPACE:
       if (status[p_i][p_j]==0)
     judge(p_i,p_j); //jugde whether the winner has come out
      case F1:
      case ESC:
      default: break;
  }while (next==0);

void ONGAME::judge(int p_i,int p_j)
  //winner is 0 means no result has come out yet,
  //winner is 1 means player1 has won
  //winner is 2 means player2 has won
  int winner=0;
  int counter;
  int i,j,i_next,j_next;
  int start_i,start_j,end_i,end_j;
   4 cases to jugde whether the winner has come out,
   these cases are divided by the 4 dicrections centering the current
   position, and the directions are of wise-clock.
   // case 1: j is fixed
   for (i=0;i<7;i++)
   for (i_next=i+1;i_next<8;i_next++)
     if (status[i][j]==status[p_i][p_j])
      if (status[i][j]==status[i_next][j]) counter++;
      else if(counter>=5) {i_next=8; i=7;}
      else if ((status[i][j]!=status[i_next][j])&&(counter<5))
    i_next=8;  //exit the loop for i_next
   if (counter>=5)
   //case 2: i and j is changable
   if (p_i+p_j<=7)
     for (i=start_i;i<=end_i-1;i++)
     for (i_next=i+1;i_next<=end_i;i_next++)
       if (status[i][j]==status[p_i][p_j])
     if (status[i][j]==status[i_next][j_next]) counter++;
     if (counter>=5) {i_next=end_i+1; i=end_i; }
     else if ((counter<5)&&(status[i][j]!=status[i_next][j_next]))
     if (counter>=5)

   // case 3: i is fixed
    for (j=0;j<7;j++)
    for (j_next=j+1;j_next<8;j_next++)
     if (status[i][j]==status[p_i][p_j])
       if (status[i][j]==status[i][j_next]) counter++;
       else if ((status[i][j]!=status[i][j_next])&&(counter<5))
       else if (counter>=5)
   if (counter>=5)

   //case 4: i and j is changable
    if (p_i>=p_j)
     for (j=start_j;j<=end_j-1;j++)
     for (j_next=j+1;j_next<=end_j;j_next++)
      if (status[i][j]==status[p_i][p_j])
    if (status[i][j]==status[i_next][j_next]) counter++;
    if ((status[i][j]!=status[i_next][j_next])&&(counter<5))
     else if (counter>=5)
    if (counter>=5) winner=status[p_i][p_j];
  if (winner!=0)
    outtextxy(getmaxx()-200+30,getmaxy()-230,"THe Winner Is:");
    outtextxy(getmaxx()-200+20,getmaxy()-200,"                    ");
    outtextxy(getmaxx()-200+15,getmaxy()-200+35,"Press any key to exit");
    if (winner==1)
     outtextxy(getmaxx()-200+20,getmaxy()-200,"      Player1 ");
    if (winner==2)
     outtextxy(getmaxx()-200+20,getmaxy()-200,"      Player2 ");
void ONGAME::save_history(int s_winner) // save the result to the file "history.dat"
ofstream write_to_history_file;
char *winner_name;
winner_name=new char[255];
if (!write_to_history_file)
   cout<<"\"history.dat\" file not exist!";
if (s_winner==1)
else strcpy(winner_name,name2);
write_to_history_file<<name1<<" "<<name2<<" "<<winner_name<<"\n";
void ONGAME::clear_map() // clear up (reset) the map.
int i;
int j;
ofstream write_to_file;
  for (i=0;i<8;i++)
  for (j=0;j<8;j++)
  for (i=0;i<8;i++)
   for (j=0;j<8;j++)
    write_to_file<<0<<" ";


#include "def.hpp"
#define LEFT 0x4b00
#define RIGHT 0x4d00
#define DOWN 0x5000
#define UP 0x4800
#define ESC 0x011b
#define ENTER 0x1c0d
#define SPACE 0x3920
void main()
  int key;
  int menu;
// the circulation can not stop until you choose "exit" menu
while (1)
  if ((key==UP)||(key==DOWN)||(key==ENTER))
   if (key==UP)
   else if  (key==DOWN)
   else if (key==ENTER)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


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PS: 我大一连printf()都不知道。。

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