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(1)    修改后的PL/0语言文本。包含词法分析(正规式),语法分析(BNF)。
(2)    程序流程图
(3)    有关修改后的PL/0编译/解释器的说明。详细说明你的编译器是如何编译新的PL/0语言程序的。指出你的程序中最精彩的部分,以及你为什么这样做,你是如何控制和恢复语义错误的。
(4)    给出你所改动后的编译器源程序清单,并标记出你所修改的部分。比较你的编译器和原来的编译器之间的差别。
(5)    说明你的编译器中可能存在的错误。

(1)    注释
(2)    布尔类型的数据

var_option → ε| var var_decl_list
var_decl_list → var_decl | var_decl_list var_decl
var_decl → ident_list : data_type
data_type → integer | boolean

(i)    区别整型与布尔型变量、常量和表达式。
(ii)    增加按严格计算的布尔类型运算符and、or和not。这些算符以及己有的运算符的优先级与Pascal语言相同。
(iii)    能够使用布尔常量true和false。
(iv)    把PL/0语言中的“条件”概念一般化为Pascal语言那样。
(v)    布尔表达式可以比较大小:false < true
(3)    布尔表达式的短路计算(5分)
(4)    数组(10分)

data_type → integer | boolean | array [const..const] of data_type
const → ident | number

(5)    参数    语法同Pascal,采用值-结果方式传递(不用var声明)。
(6)    函数     语法同Pascal。
(7)    else子句和repeat语句
(8)    for语句,语法参照Pascal或C语言
(9)    exit语句(退出当前执行过程)和break语句(跳出包含它的最内层循环),(5分)
(10)    记录(结构),语法同Pascal语言。
(11)    更有力的语法错误恢复机制
(12)    分离解释和编译器

回复列表 (共20个回复)



/************  PL0.h  *************/

#include <stdio.h>

#define NRW        11     // number of reserved words(保留字的数量)
#define TXMAX      500    // length of identifier table(标识符表长度)
#define MAXNUMLEN  14     // maximum number of digits in numbers(数字的最大长度)
#define NSYM       10     // maximum number of symbols in array ssym and csym
#define MAXIDLEN   10     // length of identifiers(标识符的长度)

#define MAXADDRESS 32767  // maximum address(最大地址)
#define MAXLEVEL   32     // maximum depth of nesting block
#define CXMAX      500    // size of code array

#define MAXSYM     30     // maximum number of symbols  

#define STACKSIZE  1000   // maximum storage(堆栈的最大值)

enum symtype

enum idtype

enum opcode

enum oprcode

typedef struct
    int f; // function code
    int l; // level
    int a; // displacement address
} instruction;

char* err_msg[] =
/*  0 */    "",
/*  1 */    "Found ':=' when expecting '='.",
/*  2 */    "There must be a number to follow '='.",
/*  3 */    "There must be an '=' to follow the identifier.",
/*  4 */    "There must be an identifier to follow 'const', 'var', or 'procedure'.",
/*  5 */    "Missing ',' or ';'.",
/*  6 */    "Incorrect procedure name.",
/*  7 */    "Statement expected.",
/*  8 */    "Follow the statement is an incorrect symbol.",
/*  9 */    "'.' expected.",
/* 10 */    "';' expected.",
/* 11 */    "Undeclared identifier.",
/* 12 */    "Illegal assignment.",
/* 13 */    "':=' expected.",
/* 14 */    "There must be an identifier to follow the 'call'.",
/* 15 */    "A constant or variable can not be called.",
/* 16 */    "'then' expected.",
/* 17 */    "';' or 'end' expected.",
/* 18 */    "'do' expected.",
/* 19 */    "Incorrect symbol.",
/* 20 */    "Relative operators expected.",
/* 21 */    "Procedure identifier can not be in an expression.",
/* 22 */    "Missing ')'.",
/* 23 */    "The symbol can not be followed by a factor.",
/* 24 */    "The symbol can not be as the beginning of an expression.",
/* 25 */    "The number is too great.",
/* 26 */    "",
/* 27 */    "",
/* 28 */    "",
/* 29 */    "",
/* 30 */    "",
/* 31 */    "",
/* 32 */    "There are too many levels."

char ch;         // last character read
int  sym;        // last symbol read
char id[MAXIDLEN + 1]; // last identifier read
int  num;        // last number read
int  cc;         // character count字符统计
int  ll;         // line length行的长度
int  kk;
int  err;
int  cx;         // index of current instruction to be generated.
int  level = 0;
int  tx = 0;

char line[80];

instruction code[CXMAX];

char* word[NRW + 1] =
    "", /* place holder */
    "begin", "call", "const", "do", "end","if",
    "odd", "procedure", "then", "var", "while"

int wsym[NRW + 1] =

int ssym[NSYM + 1] =

char csym[NSYM + 1] =
    ' ', '+', '-', '*', '/', '(', ')', '=', ',', '.', ';'

#define MAXINS   8

char* mnemonic[MAXINS] =
    "LIT", "OPR", "LOD", "STO", "CAL", "INT", "JMP", "JPC"

typedef struct
    char name[MAXIDLEN + 1];
    int  kind;
    int  value;
} comtab;

comtab table[TXMAX];

typedef struct
    char  name[MAXIDLEN + 1];
    int   kind;
    short level;
    short address;
} mask;

FILE* infile;//定义文件指针

// EOF PL0.h

/************  SET.h  *************/

#ifndef SET_H
#define SET_H

typedef struct snode
    int elem;
    struct snode* next;
} snode, *symset;
/* 定义名为snode的结构体类型,并定义一个结构体变量snode和一个snode类型的指针symset */

symset phi, declbegsys, statbegsys, facbegsys, relset;

symset createset(int data, .../* SYM_NULL */);
void destroyset(symset s);
symset uniteset(symset s1, symset s2);
int inset(int elem, symset s);

// EOF set.h


/************  SET.h  *************/

#ifndef SET_H
#define SET_H

typedef struct snode
    int elem;
    struct snode* next;
} snode, *symset;
/* 定义名为snode的结构体类型,并定义一个结构体变量snode和一个snode类型的指针symset */

symset phi, declbegsys, statbegsys, facbegsys, relset;

symset createset(int data, .../* SYM_NULL */);
void destroyset(symset s);
symset uniteset(symset s1, symset s2);
int inset(int elem, symset s);

// EOF set.h

/************  SET.c  *************/

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "set.h"

symset uniteset(symset s1, symset s2)
    symset s;
    snode* p;
    s = p = (snode*) malloc(sizeof(snode));
    while (s1 && s2)
/* &&没有重载,怎么能直接运算呢?????s1,s2是指针类型的变量可以运算,判断s1,s2是不是空指针 */
        p->next = (snode*) malloc(sizeof(snode));
        p = p->next;
        if (s1->elem < s2->elem)
            p->elem = s1->elem;
            s1 = s1->next;
            p->elem = s2->elem;
            s2 = s2->next;

    while (s1)
        p->next = (snode*) malloc(sizeof(snode));
        p = p->next;
        p->elem = s1->elem;
        s1 = s1->next;

    while (s2)
        p->next = (snode*) malloc(sizeof(snode));
        p = p->next;
        p->elem = s2->elem;
        s2 = s2->next;

    p->next = NULL;

    return s;
} // uniteset

void setinsert(symset s, int elem)
    snode* p = s;
    snode* q;

    while (p->next && p->next->elem < elem)
        p = p->next;
    q = (snode*) malloc(sizeof(snode));
    q->elem = elem;
    q->next = p->next;
    p->next = q;
} // setinsert

symset createset(int elem, .../* SYM_NULL */)
    va_list list;
    symset s;

    s = (snode*) malloc(sizeof(snode));
    s->next = NULL;

    va_start(list, elem);
    while (elem)
        setinsert(s, elem);
        elem = va_arg(list, int);
    return s;
} // createset创建节点

void destroyset(symset s)
    snode* p;

    while (s)
        p = s;
        s = s->next;
} // destroyset释放结点

int inset(int elem, symset s)
    s = s->next;
    while (s && s->elem < elem)
        s = s->next;

    if (s && s->elem == elem)
        return 1;
        return 0;
} // inset

// EOF set.c

3 楼

/************  PL0.c  *************/

// pl0 compiler source code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "set.h"
#include "pl0.h"

// print error message.
void error(n)
    int i;

    printf("      ");
    for (i = 1; i <= cc - 1; i++)
        printf(" ");
    printf("Error %3d: %s\n", n, err_msg[n]);
} // error

void getch(void)
    if (cc == ll)
        if (feof(infile))
            printf("\nPROGRAM INCOMPLETE\n");
        ll = cc = 0;
        printf("%5d  ", cx);
        while (!feof(infile) && (ch = getc(infile))!='\n')
            printf("%c", ch);
            line[++ll] = ch;
        } // while
        line[++ll] = ' ';
    ch = line[++cc];
} // getch

// gets a symbol from input stream.
void getsym(void)
    int i, k;
    char a[MAXIDLEN + 1];

    while (ch == ' ')

    if (isalpha(ch))
    { // symbol is a reserved word or an identifier.
        k = 0;
            if (k < MAXIDLEN)
                a[k++] = ch;
        while (isalpha(ch) || isdigit(ch));
        a[k] = 0;
        strcpy(id, a);
        word[0] = id;
        i = NRW;
        while (strcmp(id, word[i--]));
        if (++i)
            sym = wsym[i]; // symbol is a reserved word
            sym = SYM_IDENTIFIER;   // symbol is an identifier
    else if (isdigit(ch))
    { // symbol is a number.
        k = num = 0;
        sym = SYM_NUMBER;
            num = num * 10 + ch - '0';
        while (isdigit(ch));
        if (k > MAXNUMLEN)
            error(25);     // The number is too great.
    else if (ch == ':')
        if (ch == '=')
            sym = SYM_BECOMES; // :=
            sym = SYM_NULL;       // illegal?
    else if (ch == '>')
        if (ch == '=')
            sym = SYM_GEQ;     // >=
            sym = SYM_GTR;     // >
    else if (ch == '<')
        if (ch == '=')
            sym = SYM_LEQ;     // <=
        else if (ch == '>')
            sym = SYM_NEQ;     // <>
            sym = SYM_LES;     // <
    { // other tokens
        i = NSYM;
        csym[0] = ch;
        while (csym[i--] != ch);
        if (++i)
            sym = ssym[i];
            printf("Fatal Error: Unknown character.\n");
} // getsym

// generates (assembles) an instruction.
void gen(int x, int y, int z)
    if (cx > CXMAX)
        printf("Fatal Error: Program too long.\n");
    code[cx].f = x;
    code[cx].l = y;
    code[cx++].a = z;
} // gen

// tests if error occurs and skips all symbols that do not belongs to s1 or s2.
void test(symset s1, symset s2, int n)
    symset s;

    if (! inset(sym, s1))
        s = uniteset(s1, s2);
        while(! inset(sym, s))
} // test

int dx;  // data allocation index

// enter object(constant, variable or procedre) into table.
void enter(int kind)
    mask* mk;

    strcpy(table[tx].name, id);
    table[tx].kind = kind;
    switch (kind)
    case ID_CONSTANT:
        if (num > MAXADDRESS)
            error(25); // The number is too great.
            num = 0;
        table[tx].value = num;
    case ID_VARIABLE:
        mk = (mask*) &table[tx];
        mk->level = level;
        mk->address = dx++;
    case ID_PROCEDURE:
        mk = (mask*) &table[tx];
        mk->level = level;
    } // switch
} // enter

// locates identifier in symbol table.
int position(char* id)
    int i;
    strcpy(table[0].name, id);
    i = tx + 1;
    while (strcmp(table[--i].name, id) != 0);
    return i;
} // position

void constdeclaration()
    if (sym == SYM_IDENTIFIER)
        if (sym == SYM_EQU || sym == SYM_BECOMES)
            if (sym == SYM_BECOMES)
                error(1); // Found ':=' when expecting '='.
            if (sym == SYM_NUMBER)
                error(2); // There must be a number to follow '='.
            error(3); // There must be an '=' to follow the identifier.
    error(4); // There must be an identifier to follow 'const', 'var', or 'procedure'.
} // constdeclaration


4 楼

void vardeclaration(void)
    if (sym == SYM_IDENTIFIER)
        error(4); // There must be an identifier to follow 'const', 'var', or 'procedure'.
} // vardeclaration

void listcode(int from, int to)
    int i;
    for (i = from; i < to; i++)
        printf("%5d %s\t%d\t%d\n", i, mnemonic[code[i].f], code[i].l, code[i].a);
} // listcode

void factor(symset fsys)
    void expression();
    int i;
    symset set;
    test(facbegsys, fsys, 24); // The symbol can not be as the beginning of an expression.

    while (inset(sym, facbegsys))
        if (sym == SYM_IDENTIFIER)
            if ((i = position(id)) == 0)
                error(11); // Undeclared identifier.
                switch (table[i].kind)
                    mask* mk;
                case ID_CONSTANT:
                    gen(LIT, 0, table[i].value);
                case ID_VARIABLE:
                    mk = (mask*) &table[i];
                    gen(LOD, level - mk->level, mk->address);
                case ID_PROCEDURE:
                    error(21); // Procedure identifier can not be in an expression.
                } // switch
        else if (sym == SYM_NUMBER)
            if (num > MAXADDRESS)
                error(25); // The number is too great.
                num = 0;
            gen(LIT, 0, num);
        else if (sym == SYM_LPAREN)
            set = uniteset(createset(SYM_RPAREN, SYM_NULL), fsys);
            if (sym == SYM_RPAREN)
                error(22); // Missing ')'.
        test(fsys, createset(SYM_LPAREN, SYM_NULL), 23);
    } // while
} // factor

void term(symset fsys)
    int mulop;
    symset set;
    set = uniteset(fsys, createset(SYM_TIMES, SYM_SLASH, SYM_NULL));
    while (sym == SYM_TIMES || sym == SYM_SLASH)
        mulop = sym;
        if (mulop == SYM_TIMES)
            gen(OPR, 0, OPR_MUL);
            gen(OPR, 0, OPR_DIV);
    } // while
} // term

void expression(symset fsys)
    int addop;
    symset set;

    set = uniteset(fsys, createset(SYM_PLUS, SYM_MINUS, SYM_NULL));
    if (sym == SYM_PLUS || sym == SYM_MINUS)
        addop = sym;
        if (addop == SYM_MINUS)
            gen(OPR, 0, OPR_NEG);

    while (sym == SYM_PLUS || sym == SYM_MINUS)
        addop = sym;
        if (addop == SYM_PLUS)
            gen(OPR, 0, OPR_ADD);
            gen(OPR, 0, OPR_MIN);
    } // while

} // expression


5 楼

void condition(symset fsys)
    int relop;
    symset set;

    if (sym == SYM_ODD)
        gen(OPR, 0, 6);
        set = uniteset(relset, fsys);
        if (! inset(sym, relset))
            relop = sym;
            switch (relop)
            case SYM_EQU:
                gen(OPR, 0, OPR_EQU);
            case SYM_NEQ:
                gen(OPR, 0, OPR_NEQ);
            case SYM_LES:
                gen(OPR, 0, OPR_LES);
            case SYM_GEQ:
                gen(OPR, 0, OPR_GEQ);
            case SYM_GTR:
                gen(OPR, 0, OPR_GTR);
            case SYM_LEQ:
                gen(OPR, 0, OPR_LEQ);
            } // switch
        } // else
    } // else
} // condition

void statement(symset fsys)
    int i, cx1, cx2;
    symset set1, set;

    if (sym == SYM_IDENTIFIER)
    { // variable assignment
        mask* mk;
        if (! (i = position(id)))
            error(11); // Undeclared identifier.
        else if (table[i].kind != ID_VARIABLE)
            error(12); // Illegal assignment.
            i = 0;
        if (sym == SYM_BECOMES)
            error(13); // ':=' expected.
        mk = (mask*) &table[i];
        if (i)
            gen(STO, level - mk->level, mk->address);
    else if (sym == SYM_CALL)
    { // procedure call
        if (sym != SYM_IDENTIFIER)
            error(14); // There must be an identifier to follow the 'call'.
            if (! (i = position(id)))
                error(11); // Undeclared identifier.
            else if (table[i].kind == ID_PROCEDURE)
                mask* mk;
                mk = (mask*) &table[i];
                gen(CAL, level - mk->level, mk->address);
                error(15); // A constant or variable can not be called.
    else if (sym == SYM_IF)
    { // if statement
        set1 = createset(SYM_THEN, SYM_DO, SYM_NULL);
        set = uniteset(set1, fsys);
        if (sym == SYM_THEN)
            error(16); // 'then' expected.
        cx1 = cx;
        gen(JPC, 0, 0);
        code[cx1].a = cx;    
    else if (sym == SYM_BEGIN)
    { // block
        set1 = createset(SYM_SEMICOLON, SYM_END, SYM_NULL);
        set = uniteset(set1, fsys);
        while (sym == SYM_SEMICOLON || inset(sym, statbegsys))
            if (sym == SYM_SEMICOLON)
        } // while
        if (sym == SYM_END)
            error(17); // ';' or 'end' expected.
    else if (sym == SYM_WHILE)
    { // while statement
        cx1 = cx;
        set1 = createset(SYM_DO, SYM_NULL);
        set = uniteset(set1, fsys);
        cx2 = cx;
        gen(JPC, 0, 0);
        if (sym == SYM_DO)
            error(18); // 'do' expected.
        gen(JMP, 0, cx1);
        code[cx2].a = cx;
    test(fsys, phi, 19);
} // statement

6 楼

void block(symset fsys)
    int cx0; // initial code index
    mask* mk;
    int block_dx;
    int savedTx;
    symset set1, set;

    dx = 3;
    block_dx = dx;
    mk = (mask*) &table[tx];
    mk->address = cx;
    gen(JMP, 0, 0);
    if (level > MAXLEVEL)
        error(32); // There are too many levels.
        if (sym == SYM_CONST)
        { // constant declarations
                while (sym == SYM_COMMA)
                if (sym == SYM_SEMICOLON)
                    error(5); // Missing ',' or ';'.
            while (sym == SYM_IDENTIFIER);
        } // if

        if (sym == SYM_VAR)
        { // variable declarations
                while (sym == SYM_COMMA)
                if (sym == SYM_SEMICOLON)
                    error(5); // Missing ',' or ';'.
            while (sym == SYM_IDENTIFIER);
//            block = dx;
        } // if

        while (sym == SYM_PROCEDURE)
        { // procedure declarations
            if (sym == SYM_IDENTIFIER)
                error(4); // There must be an identifier to follow 'const', 'var', or 'procedure'.

            if (sym == SYM_SEMICOLON)
                error(5); // Missing ',' or ';'.

            savedTx = tx;
            set1 = createset(SYM_SEMICOLON, SYM_NULL);
            set = uniteset(set1, fsys);
            tx = savedTx;

            if (sym == SYM_SEMICOLON)
                set1 = createset(SYM_IDENTIFIER, SYM_PROCEDURE, SYM_NULL);
                set = uniteset(statbegsys, set1);
                test(set, fsys, 6);
                error(5); // Missing ',' or ';'.
        } // while
        set1 = createset(SYM_IDENTIFIER, SYM_NULL);
        set = uniteset(statbegsys, set1);
        test(set, declbegsys, 7);
    while (inset(sym, declbegsys));

    code[mk->address].a = cx;
    mk->address = cx;
    cx0 = cx;
    gen(INT, 0, block_dx);
    set1 = createset(SYM_SEMICOLON, SYM_END, SYM_NULL);
    set = uniteset(set1, fsys);
    gen(OPR, 0, OPR_RET); // return
    test(fsys, phi, 8); // test for error: Follow the statement is an incorrect symbol.
    listcode(cx0, cx);
} // block

7 楼

int base(int stack[], int currentLevel, int levelDiff)
    int b = currentLevel;
    while (levelDiff--)
        b = stack[b];
    return b;
} // base

// interprets and executes codes.
void interpret()
    int pc;        // program counter
    int stack[STACKSIZE];
    int top;       // top of stack
    int b;         // program, base, and top-stack register
    instruction i; // instruction register

    printf("Begin executing PL/0 program.\n");

    pc = 0;
    b = 1;
    top = 3;
    stack[1] = stack[2] = stack[3] = 0;
        i = code[pc++];
        switch (i.f)
        case LIT:
            stack[++top] = i.a;
        case OPR:
            switch (i.a) // operator
            case OPR_RET:
                top = b - 1;
                pc = stack[top + 3];
                b = stack[top + 2];
            case OPR_NEG:
                stack[top] = -stack[top];
            case OPR_ADD:
                stack[top] += stack[top + 1];
            case OPR_MIN:
                stack[top] -= stack[top + 1];
            case OPR_MUL:
                stack[top] *= stack[top + 1];
            case OPR_DIV:
                if (stack[top + 1] == 0)
                    fprintf(stderr, "Runtime Error: Divided by zero.\n");
                    fprintf(stderr, "Program terminated.\n");
                stack[top] /= stack[top + 1];
            case OPR_ODD:
                stack[top] %= 2;
            case OPR_EQU:
                stack[top] = stack[top] == stack[top + 1];
            case OPR_NEQ:
                stack[top] = stack[top] != stack[top + 1];
            case OPR_LES:
                stack[top] = stack[top] < stack[top + 1];
            case OPR_GEQ:
                stack[top] = stack[top] >= stack[top + 1];
            case OPR_GTR:
                stack[top] = stack[top] > stack[top + 1];
            case OPR_LEQ:
                stack[top] = stack[top] <= stack[top + 1];
            } // switch
        case LOD:
            stack[++top] = stack[base(stack, b, i.l) + i.a];
        case STO:
            stack[base(stack, b, i.l) + i.a] = stack[top];
            printf("%d\n", stack[top]);
        case CAL:
            stack[top + 1] = base(stack, b, i.l);
            // generate new block mark
            stack[top + 2] = b;
            stack[top + 3] = pc;
            b = top + 1;
            pc = i.a;
        case INT:
            top += i.a;
        case JMP:
            pc = i.a;
        case JPC:
            if (stack[top] == 0)
                pc = i.a;
        } // switch
    while (pc);

    printf("End executing PL/0 program.\n");
} // interpret

8 楼

void main ()
    FILE* hbin;
    char s[80];
    int i;
    symset set, set1, set2;

    printf("Please input source file name: "); // get file name to be compiled
    scanf("%s", s);
    if ((infile = fopen(s, "r")) == NULL)
        printf("File %s can't be opened.\n", s);

    phi = createset(SYM_NULL);
    relset = createset(SYM_EQU, SYM_NEQ, SYM_LES, SYM_LEQ, SYM_GTR, SYM_GEQ, SYM_NULL);
    // create begin symbol sets
    declbegsys = createset(SYM_CONST, SYM_VAR, SYM_PROCEDURE, SYM_NULL);
    statbegsys = createset(SYM_BEGIN, SYM_CALL, SYM_IF, SYM_WHILE, SYM_NULL);
    facbegsys = createset(SYM_IDENTIFIER, SYM_NUMBER, SYM_LPAREN, SYM_NULL);

    err = cc = cx = ll = 0; // initialize global variables
    ch = ' ';
    kk = MAXIDLEN;


    set1 = createset(SYM_PERIOD, SYM_NULL);
    set2 = uniteset(declbegsys, statbegsys);
    set = uniteset(set1, set2);

    if (sym != SYM_PERIOD)
        error(9); // '.' expected.
    if (err == 0)
        hbin = fopen("hbin.txt", "w");
        for (i = 0; i < cx; i++)
            fwrite(&code[i], sizeof(instruction), 1, hbin);
    if (err == 0)
        printf("There are %d error(s) in PL/0 program.\n", err);
    listcode(0, cx);
} // main    END OF PL0.c

9 楼

void factor(symset fsys)
    void expression();
    int i;
    symset set;
    test(facbegsys, fsys, 24); // The symbol can not be as the beginning of an expression.

    while (inset(sym, facbegsys))
        if (sym == SYM_IDENTIFIER)
            if ((i = position(id)) == 0)
                error(11); // Undeclared identifier.
                switch (table[i].kind)
                    mask* mk;
                case ID_CONSTANT:
                    gen(LIT, 0, table[i].value);
                case ID_VARIABLE:
                    mk = (mask*) &table[i];
                    gen(LOD, level - mk->level, mk->address);
                case ID_PROCEDURE:
                    error(21); // Procedure identifier can not be in an     expression.
                } // switch
        else if (sym == SYM_NUMBER)
            if (num > MAXADDRESS)
                error(25); // The number is too great.
                num = 0;
            gen(LIT, 0, num);
        else if (sym == SYM_LPAREN)
            set = uniteset(createset(SYM_RPAREN, SYM_NULL), fsys);
            if (sym == SYM_RPAREN)
                error(22); // Missing ')'.
        test(fsys, createset(SYM_LPAREN, SYM_NULL), 23);
    } // while
} // factor
错误为:function does not take 1 parameters

10 楼

另一个在main()中的exp = fopen("f:compiler:exp.txt", "r")
#include <fstream.h>
FILE* exp;
fstream file;


