[专家分:0] 发布于 2007-12-08 17:31:00
我们学校开的数据结构课是c++语言描述的,是英文版的,全名叫《data structures and program design in c++>>可学校是挑着讲的,很多东西还没讲,可有的人说没讲的也重要,倒底数据结构都应该掌握什么呀?还有就是我现在在一所普通大学上大二,软件工程系的,学校还没开JAVA呢,不少同学都出去报JAVA班去了,但据说学好了C++后再学其它编程语言就无师自通了,是真的吗?我真不知道该不该报那个JAVA班。
回复列表 (共3个回复)
justforfun626 [专家分:18460] 发布于 2007-12-09 08:34:00
It is possible if you learn one programming language, C++ or Java, really good.
Nobody can make decision for you, you make your own decision, and take the consequence with you!
justforfun626 [专家分:18460] 发布于 2007-12-09 09:53:00
What does 无师自通 mean?
No teacher, don't take a course, you learn it by yourself? Certainly.
Except Pascal/C/Assembly I learned from my professor, almost all other languages I learned by myself. C++, Java, XSLT, XML, Ruby, VB, Html, JavaScript, Shell Script, Batch Script.....
Actually, I have many many teachers, the book author, Internet Tutorial, forum members, my co-worker, they are all my teachers. I am not "无师自通"!!!
However, I learned them by myself.
3 楼
梁璐双蕊 [专家分:0] 发布于 2007-12-09 10:31:00