include comments that explains the purpose of each class and method that you write, use well-chosen variable names, and indent/format your code properly. Write well structured code that makes use of helper methods where appropriate. There are three different problems:
1.Modify the Rat class that we developed in lecture during the week before fall break by adding the following methods:
// Returns the difference between this and r.
// In other words, r1.sub(r2) should return r1-r2.
Rat sub (Rat r)
// Returns the quotient of this and r. In other
// words, r1.div(r2) should return r1/r2.
Rat div (Rat r)
// Returns the absolute value of this. In other
// words, r.abs() should return |r|.
Rat abs ()
// Converts this into an approximately equal double.
double toDouble ()
// Returns a negative int if this < r, returns
// a positive int if this > r, and returns zero
// otherwise.
int compareTo (Rat r)
Provide a main method that tests your new methods.
2.In this problem you will write methods that make use of your Rat class from the previous problem. Begin by creating a class called Bisection that contains three static methods: f, bisection, and main.
The method f should take a Rat x as its parameter and should return the Rat x3 - 5x2 + 2x - 3.
The method bisection should take Rats pos, neg, and epsilon as parameters and should return a Rat. If f(pos) <= 0 or f(neg) >= 0 or epsilon <= 0, the method should throw an IllegalArgumentException. Otherwise, it should use the bisection method to find and return a Rat x such that |f(x)| < epsilon. The bisection method is a simple algorithm that can be used to find the root of a continuous function.
The bisection method begins by computing the average of pos and neg; let's call that avg. If |f(avg)| < epsilon, we've found an approximate root and can return it.
If f(avg) > 0, we repeat the previous paragraph using avg as the new value of pos. If f(avg) < 0, we repeat the previous paragraph using avg as the new value of neg. Either way, we've cut the difference between pos and neg in half, and we'll eventually converge to a root.
The method main should contain test cases for bisection. Be sure to display both the root r that is returned as well as the value of f(r). Display the two numbers in both rational and floating point form.
3.Create a class called Date that represents dates consisting of a year, month, and day. A Date object should have the following constructor and methods:
// Creates a new Date object with the given year (which must be positive),
// month (which must be 1 through 12), and day (which must be valid for the
// given month and year). If there are any invalid parameters, the
// constructor should throw an IllegalArgumentException.
public Date (int year, int month, int day)
// Modifies this Date by moving it forward (or backward) the given
// number of days.
public void addDays (int days)
// Returns the number of days this Date must be moved forward (or backward)
// if it is to be equal to d. (Does not, however, modify this Date.)
public int daysTo (Date d)
// Returns the day of this Date.
public int getDay ()
// Returns the month of this Date.
public int getMonth ()
// Returns the year of this Date.
public int getYear ()
// Converts this Date into string form, using the format
// mm/dd/yyyy, as in 07/22/2006.
public String toString ()
// Reports whether or not this and d represent the same date.
public boolean equals (Date d)
// Returns negative if this is earlier than d, returns positive
// if this is later than d, and returns zero otherwise.
public int compareTo (Date d)
Do not use any of the built-in Java date or calendar classes. However, feel free to reuse the date code that you wrote for a previous assignment.
Write a main method that runs test cases on your Date class.
1.Modify the Rat class that we developed in lecture during the week before fall break by adding the following methods:
// Returns the difference between this and r.
// In other words, r1.sub(r2) should return r1-r2.
Rat sub (Rat r)
// Returns the quotient of this and r. In other
// words, r1.div(r2) should return r1/r2.
Rat div (Rat r)
// Returns the absolute value of this. In other
// words, r.abs() should return |r|.
Rat abs ()
// Converts this into an approximately equal double.
double toDouble ()
// Returns a negative int if this < r, returns
// a positive int if this > r, and returns zero
// otherwise.
int compareTo (Rat r)
Provide a main method that tests your new methods.
2.In this problem you will write methods that make use of your Rat class from the previous problem. Begin by creating a class called Bisection that contains three static methods: f, bisection, and main.
The method f should take a Rat x as its parameter and should return the Rat x3 - 5x2 + 2x - 3.
The method bisection should take Rats pos, neg, and epsilon as parameters and should return a Rat. If f(pos) <= 0 or f(neg) >= 0 or epsilon <= 0, the method should throw an IllegalArgumentException. Otherwise, it should use the bisection method to find and return a Rat x such that |f(x)| < epsilon. The bisection method is a simple algorithm that can be used to find the root of a continuous function.
The bisection method begins by computing the average of pos and neg; let's call that avg. If |f(avg)| < epsilon, we've found an approximate root and can return it.
If f(avg) > 0, we repeat the previous paragraph using avg as the new value of pos. If f(avg) < 0, we repeat the previous paragraph using avg as the new value of neg. Either way, we've cut the difference between pos and neg in half, and we'll eventually converge to a root.
The method main should contain test cases for bisection. Be sure to display both the root r that is returned as well as the value of f(r). Display the two numbers in both rational and floating point form.
3.Create a class called Date that represents dates consisting of a year, month, and day. A Date object should have the following constructor and methods:
// Creates a new Date object with the given year (which must be positive),
// month (which must be 1 through 12), and day (which must be valid for the
// given month and year). If there are any invalid parameters, the
// constructor should throw an IllegalArgumentException.
public Date (int year, int month, int day)
// Modifies this Date by moving it forward (or backward) the given
// number of days.
public void addDays (int days)
// Returns the number of days this Date must be moved forward (or backward)
// if it is to be equal to d. (Does not, however, modify this Date.)
public int daysTo (Date d)
// Returns the day of this Date.
public int getDay ()
// Returns the month of this Date.
public int getMonth ()
// Returns the year of this Date.
public int getYear ()
// Converts this Date into string form, using the format
// mm/dd/yyyy, as in 07/22/2006.
public String toString ()
// Reports whether or not this and d represent the same date.
public boolean equals (Date d)
// Returns negative if this is earlier than d, returns positive
// if this is later than d, and returns zero otherwise.
public int compareTo (Date d)
Do not use any of the built-in Java date or calendar classes. However, feel free to reuse the date code that you wrote for a previous assignment.
Write a main method that runs test cases on your Date class.