Private Declare Function SetPixelV Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click() '加水印图像
Dim transparence As Integer '水印透明度
Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer '水印图取点坐标
Dim x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer '背景图取点坐标
Dim color As Long
Dim r1 As Integer, g1 As Integer, b1 As Integer
Dim r2 As Integer, g2 As Integer, b2 As Integer
transparence = 50 '此值在 10-90 之间,越大越透明
y2 = (Picture1.Height - Picture2.Height) / 15 - 20
For y1 = 0 To Picture2.ScaleHeight - 1
x2 = (Picture1.Width - Picture2.Width) / 15 - 20
For x1 = 0 To Picture2.ScaleWidth - 1
color = GetPixel(Picture2.hdc, x1, y1) '从水印图像取点
r1 = color Mod 256
g1 = color \ 256 Mod 256
b1 = color \ 256 \ 256
color = GetPixel(Picture1.hdc, x2, y2) '从背景图像取点
r2 = color Mod 256
g2 = color \ 256 Mod 256
b2 = color \ 256 \ 256
r1 = r1 - transparence * (r1 - r2) / 100
g1 = g1 - transparence * (g1 - g2) / 100
b1 = b1 - transparence * (b1 - b2) / 100
SetPixelV Picture1.hdc, x2, y2, RGB(r1, g1, b1)
x2 = x2 + 1
y2 = y2 + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() '加水印字符
Dim transparence As Integer '水印透明度
Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer '水印字符图取点坐标
Dim x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer '背景图取点坐标
Dim color As Long
Dim r1 As Integer, g1 As Integer, b1 As Integer
Dim r2 As Integer, g2 As Integer, b2 As Integer
Dim st As String
transparence = 50
y2 = (Picture1.Height - Picture3.Height) / 15 - 20
st = "编程爱好者"
Picture3.Width = Picture3.TextWidth(st) * 15 + 60
Picture3.Height = Picture3.TextHeight(st) * 15 + 60
Picture3.ForeColor = vbWhite
Picture3.FontSize = 14
Picture3.FontBold = True
Picture3.Print st
For y1 = 0 To Picture3.ScaleHeight - 1
x2 = (Picture1.Width - Picture3.Width) / 15 - 20
For x1 = 0 To Picture3.ScaleWidth - 1
color = GetPixel(Picture3.hdc, x1, y1) '从水印字符图取点
If color = vbWhite Then
r1 = color Mod 256
g1 = color \ 256 Mod 256
b1 = color \ 256 \ 256
color = GetPixel(Picture1.hdc, x2, y2) '从背景图像取点
r2 = color Mod 256
g2 = color \ 256 Mod 256
b2 = color \ 256 \ 256
r1 = r1 - transparence * (r1 - r2) / 100
g1 = g1 - transparence * (g1 - g2) / 100
b1 = b1 - transparence * (b1 - b2) / 100
SetPixelV Picture1.hdc, x2, y2, RGB(r1, g1, b1)
End If
x2 = x2 + 1
y2 = y2 + 1
End Sub
Private Declare Function SetPixelV Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click() '加水印图像
Dim transparence As Integer '水印透明度
Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer '水印图取点坐标
Dim x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer '背景图取点坐标
Dim color As Long
Dim r1 As Integer, g1 As Integer, b1 As Integer
Dim r2 As Integer, g2 As Integer, b2 As Integer
transparence = 50 '此值在 10-90 之间,越大越透明
y2 = (Picture1.Height - Picture2.Height) / 15 - 20
For y1 = 0 To Picture2.ScaleHeight - 1
x2 = (Picture1.Width - Picture2.Width) / 15 - 20
For x1 = 0 To Picture2.ScaleWidth - 1
color = GetPixel(Picture2.hdc, x1, y1) '从水印图像取点
r1 = color Mod 256
g1 = color \ 256 Mod 256
b1 = color \ 256 \ 256
color = GetPixel(Picture1.hdc, x2, y2) '从背景图像取点
r2 = color Mod 256
g2 = color \ 256 Mod 256
b2 = color \ 256 \ 256
r1 = r1 - transparence * (r1 - r2) / 100
g1 = g1 - transparence * (g1 - g2) / 100
b1 = b1 - transparence * (b1 - b2) / 100
SetPixelV Picture1.hdc, x2, y2, RGB(r1, g1, b1)
x2 = x2 + 1
y2 = y2 + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() '加水印字符
Dim transparence As Integer '水印透明度
Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer '水印字符图取点坐标
Dim x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer '背景图取点坐标
Dim color As Long
Dim r1 As Integer, g1 As Integer, b1 As Integer
Dim r2 As Integer, g2 As Integer, b2 As Integer
Dim st As String
transparence = 50
y2 = (Picture1.Height - Picture3.Height) / 15 - 20
st = "编程爱好者"
Picture3.Width = Picture3.TextWidth(st) * 15 + 60
Picture3.Height = Picture3.TextHeight(st) * 15 + 60
Picture3.ForeColor = vbWhite
Picture3.FontSize = 14
Picture3.FontBold = True
Picture3.Print st
For y1 = 0 To Picture3.ScaleHeight - 1
x2 = (Picture1.Width - Picture3.Width) / 15 - 20
For x1 = 0 To Picture3.ScaleWidth - 1
color = GetPixel(Picture3.hdc, x1, y1) '从水印字符图取点
If color = vbWhite Then
r1 = color Mod 256
g1 = color \ 256 Mod 256
b1 = color \ 256 \ 256
color = GetPixel(Picture1.hdc, x2, y2) '从背景图像取点
r2 = color Mod 256
g2 = color \ 256 Mod 256
b2 = color \ 256 \ 256
r1 = r1 - transparence * (r1 - r2) / 100
g1 = g1 - transparence * (g1 - g2) / 100
b1 = b1 - transparence * (b1 - b2) / 100
SetPixelV Picture1.hdc, x2, y2, RGB(r1, g1, b1)
End If
x2 = x2 + 1
y2 = y2 + 1
End Sub