String s = new String ("Text here");
String temp = "Text here"; String s = new String (temp);
String s = "Text here"; 二、常见错误2:没有克隆(clone)返回的对象
import java.awt.Dimension;
/** *//***Example class.The x and y values should never*be negative.*/
public class Example…{
private Dimension d = new Dimension (0, 0);
public Example ()…{ }
/** *//*** Set border="1" Height and width. Both border="1" Height and width must be nonnegative * or an exception is thrown.*/
public synchronized void setValues (int border="1" Height,int width) throws IllegalArgumentException…{
if (border="1" Height <0 || width <0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
d.border="1" height = border="1" Height;
d. width = width;
public synchronized Dimension getValues()…{
// Ooops! Breaks encapsulation
return d;
} }
Example类保证了它所存储的border="1" Height和width值永远非负数,试图使用setValues()方法来设置负值会触发异常。不幸的是,由于getValues()返回d的引用,而不是d的拷贝,你可以编写如下的破坏性代码:
Example ex = new Example();
Dimension d = ex.getValues();
d.border="1" height = -5; d. width = -10;
现在,Example对象拥有负值了!如果getValues() 的调用者永远也不设置返回的Dimension对象的width 和border="1" Height值,那么仅凭测试是不可能检测到这类的错误。
public synchronized Dimension getValues()…{
return new Dimension (d.x, d.y); }
现在,Example对象的内部状态就安全了。调用者可以根据需要改变它所得到的拷贝的状态,但是要修改Example对象的内部状态,必须通过setValues()才可以。 三、常见错误3:不必要的克隆
我们现在知道了get方法应该返回内部数据对象的拷贝,而不是引用。但是,事情没有绝对: /** *//*** Example class.The value should never * be negative.*/
public class Example…{
private Integer i = new Integer (0);
public Example ()…{ }
/** *//*** Set x. x must be nonnegative* or an exception will be thrown*/
public synchronized void setValues (int x) throws IllegalArgumentException…{
if (x <0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
i = new Integer (x);
public synchronized Integer getValue()…{
// We can"t clone Integers so we makea copy this way.
return new Integer (i.intValue());
} }
public synchronized Integer getValue()…{
// "i" is immutable, so it is safe to return it instead of a copy.
return i; }
Java程序比C++程序包含更多的不可变对象。JDK 所提供的若干不可变类包括:
·String ·大部分的Exception的子类 四、常见错误4:自编代码来拷贝数组
public class Example…{
private int[] copy;
/** *//*** Save a copy of "data". "data" cannot be null.*/
public void saveCopy (int[] data)…{
copy = new int[data.length];
for (int i = 0; i
copy[i] = data[i];
} }
void saveCopy (int[] data)…{
copy = (int[])data.clone();
}catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)…{
// Can"t get here.
} }
static int[] cloneArray (int[] data)…{
}catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)…{
// Can"t get here.
} }
void saveCopy (int[] data)…{
copy = cloneArray ( data); } 五、常见错误5:拷贝错误的数据
import java.awt.Dimension;
/** *//*** Example class. The border="1" Height and width values should never * be
negative. */
public class Example…{
static final public int TOTAL_VALUES = 10;
private Dimension[] d = new Dimension[TOTAL_VALUES];
public Example ()…{ }
/** *//*** Set border="1" Height and width. Both border="1" Height and width must be nonnegative * or an exception will be thrown. */
public synchronized void setValues (int index, int border="1" Height, int width) throws IllegalArgumentException…{
if (border="1" Height <0 || width <0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (d[index] == null)
d[index] = new Dimension();
d[index].border="1" height = border="1" Height;
d[index]. width = width;
public synchronized Dimension[] getValues()
throws CloneNotSupportedException…{
return (Dimension[])d.clone();
} }
public synchronized Dimension[] getValues() throws CloneNotSupportedException…{
Dimension[] copy = (Dimension[])d.clone();
for (int i = 0; i
// NOTE: Dimension isn"t cloneable.
if (d != null)
copy[i] = new Dimension (d[i].border="1" Height, d[i].width);
return copy; }
在克隆原子类型数据的多维数组的时候,也会犯类似的错误。原子类型包括int,float等。简单的克隆int型的一维数组是正确的,如下所示: public void store (int[] data) throws CloneNotSupportedException…{
this.data = (int[])data.clone();
// OK }
拷贝int型的二维数组更复杂些。Java没有int型的二维数组,因此一个int型的二维数组实际上是一个这样的一维数组:它的类型为int[]。简单的克隆int[][]型的数组会犯与上面例子中getValues()方法第一版本同样的错误,因此应该避免这么做。下面的例子演示了在克隆int型二维数组时错误的和正确的做法: public void wrongStore (int[][] data) throws CloneNotSupportedException…{
this.data = (int[][])data.clone(); // Not OK!
public void rightStore (int[][] data)…{
// OK!
this.data = (int[][])data.clone();
for (int i = 0; i
if (data != null)
this.data[i] = (int[])data[i].clone();
} }
String s = new String ("Text here");
String temp = "Text here"; String s = new String (temp);
String s = "Text here"; 二、常见错误2:没有克隆(clone)返回的对象
import java.awt.Dimension;
/** *//***Example class.The x and y values should never*be negative.*/
public class Example…{
private Dimension d = new Dimension (0, 0);
public Example ()…{ }
/** *//*** Set border="1" Height and width. Both border="1" Height and width must be nonnegative * or an exception is thrown.*/
public synchronized void setValues (int border="1" Height,int width) throws IllegalArgumentException…{
if (border="1" Height <0 || width <0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
d.border="1" height = border="1" Height;
d. width = width;
public synchronized Dimension getValues()…{
// Ooops! Breaks encapsulation
return d;
} }
Example类保证了它所存储的border="1" Height和width值永远非负数,试图使用setValues()方法来设置负值会触发异常。不幸的是,由于getValues()返回d的引用,而不是d的拷贝,你可以编写如下的破坏性代码:
Example ex = new Example();
Dimension d = ex.getValues();
d.border="1" height = -5; d. width = -10;
现在,Example对象拥有负值了!如果getValues() 的调用者永远也不设置返回的Dimension对象的width 和border="1" Height值,那么仅凭测试是不可能检测到这类的错误。
public synchronized Dimension getValues()…{
return new Dimension (d.x, d.y); }
现在,Example对象的内部状态就安全了。调用者可以根据需要改变它所得到的拷贝的状态,但是要修改Example对象的内部状态,必须通过setValues()才可以。 三、常见错误3:不必要的克隆
我们现在知道了get方法应该返回内部数据对象的拷贝,而不是引用。但是,事情没有绝对: /** *//*** Example class.The value should never * be negative.*/
public class Example…{
private Integer i = new Integer (0);
public Example ()…{ }
/** *//*** Set x. x must be nonnegative* or an exception will be thrown*/
public synchronized void setValues (int x) throws IllegalArgumentException…{
if (x <0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
i = new Integer (x);
public synchronized Integer getValue()…{
// We can"t clone Integers so we makea copy this way.
return new Integer (i.intValue());
} }
public synchronized Integer getValue()…{
// "i" is immutable, so it is safe to return it instead of a copy.
return i; }
Java程序比C++程序包含更多的不可变对象。JDK 所提供的若干不可变类包括:
·String ·大部分的Exception的子类 四、常见错误4:自编代码来拷贝数组
public class Example…{
private int[] copy;
/** *//*** Save a copy of "data". "data" cannot be null.*/
public void saveCopy (int[] data)…{
copy = new int[data.length];
for (int i = 0; i
copy[i] = data[i];
} }
void saveCopy (int[] data)…{
copy = (int[])data.clone();
}catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)…{
// Can"t get here.
} }
static int[] cloneArray (int[] data)…{
}catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)…{
// Can"t get here.
} }
void saveCopy (int[] data)…{
copy = cloneArray ( data); } 五、常见错误5:拷贝错误的数据
import java.awt.Dimension;
/** *//*** Example class. The border="1" Height and width values should never * be
negative. */
public class Example…{
static final public int TOTAL_VALUES = 10;
private Dimension[] d = new Dimension[TOTAL_VALUES];
public Example ()…{ }
/** *//*** Set border="1" Height and width. Both border="1" Height and width must be nonnegative * or an exception will be thrown. */
public synchronized void setValues (int index, int border="1" Height, int width) throws IllegalArgumentException…{
if (border="1" Height <0 || width <0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (d[index] == null)
d[index] = new Dimension();
d[index].border="1" height = border="1" Height;
d[index]. width = width;
public synchronized Dimension[] getValues()
throws CloneNotSupportedException…{
return (Dimension[])d.clone();
} }
public synchronized Dimension[] getValues() throws CloneNotSupportedException…{
Dimension[] copy = (Dimension[])d.clone();
for (int i = 0; i
// NOTE: Dimension isn"t cloneable.
if (d != null)
copy[i] = new Dimension (d[i].border="1" Height, d[i].width);
return copy; }
在克隆原子类型数据的多维数组的时候,也会犯类似的错误。原子类型包括int,float等。简单的克隆int型的一维数组是正确的,如下所示: public void store (int[] data) throws CloneNotSupportedException…{
this.data = (int[])data.clone();
// OK }
拷贝int型的二维数组更复杂些。Java没有int型的二维数组,因此一个int型的二维数组实际上是一个这样的一维数组:它的类型为int[]。简单的克隆int[][]型的数组会犯与上面例子中getValues()方法第一版本同样的错误,因此应该避免这么做。下面的例子演示了在克隆int型二维数组时错误的和正确的做法: public void wrongStore (int[][] data) throws CloneNotSupportedException…{
this.data = (int[][])data.clone(); // Not OK!
public void rightStore (int[][] data)…{
// OK!
this.data = (int[][])data.clone();
for (int i = 0; i
if (data != null)
this.data[i] = (int[])data[i].clone();
} }