因为我不懂程序 所以请帮忙
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Begin VB.Menu Mnu_StressStrainCurves
Caption = "材料应力-应变曲线"
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Private Sub Mnu_Info_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Mnu_Manual_Click()
Call HTMLHelp(hwnd, App.Path & "\help\Help.chm", 0, 0)
' Manual.Show
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Private Sub Mnu_Reports_Click()
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& Ex_casing.Cmb_Thickness.Text & "mm," & "膨胀幅度:" & Ex_casing.Expand_Ratio.Text & "%,膨胀锥角:" & Ex_casing.Ex_Angle.Text & "°)" '副标题
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Public Sub DrawTable1(ByRef wordApp As Word.Application)
Clipboard.SetData CaptureClient(Ex_casing)
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'---------------(输入数值)------- '
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' -----------------(表头)--------------------
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wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:="系数"
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wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=55
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'-----------(表3 End)------------------------------------------------
wordApp.Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory ' 换新表
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wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:="强度(MPa)"
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wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:="强度(kN)"
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' 填入第2行数据
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wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
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wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=Ex_casing.After_Out_Pressure.Text
wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=Ex_casing.After_In_Pressure.Text
wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=Ex_casing.After_Tension.Text
wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=Ex_casing.After_Collpas_Lab.Caption
' 填入第3行数据
wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:="强度变化(%)"
wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=Round((Ex_casing.After_Yp.Text - Ex_casing.Before_Yp.Text) / Ex_casing.Before_Yp.Text * 100, 2) ' (%)
wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=Round((Ex_casing.After_Out_Pressure.Text - Ex_casing.Before_Out_Pressure.Text) / Ex_casing.Before_Out_Pressure.Text * 100, 2)
wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=Round((Ex_casing.After_In_Pressure.Text - Ex_casing.Before_In_Pressure.Text) / Ex_casing.Before_In_Pressure.Text * 100, 2)
wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=Round((Ex_casing.After_Tension.Text - Ex_casing.Before_Tension.Text) / Ex_casing.Before_Tension.Text * 100, 2)
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wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=""
'---------------(表4 End)--------------------------------
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wordApp.Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory ' 换新表
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' -----------------(表头)--------------------
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wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:="(kN)"
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wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:="(kN)"
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wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:="(kN)"
wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:="安全"
wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:="系数"
wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
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wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=Ex_casing.Ex_RadiusForce.Text
wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=Ex_casing.Fixed_Force.Text ' 橡胶锚定力参数(kN)
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wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
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'----------(表4 End)-------------------------------------
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wordApp.Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory ' 换新表
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' -----------------(表头)--------------------
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wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:="回弹量(mm)"
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wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
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wordApp.Selection.TypeText Text:="长度(m)"
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wordApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
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' wordApp.Selection.TypeParagraph
' wordApp.Selection.TypeParagraph
' Ex_casing.PrgWordOut.Value = Ex_casing.PrgWordOut.Value + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Mnu_StressStrainCurves_Click()
End Sub
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Text = "124.26"
ToolTipText = "1).4.5-5.5×124.3mm,2).5.5-7×159.4mm,3).7-9.625×220.5mm或216.8mm"
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Caption = "橡胶长度(mm)"
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Caption = "橡胶厚度(mm)"
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Caption = "膨胀幅度(%)"
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Caption = "膨胀锥外径(mm)"
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Caption = "膨胀前内径(mm)"
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Caption = "钢级"
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Caption = "外径(mm)"
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Caption = "膨胀锥角度(°)"
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Caption = "计算"
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Caption = "退出"
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Alignment = 2 'Center
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Caption = "膨胀套管力学性能评价"
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Attribute VB_Name = "Ex_casing"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
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Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Sub Cmb_GJ_Click()
Call Strength_Clear
Call parameter
End Sub
Private Sub Cmb_Out_D_click()
Call Strength_Clear
Call parameter
If Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) <= 114.3 Then
Ex_Angle.Text = "8"
Ex_Angle.Locked = True
Ex_Angle.Locked = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_Clear_Click()
Call Strength_Clear
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_Computing_Click()
Dim myrg As String
Dim R1, T, Area, Force As Single
Dim Pressure, Fric_Rub As Single
Dim D01, D02 As Single
Dim D00, Dlt00 As Single
Dim Real_Gap As Single
Fric_Rub = Val(Rubber_Fric_Coef.Text)
T = Val(Rub_Thinkness.Text)
R1 = Val(Up_Casing_In_D.Text) / 2# - Val(After_Dlt.Text)
Area = 2 * 3.1415926 * R1 * Val(Rub_Length.Text)
Pressure = -3.1653 * T ^ 3 + 19.124 * T ^ 2 - 31.571 * T + 15.46
Force = Area * Pressure * Val(Rub_Number.Text) * Fric_Rub / 1000# 'kN
Fixed_Force.Text = Round(Force, 2)
' D_ini.Text = Val(Up_Casing_In_D.Text) - 2 * T - 2 * Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
D01 = Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) - 2 * Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
D02 = Val(Up_Casing_In_D.Text)
Dlt00 = 0.1 'mm
If Val(Expand_Length.Text) = 0# Then
myrg = MsgBox("请输入膨胀套管长度:", vbYesNo, "请重新输入")
' GoTo EndLine
If myrg = vbYes Then
Expand_Length.Text = ""
GoTo EndLine
GoTo EndLine
End If
End If
If Val(Fric_Coef.Text) > 0.2 Then
myrg = MsgBox("请输入摩擦系数正确范围0=<Fric<=0.2:", vbYesNo, "请重新输入")
' GoTo EndLine
If myrg = vbYes Then
Fric_Coef.Text = ""
GoTo EndLine
GoTo EndLine
End If
End If
If Val(Ex_Angle.Text) = 0# Then
myrg = MsgBox("请选膨胀锥角度:", vbYesNo, "请重新输入")
' GoTo EndLine
If myrg = vbYes Then
Ex_Angle.Text = ""
GoTo EndLine
GoTo EndLine
End If
End If
For D00 = D01 To D02 Step Dlt00
If Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) <= 114.3 Then
Ex_Angle.Text = 8
Call YangBin(D00)
ElseIf Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) > 114.3 And Val(Ex_Angle.Text) = 8 Then
Call YangBin(D00)
Call Lian(D00)
End If
Real_Gap = Round((Val(Up_Casing_In_D.Text) - Val(After_Out_D.Text)) / 2#, 1) ' 膨胀后间隙mm
If Real_Gap = 1.6 Then GoTo 2000 '
Next D00
After_In_D.Text = Round(D00, 2)
S_Coef.Text = Round(Force / Val(Weight.Text), 2)
End Sub
Private Sub YangBin(D00)
Dim P_coef As Single
Dim myrg As String
Dim Strg_InD As String
Dim Ex_InD As Single
Dim F, T, kk As Single
Dim Coef_Area As Single
Dim A1, A2 As Single
After_In_D.Text = D00
Ex_InD = Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) - 2# * Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
'If (Val(After_In_D.Text) >= 0 And Val(After_In_D.Text) < Ex_InD) Or (Val(After_In_D.Text) > 1.2 * Ex_InD) Then
' Strg_InD = "请输入膨胀后内径范围" & Round(Ex_InD, 2) & "<Ro<" & Round(1.2 * Ex_InD, 2) & "(mm)"
' myrg = MsgBox(Strg_InD, vbYesNo, "请重新输入")
' If myrg = vbYes Then
' After_In_D.Text = ""
' '
' Call Strength_Clear
' '
' After_In_D.SetFocus
' GoTo EndLine
' Else
' Strength_Clear
' After_In_D.SetFocus
' GoTo EndLine
' End If
'End If
'If Val(Fric_Coef.Text) > 0.2 Then
' myrg = MsgBox("请输入摩擦系数正确范围0=<Fric<=0.2:", vbYesNo, "请重新输入")
'' GoTo EndLine
' If myrg = vbYes Then
' Fric_Coef.Text = ""
' Strength_Clear
' Fric_Coef.SetFocus
' GoTo EndLine
' Else
' Strength_Clear
' GoTo EndLine
' End If
'End If
'If Val(Expand_Length.Text) = 0# Then
' myrg = MsgBox("请输入膨胀套管长度:", vbYesNo, "请重新输入")
'' GoTo EndLine
' If myrg = vbYes Then
' Expand_Length.Text = ""
' Strength_Clear
' Expand_Length.SetFocus
' GoTo EndLine
' Else
' Strength_Clear
' GoTo EndLine
' End If
'End If
'If Val(Ex_Angle.Text) = 0# Then
' myrg = MsgBox("请选膨胀锥角度:", vbYesNo, "请重新输入")
'' GoTo EndLine
' If myrg = vbYes Then
' Ex_Angle.Text = ""
' Strength_Clear
' Ex_Angle.SetFocus
' GoTo EndLine
' Else
' Strength_Clear
' GoTo EndLine
' End If
'End If
P_coef = 1.15 ' 启动压力系数
Before_In_D.Text = Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) - 2 * Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Expand_Ratio.Text = Round(100# * (Val(After_In_D.Text) - Val(Before_In_D.Text)) / Val(Before_In_D.Text), 1)
F = Val(Fric_Coef.Text)
kk = Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) / 100#
T = Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
'--------------------( J55套管 )---------------------------------
'1.J55-4 1/2"(114.3mm) 膨胀力计算
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "J55") And (Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) = 114.3) Then
Select Case Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Case 5.21
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(1.348 + 132.0432 * F + 121.9393 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(5.187754 - 0.57879 * F - 2.35677 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 5.69
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(2.163 + 138.1226 * F + 127.591 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(5.681925 - 0.3268 * F - 3.11218 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 6.35
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(1.942 + 165.0274 * F + 146.539 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(6.3462 - 0.41959 * F - 3.46736 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
End Select
End If
'2.J55-5 1/2"(139.7mm) 膨胀力计算
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "J55") And (Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) = 139.7) Then
Select Case Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Case 6.2
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(1.141 + 122.9457 * F + 113.4784 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(6.220744 - 0.61385 * F - 3.33697 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 6.99
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(0.724 + 139.5743 * F + 135.5657 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(6.966964 - 0.33709 * F - 3.70363 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 7.72
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(1.234 + 156.1801 * F + 148.0904 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(7.70253 - 0.45068 * F - 4.10786 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
End Select
End If
'3.J55-7"(177.8mm) 膨胀力计算
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "J55") And (Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) = 177.8) Then
Select Case Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Case 6.91
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(0.0872 + 102.1646 * F - 102.6172 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(6.926 - 0.63607 * F - 3.62082 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 8.05
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(-0.47917 + 123.7521 * F + 122.4119 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(8.067 - 0.69714 * F - 4.29265 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 9.19
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(-0.0594 + 143.7313 * F + 137.9772 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(9.219 - 0.96032 * F + 4.87252 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
End Select
End If
'--------------------( N80套管 )---------------------------------
'4. N80-4 1/2"(114.3mm) 膨胀力计算
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "N80") And (Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) = 114.3) Then
Select Case Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Case 6.35
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(1.13707 + 162.4708 * F + 164.6746 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(6.305779 - 0.42107 * F - 3.04083 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 7.37
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(9.557 + 179.2193 * F + 108.1644 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(7.347188 - 0.40933 * F - 3.94725 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
End Select
End If
'5. N80-5 1/2"(139.7mm) 膨胀力计算
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "N80") And (Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) = 139.7) Then
Select Case Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Case 7.72
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(2.716 + 153.5345 * F + 147.4673 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(7.705251 - 0.53254 * F - 4.04308 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 9.17
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(1.512 + 194.3037 * F + 185.6048 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(9.137724 - 0.49112 * F - 4.85273 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 10.54
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(3.219 + 229.0188 * F + 206.2669 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(10.50719 - 0.59539 * F - 5.61495 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
End Select
End If
'6. N80-7"(177.8mm) 膨胀力计算
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "N80") And (Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) = 177.8) Then
Select Case Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Case 8.05
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(-0.3698 + 124.6305 * F + 128.3163 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(8.032837 - 0.38713 * F - 4.25725 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 9.19
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(0.2336 + 139.6415 * F + 144.6791 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(9.181898 - 0.7069 * F - 4.74737 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 10.36
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(-0.08008 + 164.5936 * F + 166.7787 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(10.39692 - 0.99872 * F - 5.63824 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 11.51
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(1.653248 + 184.1603 * F + 171.788 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(11.52151 - 1.15272 * F - 5.93087 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 12.65
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(2.21797 + 198.9305 * F + 195.7305 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(12.63074 - 0.79089 * F - 6.75168 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 13.72
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(3.167 + 220.535 * F + 209.9444 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(13.73854 - 1.27376 * F - 7.32641 * kk, 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
End Select
End If
After_Out_D.Text = Round(Val(After_In_D.Text) + 2# * Val(Expand_Thickness.Text), 2)
' 计算二次屈服应力----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If Cmb_GJ.Text = "J55" Then
If Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) <= 5# Then
After_Yp.Text = Round(-3.8719 * (Val(Expand_Ratio.Text)) ^ 2 + 39.428 * Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) + 371.59, 2)
ElseIf Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) > 5# Then
After_Yp.Text = Round(3.0462 * Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) + 457.79, 2)
End If
End If
If Cmb_GJ.Text = "N80" Then
If Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) <= 5# Then
After_Yp.Text = Round(-3.2868 * (Val(Expand_Ratio.Text)) ^ 2 + 42.858 * Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) + 541.09, 2)
ElseIf Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) > 5# Then
After_Yp.Text = Round(2.0704 * Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) + 668.81, 2)
End If
End If
' 计算二次屈服应力结束------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Call Before_Strength
Call After_Strength
Dim Back_Ratio
Ex_AxialForce.Text = Round((3.1415926 * (Val(After_In_D.Text)) ^ 2 / 4) * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text) / 1000#, 2) ' kN
Ex_RadiusForce.Text = Round(Val(Ex_AxialForce.Text) * Sin(3.14159 * Val(Ex_Angle.Text) / 180#), 2)
Back_Ratio = Format(Round((Val(After_Yp.Text) / 210000#) * 100#, 3), "0.000") ' 回弹率(%)
Ex_Back_RadiusDlt.Text = Format(Round((Back_Ratio / 100#) * (Val(After_In_D.Text) / 2), 3), "0.000") ' 径向回弹量(mm)
A1 = 3.14 * ((Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text)) ^ 2 - (Val(Before_In_D.Text)) ^ 2) / 4# ' 膨胀前套管横截面积(mm^2)
A2 = 3.14 * ((Val(After_Out_D.Text)) ^ 2 - (Val(After_In_D.Text)) ^ 2) / 4# ' 膨胀后套管横截面积(mm^2)
Coef_Area = A1 / A2
BB = 1000 * Val(Expand_Length.Text) * (1 - Coef_Area) ' 轴向收缩量(mm)
If BB < 1000# Then
Lab_Dlt.Caption = "轴向总收缩量(mm)"
Ex_AxialShortenDlt.Text = Round(BB, 2)
Lab_Dlt.Caption = "轴向总收缩量(m)"
Ex_AxialShortenDlt.Text = Round(BB / 1000#, 2)
End If
Ex_BackAxialDlt.Text = Round((Val(Expand_Length.Text) * Coef_Area) * (Back_Ratio / 100#) * 1000#, 2) ' 轴向回弹量(mm)
Dim Casing_Weight As Single
Casing_Weight = Round(7.8 * (A1 * 0.000001) * Val(Expand_Length.Text) * 9.8, 2) ' 膨胀套管总量kN
Weight.Text = Round(Casing_Weight, 2)
HH = Int((Val(After_In_D.Text) - Val(Before_In_D.Text)) / (2 * Tan(3.14 * Val(Ex_Angle.Text) / 180#)) + 0.5) + 5 ' 膨胀锥高度(mm)
MDI_Main.Mnu_Reports.Enabled = True
' A1 = 9
End Sub
Private Sub Lian(D00)
Dim P_coef As Single
Dim myrg As String
Dim Strg_InD As String
Dim Ex_InD As Single
Dim F, T, kk As Single
Dim Coef_Area As Single
Dim A1, A2 As Single
After_In_D.Text = D00
Ex_InD = Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) - 2# * Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
' If Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) <= 114.3 Then
' Ex_Angle.Text = 8
' Else
' Ex_Angle = 8
' End If
'If (Val(After_In_D.Text) >= 0 And Val(After_In_D.Text) < Ex_InD) Or (Val(After_In_D.Text) > 1.2 * Ex_InD) Then
' Strg_InD = "请输入膨胀后内径范围" & Round(Ex_InD, 2) & "<Ro<" & Round(1.2 * Ex_InD, 2) & "(mm)"
' myrg = MsgBox(Strg_InD, vbYesNo, "请重新输入")
' If myrg = vbYes Then
' After_In_D.Text = ""
' '
' Call Strength_Clear
' '
' After_In_D.SetFocus
' GoTo EndLine
' Else
' Strength_Clear
' After_In_D.SetFocus
' GoTo EndLine
' End If
'End If
'If Val(Fric_Coef.Text) > 0.2 Then
' myrg = MsgBox("请输入摩擦系数正确范围0=<Fric<=0.2:", vbYesNo, "请重新输入")
'' GoTo EndLine
' If myrg = vbYes Then
' Fric_Coef.Text = ""
' Strength_Clear
' Fric_Coef.SetFocus
' GoTo EndLine
' Else
' Strength_Clear
' GoTo EndLine
' End If
'End If
'If Val(Expand_Length.Text) = 0# Then
' myrg = MsgBox("请输入膨胀套管长度:", vbYesNo, "请重新输入")
'' GoTo EndLine
' If myrg = vbYes Then
' Expand_Length.Text = ""
' Strength_Clear
' Expand_Length.SetFocus
' GoTo EndLine
' Else
' Strength_Clear
' GoTo EndLine
' End If
'End If
P_coef = 1.15 ' 启动压力系数
Before_In_D.Text = Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) - 2 * Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Expand_Ratio.Text = Round(100# * (Val(After_In_D.Text) - Val(Before_In_D.Text)) / Val(Before_In_D.Text), 1)
F = Val(Fric_Coef.Text)
kk = Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) / 15#
T = Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
'--------------------( J55套管 )---------------------------------
'1.J55-4 1/2"(114.3mm) 膨胀力计算
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "J55") And (Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) = 114.3) Then
Select Case Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Case 5.21
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(118.72 * F + 13.317 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.5444 * F + (T - (T - 4.7787) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 5.69
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(130.99 * F + 14.408 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.65 * F + (T - (T - 5.2235) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 6.35
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(140.99 * F + 16.498 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.7658 * F + (T - (T - 5.8309) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
End Select
End If
'2.J55-5 1/2"(139.7mm) 膨胀力计算
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "J55") And (Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) = 139.7) Then
Select Case Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Case 6.2
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(84.906 * F + 14.025 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.5026 * F + (T - (T - 5.6724) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 6.99
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(104.08 * F + 15.793 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.6079 * F + (T - (T - 6.3972) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 7.72
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(114.44 * F + 18.028 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.6789 * F + (T - (T - 7.0558) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
End Select
End If
'3.J55-7"(177.8mm) 膨胀力计算
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "J55") And (Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) = 177.8) Then
Select Case Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Case 6.91
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(71.461 * F + 11.759 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.6132 * F + (T - (T - 6.323) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 8.05
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(102.01 * F + 13.36 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.6816 * F + (T - (T - 7.3682) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 9.19
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(111.87 * F + 15.47 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.7632 * F + (T - (T - 8.4075) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
End Select
End If
'--------------------( N80套管 )---------------------------------
'4. N80-4 1/2"(114.3mm) 膨胀力计算
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "N80") And (Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) = 114.3) Then
Select Case Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Case 6.35
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(198.33 * F + 22.436 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.6184 * F + (T - (T - 5.8358) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 7.37
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(250.39 * F + 26.52 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.8237 * F + (T - (T - 6.7756) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
End Select
End If
'5. N80-5 1/2"(139.7mm) 膨胀力计算
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "N80") And (Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) = 139.7) Then
Select Case Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Case 7.72
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(165.68 * F + 24.078 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.4342 * F + (T - (T - 7.0661) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 9.17
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(187.88 * F + 30.381 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.6316 * F + (T - (T - 8.3887) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 10.54
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(257.14 * F + 34.057 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.9053 * F + (T - (T - 9.6388) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
End Select
End If
'6. N80-7"(177.8mm) 膨胀力计算
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "N80") And (Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text) = 177.8) Then
Select Case Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Case 8.05
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(131.28 * F + 18.645 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.6553 * F + (T - (T - 7.3773) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 9.19
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(141.51 * F + 21.885 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.8211 * F + (T - (T - 8.4272) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 10.36
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(166.94 * F + 23.942 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.6079 * F + (T - (T - 9.4822) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 11.51
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(176.9 * F + 28.201 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.8211 * F + (T - (T - 10.54) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 12.65
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(239.92 * F + 29.895 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-1.4658 * F + (T - (T - 11.595) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
Case 13.72
Expand_Pressure.Text = Round(225.42 * F + 33.179 * kk, 2)
Expand_Thickness.Text = Round(-0.9868 * F + (T - (T - 12.558) * kk), 2)
Start_Pressure.Text = Round(P_coef * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text), 2)
End Select
End If
After_Out_D.Text = Round(Val(After_In_D.Text) + 2# * Val(Expand_Thickness.Text), 2)
' 计算二次屈服应力----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If Cmb_GJ.Text = "J55" Then
If Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) <= 5# Then
After_Yp.Text = Round(-3.8719 * (Val(Expand_Ratio.Text)) ^ 2 + 39.428 * Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) + 371.59, 2)
ElseIf Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) > 5# Then
After_Yp.Text = Round(3.0462 * Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) + 457.79, 2)
End If
End If
If Cmb_GJ.Text = "N80" Then
If Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) <= 5# Then
After_Yp.Text = Round(-3.2868 * (Val(Expand_Ratio.Text)) ^ 2 + 42.858 * Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) + 541.09, 2)
ElseIf Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) > 5# Then
After_Yp.Text = Round(2.0704 * Val(Expand_Ratio.Text) + 668.81, 2)
End If
End If
' 计算二次屈服应力结束------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Call Before_Strength
Call After_Strength
Dim Back_Ratio
Ex_AxialForce.Text = Round((3.1415926 * (Val(After_In_D.Text)) ^ 2 / 4) * Val(Expand_Pressure.Text) / 1000#, 2) ' kN
Ex_RadiusForce.Text = Round(Val(Ex_AxialForce.Text) * Sin(3.14159 * Val(Ex_Angle.Text) / 180#), 2)
Back_Ratio = Format(Round((Val(After_Yp.Text) / 210000#) * 100#, 3), "0.000") ' 回弹率(%)
Ex_Back_RadiusDlt.Text = Format(Round((Back_Ratio / 100#) * (Val(After_In_D.Text) / 2), 3), "0.000") ' 径向回弹量(mm)
A1 = 3.14 * ((Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text)) ^ 2 - (Val(Before_In_D.Text)) ^ 2) / 4# ' 膨胀前套管横截面积(mm^2)
A2 = 3.14 * ((Val(After_Out_D.Text)) ^ 2 - (Val(After_In_D.Text)) ^ 2) / 4# ' 膨胀后套管横截面积(mm^2)
Coef_Area = A1 / A2
BB = 1000 * Val(Expand_Length.Text) * (1 - Coef_Area) ' 轴向收缩量(mm)
If BB < 1000# Then
Lab_Dlt.Caption = "轴向总收缩量(mm)"
Ex_AxialShortenDlt.Text = Round(BB, 2)
Lab_Dlt.Caption = "轴向总收缩量(m)"
Ex_AxialShortenDlt.Text = Round(BB / 1000#, 2)
End If
Ex_BackAxialDlt.Text = Round((Val(Expand_Length.Text) * Coef_Area) * (Back_Ratio / 100#) * 1000#, 2) ' 轴向回弹量(mm)
Dim Casing_Weight As Single
Casing_Weight = Round(7.8 * (A1 * 0.000001) * Val(Expand_Length.Text) * 9.8, 2) ' 膨胀套管总量kN
Weight.Text = Round(Casing_Weight, 2)
HH = Int((Val(After_In_D.Text) - Val(Before_In_D.Text)) / (2 * Tan(3.14 * Val(Ex_Angle.Text) / 180#)) + 0.5) + 5 ' 膨胀锥高度(mm)
MDI_Main.Mnu_Reports.Enabled = True
' A1 = 9
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Cmb_GJ.AddItem "J55"
Cmb_GJ.AddItem "N80"
If Cmb_GJ.Text = "J55" Then
Before_Yp.Text = "379.0" ' J55屈服极限
Before_Yp.Text = "551.0" ' N80屈服极限
End If
Cmb_Out_D.AddItem "114.3"
Cmb_Out_D.AddItem "139.7"
Cmb_Out_D.AddItem "177.8"
Ex_Angle.AddItem "8"
Ex_Angle.AddItem "10"
Call parameter
End Sub
Private Sub Strength_Clear()
After_Yp.Text = ""
Before_Tension.Text = ""
Before_In_Pressure.Text = ""
Before_Out_Pressure.Text = ""
Collpas_Lab.Caption = ""
After_Tension.Text = ""
After_In_Pressure.Text = ""
After_Out_Pressure.Text = ""
After_Collpas_Lab.Caption = ""
Before_In_D.Text = ""
Expand_Ratio.Text = ""
' Fric_Coef.Text = ""
' Expand_Length.Text = ""
Ex_Angle.Text = ""
' After_In_D.Text = ""
Start_Pressure.Text = ""
Expand_Pressure.Text = ""
Expand_Thickness.Text = ""
After_Out_D.Text = ""
Ex_AxialForce.Text = ""
Ex_RadiusForce.Text = ""
' Back_Ratio.Text = ""
Ex_Back_RadiusDlt.Text = ""
Ex_BackAxialDlt.Text = ""
Ex_AxialShortenDlt.Text = ""
Weight.Text = ""
Fixed_Force.Text = ""
S_Coef.Text = ""
After_In_D.Text = ""
End Sub
Sub parameter()
If (Cmb_GJ.Text = "J55") Then
Before_Yp.Text = "379.0" ' J55屈服极限
Select Case Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text)
Case 114.3
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "5.21"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "5.69"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "6.35"
Cmb_Thickness.Text = 6.35
Case 139.7
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "6.2"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "6.99"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "7.72"
Cmb_Thickness.Text = 7.72
Case 177.8
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "6.91"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "8.05"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "9.19"
Cmb_Thickness.Text = 9.19
End Select
ElseIf (Cmb_GJ.Text = "N80") Then
Before_Yp.Text = "551.0" ' N80屈服极限
Select Case Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text)
Case 114.3
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "6.35"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "7.37"
Cmb_Thickness.Text = 6.35
Case 139.7
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "7.72"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "9.17"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "10.54"
Cmb_Thickness.Text = 7.72
Case 177.8
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "8.05"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "9.19"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "10.36"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "11.51"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "12.65"
Cmb_Thickness.AddItem "13.72"
Cmb_Thickness.Text = 9.19
End Select
End If
Before_In_D.Text = ""
After_In_D.Text = ""
Expand_Ratio.Text = ""
Expand_Length.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub After_Strength()
Dim D_Out, D_In, Thickness As Single
Dim Yp, Fc, P_in As Single
Dim Pc, P_case As String
D_Out = Val(After_Out_D.Text)
Thickness = Val(Expand_Thickness.Text)
Yp = Val(After_Yp.Text) * 1000# ' 屈服强度,kP
' API管体抗拉强度计算
Fc = 0.07854 * ((D_Out / 10) ^ 2 - ((D_Out - 2 * Thickness) / 10) ^ 2) * Yp * 0.001 ' 管体屈服强度 kN
After_Tension.Text = Round(Fc, 2)
' 套管的抗内压API计算方法 , 管体抗内压强度
P_in = 0.875 * (2 * Yp * Thickness / D_Out) / 1000# ' 抗内压强度, (MPa)
After_In_Pressure.Text = Round(P_in, 2)
'Pin---> 管体最小抗内压强度, kPa
Call Collapsing(D_Out, Thickness, Yp, Pc, P_case)
After_Out_Pressure.Text = Round(Pc / 1000#, 2)
After_Collpas_Lab.Caption = P_case
End Sub
Private Sub Before_Strength()
Dim D_Out, D_In, Thickness As Single
Dim Yp, Fc, P_in As Single
Dim Pc, P_case As String
D_Out = Val(Cmb_Out_D.Text)
Thickness = Val(Cmb_Thickness.Text)
Yp = Val(Before_Yp.Text) * 1000# ' 屈服强度,kP
' API管体抗拉强度计算
Fc = 0.07854 * ((D_Out / 10) ^ 2 - ((D_Out - 2 * Thickness) / 10) ^ 2) * Yp * 0.001 ' 管体屈服强度 kN
Before_Tension.Text = Round(Fc, 2)
' 套管的抗内压API计算方法 , 管体抗内压强度
P_in = 0.875 * (2 * Yp * Thickness / D_Out) / 1000# ' 抗内压强度, (MPa)
Before_In_Pressure.Text = Round(P_in, 2)
'Pin---> 管体最小抗内压强度, kPa
Call Collapsing(D_Out, Thickness, Yp, Pc, P_case)
Before_Out_Pressure.Text = Round(Pc / 1000#, 2)
Collpas_Lab.Caption = P_case
End Sub